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Minnesota Update Of Sorts(Shrug)

Guest Maggie

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Maggie, you mean in all these years mom just will not ever comment ? Do you think she got scared long ago and that is it ?

I have a friend who is not sure he saw something. But he told me years after he thought he did. He told me that night he took his rifle to bed with him. And years later when discussing stuff with the guys dad.. he said I remember that night.. he was so shook up he took his rifle in his room with him. Then his dad said I sure wasnt going to bother him.

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Well, I only heard my mother ever talk about it ONCE. And then it was basically as if it never even happened. My oldest daughter is a bit the same way though she can be encouraged on rare occasions. I think it can be TOO much of a shock to some people and avoiding the subject is the only way of maintaining(sp?) their sanity.

During the time period my mom saw this whatever it was, our dogs were acting weird and scared. Every morning we would find them huddled across the road in the culvert, sleeping there instead of in the doghouse or garage.

I put this on the other site but one of the only dogs that didnt act afraid was a wolf hybrid. That might have had something to do with it and then again, maybe not.

There was a pit bull too that was quite brave though not to the extent of the wolf hybrid.

It was also during this time that I heard something in the back yard imitating a roosters crow, only there was no doubt it came from a deep set of lungs. My mom heard that too...but she kept insisting that day it was a bird and then also has refused to acknowledge THAT happened. I guess she likes her world to be known and safe and nothing out of the ordinary. Probably like a lot of people out there.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest squatchrider

It's great to know there are others in Minnesota interested in Sasquatch/Bigfoot. It's even more interesting to read all the different reports of activity/strangeness in Minnesota. I have not had any strange experiences relating to possible Bigfoot activity here in Minnesota but then again I live in downtown Minneapolis. Keep this discussion going and maybe this next summer we need to plan some outings to do some exploring. Moderators don't panic, I would make sure we all meet a few time ahead of time at a very safe and public location to make sure there are not "undesirables" in the group.

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Guest Maggie

Hi squatchrider! Maybe some outings WOULD be interesting, welcome.:)

I am back from the family place and have a bit of a puzzler and it also, I dont like to admit, freaked me out a little.

Some of you might remember me talking about an incident, two or three years ago, come this February, of something being around the family place, walking around to the windows (or in the case of my upstairs room, underneath) of the rooms that had lights on.My oldest daughters room was in the basement area, she and her dog were scared when it was kind of shuffling, scraping outside her window and the little dog was going insane. And as said, neither one of us knew the other had experienced the same thing until the following morning. After this weeks occurence, I did get her to talk a little."Shuffling, scraping" were her words.

Anyway, I am getting off track. My little nephew was staying over at the family place Thursday night (he is 8), and kept going in and out of the house, even when it was dark because he was shoveling the area around the bird feeders. Its right next to the house so I am certain my mother thought nothing of it.

Just after he came inside the last time, I heard that same walking I had that February night and then again about 15 minutes later.(I was upstairs reading, as usual,lol) My mom was coming out of her bedroom and I said "Mom, who's outside?" And she said my nephews name. I said "Nooooo...dont you hear him talking downstairs???" I did go look but didnt see anything. Whatever who or it was, you could tell it was walking on the sidewalk area and patio. The next day I took a look around and could see where something/someone had come through the deep snow (not so deep then as it was because of the melting that had been going on.) I am NOT a tracker, to ME it just looked like whatever or whoever it was had thrashed their way through the snow, if that makes any sense? Truthfully it didnt look to me any different than what a adult human would make. Though what someone would be doing out there in the dark is anybodys guess.

Even so, I had a bit of a chilling thought, that something or someone had been watching my nephew while he was playing around outside. Because both times it went to the area where he had been shoveling. So human or animal or something else, it was disturbing to me.

I think this forum must be wearing off on me,lol, because A. I looked out the window and B. I did see what I could find the following day. Not my usual push it to the back of my mind and mull it over later.

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Hey Maggie.. good for you. A little more of checking out the tracks might be a good thing! Now you should get a few. Hope you had a Happy New Year by the way.. and that your Christmas presents were special LOL.

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Guest Maggie

Well, time to myself is my Christmas present now,lol. The holidays were absolutely insane. To be alone I escaped upstairs to read. Hence, what I heard....

Hope your holidays were great as well!:)

The tracks were NOT clear, and then when my daughter talked about "shuffling", well, thats kind of what it looked like, something not lifting its feet way up, a long line. Ack. I am having trouble explaining.

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Guest Maggie

What I heard was very clearly bipedal. But you bring up a good point. I mean, how do I know for sure that what went through the snow is what I heard? It didnt look like it was a dog to ME, but then I am really no expert on tracks.

I guess my reasoning with why it sounded bipedal to me is when my brother and oldest daughter have gone out to have a smoke, it sounds about the same.

On both occasions they were accounted for.

Okay, after a bout of insomnia, tired again so going to try to sleep,lol.

Another thing and this may or may not be related but all three of my parents cats have gone missing. One this past month and I believe the other two it was late summer/early fall.(I will have to check that though.) Growing up there over the years there were a few times a pet would go missing but very rare not to find out what happened to it eventually,usually sooner rather than later.

There are coyotes around there and I am sure there are other predators that wouldnt hesitate to view a cat as prey.

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Guest ajciani

Yeah. Missing cats are always a big question. There is a lot that can happen to them, especially if they are domestic and friendly with other creatures, as they tend to let things get too close, or even rub up against them.

A neighbor lost their child to leukemia, and one night their dead daughter's cat went missing. About that same time, my cats were acting strange while looking out the sliding door. Also about that time, I noticed what looked like a giant hand swipe at the top of an 8 foot high motorcycle trailer parked beside my house. Of course, there could be other explanations than BF. I also found a tuft of rabbit fur (with skin) behind some bushes in my yard.

My number one rule about cats: If you cherish them, don't let them roam free. The neighbors were extremely distraught, as the cat was a memento of their daughter.

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Sorry to hear that ajciani. Yep, in a few interviews I have had missing cats keep coming up. Like Maggie said, plenty of predators even other cats or dogs depending on size. Even a great horned owl can take a small cat which kind of reverses how we usually think about predator prey relationships.. I hesitate to smile. Any other sign besides a possible hand seen? I am working with a person near home that has weird things happen. But we think they are attributed to local wildlife and no sign of anything other than bear or coyotes.

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Guest Maggie

Yeah, my parents are old school in that they dont/didnt allow animals in the house, unless it was absolutely necessary. Myself, if I lived out there, I would definitely hesitate to have cats outdoors! At least without supervision.

ajciani, thats intriguing about the giant hand. The cats acting strange, as you have probably thought too, is a good indication there was SOMETHING there. When my dogs are acting weird I pay more attention to whats going on.

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  • 1 month later...

For those fellow Minnesotans looking for Mike Quast's book, a bit of a victory. If you go to sasquatchdatabase.com, John Green's database, and search MN, you will find several of the sightings from Mike Quasts book from 1996. Still reading so if you see any sightings from any surrouding states of note feel free to chime in.

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Been quite here as far as Sas, though a few weeks ago I did hear some whooping early one morning at the family place.

On the other wildlife front though...winter has been tough on all sorts of wildlife, its amazing what has been brave enough to come up to the houses!

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I have kept a kind of loose journal and also documented here. More out of personal interest and in sharing with others with the same interest. I ceased a long time ago worrying if anybody "believed" me or not.:) I know and its good enough for me.

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