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Minnesota Update Of Sorts(Shrug)

Guest Maggie

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Funny you should bring up Mike Quast, NDT. I've been searching for that book for years and have never found a copy. Out of print years ago. This is a strange state for BF related things. Very few documented sightings, but where there is occasional activity, there's usually rumours with the locals of strange goings on which are laughed at by "normal" society. Take the Stacy,MN suspected shooting at a sasquatch that made it to Monsterquest. I dirtbiked and camped the heck out of that area during the eighties. Did we have strange sounds and commotion in the woods? Sometimes, sure. But you always thought it was a bear or a big cat. Or reference the 2 recent BFRO sound reports that were made for Northern MN by locals. Fargo accents asides, why would these two elderly folk even bother to work with a researcher and record their sightings? I know some kind member posted them here. That's what keeps me hoping there might be BF here.

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Funny you should bring up Mike Quast, NDT. I've been searching for that book for years and have never found a copy. Out of print years ago. This is a strange state for BF related things. Very few documented sightings, but where there is occasional activity, there's usually rumours with the locals of strange goings on which are laughed at by "normal" society. Take the Stacy,MN suspected shooting at a sasquatch that made it to Monsterquest. I dirtbiked and camped the heck out of that area during the eighties. Did we have strange sounds and commotion in the woods? Sometimes, sure. But you always thought it was a bear or a big cat. Or reference the 2 recent BFRO sound reports that were made for Northern MN by locals. Fargo accents asides, why would these two elderly folk even bother to work with a researcher and record their sightings? I know some kind member posted them here. That's what keeps me hoping there might be BF here.

Squatch, if you PM me your email address I'll send you the bite mark photo & Mike's notes on it. If nothing else it's mighty thought provoking to any hunter, particularly someone who knows bears. As I said if this was a black bear, it would far and away be the bigger than the biggest I have ever heard of. Literally, this bite span is in the brown bear range...

Last I knew of Mike he was living in Morehead. If you can find him, I bet he would make you up a copy of his book.

You get a chance, do some snooping in Clearwater Co around & west of Itasca State Park...

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I love hearing other peoples experiences! I am glad there is internet these days, I grew up being ridiculed a lot because I thought there was "something". I didnt know what, at least up to the age of 11, until I saw some of the "in search of" shows. Even then I only saw them talked about as existing in the Pacific Northwest.

Vilnoori, yeah, these years later after hearing more stories, it made me wonder what that thing wanted. Something to eat? To abduct a child? It IS chilling.

I had some interesting conversation with my 11(almost 12) year old nephew and my sister (his mother) last night.

My nephew had been bow hunting ( got a small doe, yay!!) and his father was around. He saw a track that he thought looked like a large human foot, he asked my brother in law what it was, but I dont think he was taking the boy seriously. Of course it could have been an overlapping bear track? Recently a bear was killed by a combine in Goodhue county, not far from the family place. He didnt remember if there were claw indentations or not.

He also told me about staying over with a friend at another friends place. They were watching TV and something came up in the window and then ducked back down. He said it was a very tall person, but it happened so quickly and they were awful surprised so at least he didnt pick up details.

He is a very bright boy and not known for lying or exaggeration. If that was the case, he could have given me all sorts of "details".

I think I might have put my sisters experience on the old BFF. She and another sister had been on a walk along the road when they came to a turn around area and started to follow it. Something screamed at them, both of my sisters say it sounded like a very angry hog. Of course they didnt stick around.

My mother was scoffing about the "stories" and "why havent they found a body". I said that nature takes care of those things pretty fast and after that, if most people found a bone, they wouldnt know enough to determine it as anything "special". LOL, my nephew piped up and said how when a deer was dying it tried to get into the most inaccessible place it could find and why wouldnt other animals do that? Dogs and cats do....

