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1 hour ago, Danno said:

Hello All,


Welcome to the BFF Danno, I hope you enjoy the forums!


Welcome  ,  Danno  !

Guest Wardjus1


My name is Justin from Michigan.  I’ve been interested in the topic since seeing a PBS show on it in the early 80’s.  Haven’t seen anything myself.  But open to getting out into the woods and seeing what happens.

Guest EerieEidolon

Hello, I used to be a member here when I was a teenager. I have always been interested in Bigfoot and I recently had an experience that, through sharing the story with friends and family, did I remember this forum. My recent experience has rejuvenated my interest in this topic and I like the ability to gather different opinions on the matter. 


Eerie Please share your recent experience with us, and  welcome back


Welcome  ,  Wardjus 1  &  EerieEidolon  !

Guest Gdamico

Hello from Virginia. We have been following with great interest the research into proving the existence of Sasquatch. My husband and I strongly believe it is just a matter of time before Sasquatch will be acknowledged as real. After all, new animals are being discovered all the time and the evidence seem overwhelming! 

My husband and I have participated in 2 NC BFRO expeditions and can report our experiences as definitely leaning towards 100% belief. We have no other explanation for what we heard and saw.

We welcome the chance to discuss and join in with forum chat. Looking forward to the forums and reading about people experiences and opinion.


Hello group, thank you for having me. My name is Craig Mullins, and I’m originally from Ohio. I’ve been interested in Bigfoot and other fields of Forteana since the early 80’s. In Ohio I was lucky enough to hang out with members of the Tri-State Bigfoot Study Group and the EOBIC (Eastern Ohio Bigfoot Investigation Center). I’ve since moved to Oklahoma, where I’ve been a little slow to get back into the pursuit full time. I know there are some fantastic investigators here, doing great work, so I hope to change that soon.

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Welcome  ,  Gdamico  &  Craig Mullins  !


Hello Bigfoot Forums,

I live in New England, USA. Not exactly a Bigfoot "hot spot" although there has been reported Bigfoot activity, even in this part of the world, for quite some time. I originally became interested in the Bigfoot phenomenon back in 1967-ish when the Patterson film first made worldwide headlines. I've casually followed this topic ever since.  After years of reading, viewing and some other study, my positions, subject to change,  are currently these:

a) Bigfoot exists solely as a flesh-and-blood creature.

b) Bigfoot is HIGHLY intelligent.

c) Bigfoot is better at hiding than humans are at finding it.

d) Habituation is by far the surest way to actually encounter Bigfoot.

e) Mainstream science will NEVER publicly accept the existence of Bigfoot without a body (preferably two) to examine and classify.


I have a very few personal favorite resources, i.e., a book and top-notch websites, but I don't know if I can mention them on these forums.  I look forward to other thoughts and views on the topic of Bigfoot.

Regards from New England,




Welcome  ,  picman77  !

Guest Sharlesoni

Hi from the West Country of the UK, where I suspect we have no apes (Scotland's subarctic being our best candidate for a habitat). I'm very glad to be able to learn from the discussions here, and hopefully go some way to understanding beyond the established lie so that it may be dismantled in the future. Cheers !

Guest BigfootDog

We are members of the Asheville Cryptid Society and have attended Bigfoot Festivals.  We are about to have a camping trip/squatching weekend at a cabin in a known sighting area.  We are looking for some advice on equipment, specifically electronics!  Thank you :)


Hey, my name is Thomas, and I go by the online nickname of "Krig", I am from Northern Norway has has been interested for the subject for quite a while. For now I have only been online researching, otherwise known as an "Armchair researcher" but I am planning on going into the inner forests of Northern Sweden in the future, and maybe even going on vacation into the North America once in the future. 

For a while I have been limited to only the bigfoot subreddit, and as it has become more and more filled with merch and paintings, I have been looking at other platforms for being able to look at discussions.

Sincerely, Thomas.

On 1/2/2019 at 1:33 PM, JeepGirl said:

Hi All...I used to be on these forums quite a few years ago, from 2004-2012? I was Sailgirl. I decided to come back to this site. I am from WI. I have been researching Bigfoot since around 1986. I have done quite a bit of my own research in the backwoods of Northern/North Central WI. I have seen 14" prints with 5 toes. I have heard whoops as well. No visual sightings though.


Welcome back. I’m still new

On 1/6/2019 at 8:29 AM, Hx22826 said:

Looking forward to sharing info. Glad to be here. 


Hx, from East Texas. Hoping to start researching an area on the Sabine river here pretty soon.

Awesome. I lived in Texas for awhile but I hadn’t been “enlightened” yet so I missed some great opportunities 

On 1/4/2019 at 11:15 AM, Orthoman said:

Orthoman here have been interested in Sasquatch since childhood and look forward to learning new things here in the future.  Have listened to podcasts for years and look forward to making friends and meeting others.  Thanks, O

That’s a great start. The more you absorb, the easier it becomes to sort truth from hysteria or from stone cold trolls.  Genuine encounters have many details in common no matter where or when they occur. 

On 12/31/2018 at 11:34 AM, TimberBull said:

Hello all. 

Im from East Tennessee and live alone at the end of a secluded dead end road on a large patch of woods. I bought this property in 2004 and built my cabin the following year. Strange things started happening early on but nothing that I couldn’t ignore until things really started ramping up last spring. 

I have way more questions than answers. I hope I can find some answers here. 


I’m still a Newb on this forum but happy to share what I know. 

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