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Sierra Shooting from A-Z


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Guest Thedriver

I'm a grown man and nobody can put words into my mouth I believe in what our country was founded on and I have freedom of speech and can say whatever I want to

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When the children ran out, did they remind you of human kids, or were they more like ape like?

Edited by arizonabigfoot
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When the children ran out, did they run after the adult or did they run towards you or how did that play out? Did they make sounds?

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Guest slimwitless

Thanks for talking about this driver. Is there any truth to the Ken Walker version that you threatened General after the little one was shot?

Edited by slimwitless
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Guest Thedriver

It's not that I wanted to keep it to myself Justin talks to y'all and we talk to eachother and that has always worked out just fine for me

So the kids ran on all fours unlike the adult untill it was shot and the chased the adult, and I don't know who Ken is but I never threatened him we exchanged words like wtf why would u do that but never threatened him

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Guest Thedriver

They ran DNA tests and came to the conclusions they came to I don't know how all that goes down I have seen nothin just what Justin tells me

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So Driver, what is next for you? You said your life has changed a bunch since the shooting. You have plans to do something with Olympic Project or something tied to sasquatch?

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Guest slimwitless

Okay, thanks. How many times have you been back to the site? Are you actively involved in the investigation or the book?

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Guest Thedriver

Right now I plan on calling it a night getting up for work in the mornin and going to work like I do everyday bf was not my life and is not my life and as of right now I'm going to keep spending my time on work and family that's what my priorities are and try to make ends meet

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