Anyway, it was interesting to talk about one of my favorite subjects with family members.:)Good debate too.:)

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Hi Maggie. Thanks for the update. I've got one for you. This is in regard to report 4834 on the BFRO, the only MN report for Isanti county. Years ago I was at my girlfriend's company Christmas party. All of a sudden a woman got our attention by casually telling a few people she had saw a Bigfoot as a kid outside of a cornfield near Olgive, MN. And just like in the report she stated her sister and her stared at it for a short time til' it took a step forward then they ran back to the house where there was a family reunion being held. I'm telling you I am thankful til' this day my girlfriend didn't say hey this guy believes in them too. There was an uncomfortable silence, and you almost expected the white van to pull up and the guys with the butterfly nets and strait jacket to come out. I don't know if it was more weird she said she saw one or that she saw one here in Minne that made the peoples faces look away. Fast forward a few years later and I see her report on the BFRO, could of chalked it up to coincidence until I read "S" reported this which is what her first name started with.

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Thanks Squatchaholic! Yeah, unfortunately I think the general consensus of people who are interested in this subject is that they are more than a little insane.

I am glad most of my family members at least listen to what I have to say, even if there is some scoffing involved,lol.:)

But then there are others who have experienced weird things in the area so it evens out.

My dad is always saying "I have never SEEN anything strange, but I have HEARD things." Of course when he starts my mom does everything in the world she can do to make him stop talking about it. So there is a mystery there I might never get them to talk about.

I do know growing up my mother was completely FREAKED about windows, especially at night. It makes me wonder. :blink:

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THAT is interesting Squatchaholic. Kind of makes you wonder what others know but have not talked about ? Maggie, can you sit down with dad sometime ? He might have some things to tell you that might surprise you :) Sounds like mom is not going to.. interesting how this works hey ? :o:blink:

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Guest vilnoori

I don't see why Minnesota shouldn't have sasquatch reports, since Manitoba, just above, has plenty, and there is no shortage of forest and swamp. Some of the most interesting sightings in Manitoba are from the Interlake area. You can see them on the BFRO under Canada, Manitoba. Worth taking a look.

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Hi Maggie, Squatchoholic, and all the rest. I finally got around to registering on this forum, I like it alot.

I wasn't that big of a participant on the old forum, but I did look to it for information. To bad the politics kept getting in the way.

Vilnoori, in regards to your last post, I think there is a lot more squatch activity in Minn. than you see reported.

You actually have to check a lot of different databases to get the full picture of the reported ones.

My opinion, is that due to the large German and Scandinavian population of Minnesotans, most of the sightings here never see the light of day. Especially the older farmers, loggers and outdoors people in general. They just seem to keep a lot of that to themselves, and rarely even share with family. I think it's a holdover from the days when your reputation, and credibility, often depended on not seeming too controversial.

Nowdays, this seems like a big hobby or outdoor pastime to alot of people. Not the serious researchers, but the folks looking for a reason to be away from it all. Back in the day, if your hobby wasn't practical like making furniture, or clothing etc. it was looked on as being frivolous, and a waste of time. JMO.

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There was a sighting about 20 miles north of dalbo the last day of may just this year. It has been exciting In minnesota this year with the two spring sightings on april 9th in moose lake and april 20th in carlton that cant be more then 15 or 20 miles apart(maybe the same squatch?)

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Welcome mesabe and Striker2160. Striker, are you referencing that sighting 5 miles south of Isle,MN? That's not far from where I heard that woman bring up her sighting from the 70's at that party years ago. Makes you wonder if there is not a small, permanent population in the area.

I also agree with your assessment mesabe of the older folks who's families came here years ago. That's what is so impressive about the two recent MN audio reports on the BFRO. I'm surprised these folks even bothered to report them much less meet with an investigator and give their story. Any more local updates would be great.

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Thanks for the welcome Squatchaholic, I had a couple run ins with that lady from the 70's also. She lived close to my inlaws and they knew her. I don't have much to add other than I believe her. Being she was young, and it was from the 70's some folks (not necessarily my inlaws) thought she was loony, but I found her genuine, & not really trying to prove anything or get attention. I had also met Kurt Nelson the Bfro investigator that interviewed her, and he agreed.

