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Sasquatch Ontario Kaput!

Guest SoFla

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Dodging traps ? what do you mean by that?  Your clairvoyance should help you through this.


For me I have to go back to basics on every unusual report, if they say that these creatures can write on paper well then it should be able to be proven in the field. They say it can read minds well it should be proven in the field.


That hand with the finger nail and hand , there is no way that it was made by them. That had to have been done by dust of a hand print. No I do not believe that encounter took place. But does it really matter what I think, No for each there own. That is how I see it...

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Didnt KB Hunter just come face to face with a large living male. I think that's more convincing than a dead one which could always be some phony taxidermy like some of the supposed missing links science has used for proof for evolution I have heard many say that KBs word is as good as it gets, He also vouches for the intelligence that many others allude to and testify among other things... This is akin to one of our very own members being a liaison with Sas if you will... how does his testimony factor into the conversation? Or does he lump into some group of undesirables that are part of this alleged stigma ?


It's still only a belief system regardless of who or how many have an encounter. I would rather see Bigfoot become a tangible scientific fact.

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Dodging traps ? what do you mean by that?  Your clairvoyance should help you through this.


I'm guessing she thought I was trying to play a trick with that photo. I wasn't. I was honestly weirded out by it.


The squatches told me to plus her post anyway, and Phaige's.

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I don't have much clairvoyance, Shadow Born. It's mostly clairaudience.


Actually, I wondered for a second if it was one, RA. Thinking of them enough will bring them around to see what you're up to.


But then, I thought , "Naw. I better stay out of this one."

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He was brought up because of these (links below)  claims and the ones that he has not mentioned speifically on this forum. but in his book.


I wondered how these are any less unreasonable, embelishing or hoaxing ,(worthy of nobody) or outlandish in their claims as

the object of this thread and the others (including myself) eluded to by some posters in this thread and threads like it.


I wondered in his case also if perhaps the idea that he has writen a book has somehow tainted his credibility as has been said of others trying to get their story out...


I would like to know what some of the people who come out so strong against Mike Patterson and other have to say about these claims.







I see KB discussing some experiences he had.  I don't see him presenting very suspicious evidence. 


KB is not claiming tic tac toe or drawings, nor is he taking pictures of fabricated evidence. 


My problem is not with the possibility of something like telepathy, it's with obvious fakery.

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BFF Patron

I have heard words being spoken, well, more of a ''mmmmmm-hhmmmmm with inflection...



Sure you weren't watching a dvd of Sling Blade?   :crazy:

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I hear ya so the tic tac toe and the drawings aside , Ya think having a sit down with a big male and him being his teacher then is totally on the up and up then Id gather? As well as them being a people not a tribe of primates? 

and I quote his words:

As far as why do I think they I think they are a people? That is explained in the book. As far as "my teacher" goes, that is something that is ongoing until this day. I had an extremely personal and emotional thing happen that evening last October. Some I can't even explain now to myself much less anyone else. It was and is still a bit confusing but, I have since had additional things happen involving this big male I call my teacher


Also having information tranferred to him must sound legit then right? 


In addition Im wondering then as he said this:

The reason is because I have been forced to shift my opinion of the BF People from just flesh and blood to something I can't explain that easily. Paranormal would be the true definition, but I hesitate using that term because it may be totally normal, just that I don't understand yet. I hope that is not too vague, but it is the only way I can answer at this time. 


Assuming we believe KB as so many have already openly stated they would not question this man, how would anything a paranormal being be capable of be outside the realm of the hijinks that were pulled on Mike? So we dismiss him and accept KBs encounters as truth. Is this not evidence enough for us here on this forum that SSq are fact? Aside from some declaration in a journal of science. If not then he must be lying or what?


Also do ya think if Mike had just shown what he was finding or being presented with (assuming it is truth) and not coming up with sweeping conclusions about what was being presented that he might have faired better.


I dont have sympathy for Mike in any way shape or form, in fact I tried to warn him and he blew me off...but I do know what these things are capable of and have seen things that even may make Mikes claims seem pale in comparison. I think possibly that is the case with KB as well. I have simply chosen to share them in very close circles and for good reason I feel. Not that I care about false claims to my credibility, its simply not believable at this time without either lots of evidence...or more and more credible people coming forward in larger numbers like KB Hunter or myslef for the people who know me well mainly in the real world. People on here will never take me seriously and I accept that, it doesnt mean I wont debate with them or try to explain. I have stuck my toe in many times and found it to not be a prudent venture for me.

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Again, my problem with Mike (tic tac toe and drawings notwithstanding) is not as much the claims themselves but the faked evidence.


Do you think that sasquatch is hoaxing Mike with the handprints and fish eye?  Or do you accept that he's fabricated some evidence.


I don't know KB, but I don't necessarily have any problem with his claims unless he is presenting evidence that is hoaxed.  Certainly it sounds out there, but I'm not opposed to the possibility that what he says is true.  If he were to then present some bogus evidence, I'd reconsider.