I gotta tell Maggie, I love her stories. Especially about the window peeking. I had forgot about our incidents, until reminded by my grandaughter several yrs. ago. It used to be just me & her sitting at home at night watching TV, when the ambient light coming from the neighbor's across the street, would be blocked from our picture window.

We would both just automatically turn to look out the window, & it was completely blocked by blackness, that just never happened naturally, so it kinda freaked us both out. On a couple occasions, we could hear heavy footsteps running across the frozen front yard. I would think the horses had gotten loose & run out to catch them, only to find them all in the corral. Whatever ran through was as heavy as a horse. We finally put security lights (motion)

on the 2 dark sides of the house, and it stopped. Hang in there Maggie, and hopefully you will look out the window


A couple yrs. ago I met some guys from Squatch Inc. They have a website Minnesotabigfoot.com and if you listen to their archived radio shows, there is an interview with me (Rick from Isanti), in it I pretty much cover some of the suspected Sasquatch activity, over the yrs. I'm not seeking attention, just trying to turn you guys onto some serious investigators from Minn. & Wisc. incase you were not aware of them.

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Thank you for the welcome Squatchaholic. That was the sighting i was refering to. I remember seeing a show on tv years ago that referred to that sighting by the two young girls mesabe. I cant remember which show it was as i have seen so many. I think the guys from squatch inc are on the right track as i have been following them for a couple of years now. I remember your radio interview.I will have to listen to it again as its been awhile

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Welcome Mesabe and Striker2160. Appreciate the exchanges on here. NDT, I am still looking for that book by MQ too. Very interesting up there by Fergus Falls. I used to work for a company up there that had me patrolling the backroads. Too busy to get in the outback up there but my highlight was watching an otter cross the road. I was not aware that is the area that Mike did some of his investigations. Thanks for that. Striker, thanks for mentioning the other investigators. I am not familiar with them. Also, NDT: Do you recall what the body weight of your bear was ? You mention comparative bite marks and the ones Quast came up with perhaps being larger than blacks and being grizzly size.

Edited by treeknocker
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Welcome to everyone!! I think its great to see more Minnesotans or people interested in Sas in Minnesota on here.:)

treeknocker, the only thing I have EVER been able to get out of Dad is when they first moved into the place (I might have mentioned this before), he would at times hear a deep growling under the front porch. But there would be nothing under there when he looked. And thats weird because before he sealed up one end of it, you could see everything straight through. Thats probably more paranormal than Sas but still interesting.

I might have to give it another shot at getting some information. Not when mom is around to nix it though,lol.

Another sister of mine said she would hear yells and howls that she was unsure what they were.

There is another thing, I am almost positive I put this on the old forums but here it is anyway. My ex husband and baby son were at my parents place, sleeping in one of the downstairs bedrooms. Now my ex kept saying he was hearing things. And I, sad to say, was a young mom and at the time didnt want to acknowledge anything that had happened. I was in a "if I deny it, it didnt occur phase". So, I guess I kind of threw him under the bus when he would bring it up around my family. Not proud of that.

Anyway, one night I was laying there and for the longest time I thought I had only heard what I heard from being on the edge of sleep. Outside, at the edge of the property, I heard voices. Not high Sammurai voices or even bird calls as is reported of Sas. These voices were deep and gravelly. The only words I THOUGHT I could make out were "He's in there". I was completely awake after that. And I dont know why I thought this but I automatically thought whatever it was, was talking about my son, only a few months old at the time. It probably means nothing but as long as I am mentioning things, in for a dime, in for a dollar!!:)

I was talking to a niece of mine(now a senior in high school) and she brought up that she always felt watched. Again, just a feeling, an experience. But too many family members have mentioned that to completely shelf it. At least in my opinion.

Vilnoori, you are right, I believe there is plenty of area in Minnesota for Sas. I would say around here, more likely the fairly inaccessible river bottoms and bluffs.

I agree with mesabe about why a lot of incidents were never reported. As said, I have seen this avoidance first hand in my parents, especially my mother. Growing up and experiencing things I often wondered if anyone else was having the same happen to them.So its great to hear the different reports that filter through now.

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