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Honestly 15 years ago I must confess I would have thought Mike P was a glutten for attention as well as scratching my head in wonder as to how and why he could possibly think anyone would take him seriously. I would have summarily dismissed him, his claims and his alleged evidence. However after my own experience and since connecting with mutitudes of individials over the years who have had the same kinds of experience. Some on this forum even, I would say I cannot verify or deny that he has hoaxed, fabricated or lied about anything. I dont support him, I dont even like his research, and I rarely watch his videos although I am familliar with all the evidence he presents.


I think for you to say presumably "faked" might be a better postion from where I am standing because that is your opinion. That stated as if its a fact is where we disagree. You cant know it, unless you were there perpetrating the hoax on him or with him. You might think you know based on some opinion of yourself and firm trust and belief in that opinion as it relates to your discenment skillset, but again that is no differnent than anyone who is sure they saw a Sasquatch or claims to have interacted with them, They being just as convinced of that fact. Does that make it a fact? I dont know. I could say its a known fact that watermellon is yellow inside but as soon as you cut into it or look at with some type of scanning device it changes to red. You cant prove it wrong untill some way of observing that is invented that proves its not or vice verse. Until such a time its simply and assumption and certainly one can have a strong opinion on the matter. Have you always preceded into things in your life based on facts or have you had to make assumptions? Hmmmm

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Have you always preceded into things in your life based on facts or have you had to make assumptions? Hmmmm



Life is full of assumptions. Heck, you assume that the oncoming driver on the roadway is going to stay on their side of the road as the pass you.


One could say that you're doing the same thing, that is to say, making assumptions as to the possible credibility of Mike Patterson regarding the incidents he's supposedly observed.


The guy was making some spectacularly bizarre claims, IMO. Outlandishly preposterous, really.


Discussion, not confrontation, intended.

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^^ Im assuming (based of your reply) that you assumed that I go through life assuming things :) , which essentially is my point, and so we all do. To use your analogy the assumption that the car will stay on the side of the road (its supposed to) is not fact until you pass it and its been observed.  If I told you that was the case you would make assumptions that I was telling the truth had you not been there, by perhaps looking at my car and deducting that, or going to the place where it passed and seeing no signs of a skid other car parts. In Mikes case all we know are the claims... they are not facts and when we paint the guy or anyone over with facts relating to his claims without say oh ...having been there isnt that a bit disengenous? I mean if he was the only one then we might do that, but he well isnt. Not everyone starts a youtube channel but he did and many came out and ripped the guy as if that was a sign he was full of crap because it was attention getting and maybe even monetary seeking... Didnt KB write a book , havent others, many have not or even spoke openly with anyone other than those they feel could understand, and well we can only assume there are those who just wont. 


To go back to the car...99.9 % or more of the time that car is going to stay on the road where it is supposed to and certainly noone is reporting the times they go into the woods and dont see or interact with a SSQ, just as we dont report yep we passed 50 cars today and none veered. But we know it happens because we have testimony and evidence so long as we trust the evidence which is another assumption. So really it is not different on many levels. In the case of SSQ either we have hundreds or more people saying the same things (and no they arent all on this forum or any forum for that matter) so either all these people are making it up or its really happening to one degree of the another.. Do you think Mike interacted with a SSQ or something that wants him to believe its a SSQ at any time? and are you satified with KB Hunters claims as being accurate ? Or do you lump him in with Mike... I mean it sounds about the same as how Mike started out in his begininings with his accounts


If so then have we not crossed the SSq is fact barrier at least here in our little world. If not then its still just an assumption because the facts are there are lots of people talking about it and many for which we trust presumably (oh thats an assumption as well isnt it).

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Many people have youtube channels or write books. Some are fact-based and classified as non-fiction, others are fiction. The difference is ultimately up to the writer, not the reader's interpretation or desires. You can't blame the reader for what is written (or not), it's the writer who gets the credit (or blame). Just like a book, every account is going to have different reviews from different readers. If any certain fiction book produced a strong reaction with you due to your experiencing something similar the book would still be fiction, just extremely plausible to you yet not very plausible to someone else.


Writers in all genres try to connect with their readers and come up with plots their readers identify with for profit, acclaim or any reason whatsoever. You can have similar plots in a fact-based historical novel and an unrelated fiction book written by different people but both books aren't equally true. Con artists do the same thing, they play to their audience. Having similar details doesn't make every email scam true even though it's possible we may have a friend or uncle in Nigeria. Trying to connect x to y because the stories are similar doesn't work, each book or claim or writer is judged on it's own. Mike Patterson is no KB!


We don't have to assume anything. When cars go off the road we have police reports, damaged vehicles, insurance paperwork, tow bills, roadkill, medical bills and even bodies in the morgue. We all know we don't get that kind of evidence with sassy. We don't have roadkill squatch or bloody DNA covered cars with grills full of squatch hair. All we get are the stories or what most feel are fake prints placed on a dusty car. Why would you feel it's enough to cross a barrier anywhere?

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Im so grateful that folks can make my points even clearer and more consicely than I can :)


So not to assume anything certainly here but so your saying you think KB is correct in his observations, and his changing his own view in support that the SSQ are a (his words) paranormal and a people (not animals) entity and you also believe that he sat down (or stood) with the large male SSq he calls his teacher? Also are you saying you feel he is being accurate when he says they flooded his mind with telepathic communications?


And with Mike not so much? 

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