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The Echo Incident

Guest parnassus

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BFF Patron

Thanks for the aerial video bipto, adds to the understanding of the area. Very dense, surprised there were so few selective cuts visible from the air.

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Southeast Oklahoma and the Texas Big Thicket were the "American Ark" during the last ice age and they were home to most species of North American megafauna prior to their extinction. It's a biological crossroads, millions of acres of big timber.

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Guest parnassus



I may have missed it but do you know what in particular caused DC to express the opinion that he hit the biped with the buckshot?

Also, was the weapon test fired afterward at that distance with those loads to document accuracy/spread?

Thanks again


Edited by parnassus
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Not exactly what I was getting at, that seems like an excuse to eschew scientific inquiry in the name of expedience. I feel like that position is a cop-out.

So if I'm reading this right, killing it is the only way to prove it exists? So what exactly was the TBRC member shooting at? Doesn't this reduce the whole effort to faith and belief? If so, I simply don't believe the story. It's dangerously close to becoming a quasi-religious fairy tale.

I'm sorry, I love the show and the forums but this circular logic has become the kind of sad filibustering and doubletalk that past failed efforts fringe groups hold onto.


I'm sorry also because your post is in a BF forum where all of us discuss all things BF.

I've never personally seen one, but I do believe in them and even I am able to learn from these forums even tho my forest time is essentially nil since our boys grew up and moved on to better and more dangerous things, such as active duty military and deployments to war zones.

Personally, there is too much evidence for these creatures *not* to exist. The Echo incident is just further proof of these creatures, and I still smile when I think about how the shooter must have felt when he discovered a jar of tea with ice still in it... :D:unsure: It's all good, no one was hurt, just scared a little bit.

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I may have missed it but do you know what in particular caused DC to express the opinion that he hit the biped with the buckshot?

I'll be a bit mysterious here and tell you to read the Endurance report I expect we'll be publishing shortly.

Also, was the weapon test fired afterward at that distance with those loads to document accuracy/spread?

Not that I know of, but Daryl said he fired it extensively two weeks prior at a variety of distances.

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SSR Team

Thanks for the aerial video bipto, adds to the understanding of the area. Very dense, surprised there were so few selective cuts visible from the air.

Doesn't it just, not how i had visualized areas of OK in the slightest..

Still, we learn something new every day.. :)

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The detail left out of the report was that there was still ice in it even though the ambient air temperature was in the high 90's that day.

Early on, I said it was hotter that day than it really was. In looking back at the field notes, I found the team recorded an ambient air temp of 89F. It only *felt* like the high nineties.

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Guest RioBravo

If we get a picture, I guess we'll find out. We've had cameras out for more than five years now.

Did you guys capture any images of unidentified people during the operation? Like poachers, drifters, hikers, etc.

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Many of my family members are military, combat veterans, and my Grandfather a well known General......so there's no slight to anybody military.....WE LOVE YOU ALL! However, the tactics & outcome are pure military - that's pretty obvious, and dangerous to the general public. The article said HE emptied his magazine, and thank god he missed.

Also, I am not talking about 'all military shooters', only one guy:)

Okay Bigtex, Thanks for clarifying your views for me so that I could understand them. I suspect as many of you probably do that the shooter reacted to the excitement and the terror of the moment and reacted instinctively to kill and/or to protect others from such a scary creature.

Was this sighting his first view of a living BF besides the PGF creature? If this is his first viewing of a living BF, adding in the adrenalin dump that occurs,and his actions make sense to me.

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BFF Patron

Re: Bigtex's comments about the aggravated nature of shooting as it applies to the general public: I personally see a greater chance of aggressive behavior towards humans on the property who are involved with the project now, but hey, life's a gamble and alot of decisions made to get into BF research are for those with their big boy underpants and big girl panties hitched up. :unsure:

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I have a question regarding the one sound file put up in reference to OE.

Towards the end of the clip.. the last two recognizable (as some sort of "speech") parts...

#1 :25 seconds sounds like a expletive that starts w/ "F" (short and quick/exasperated)

#2 :33-34 seconds sounds like a very fast saying of "get the "F" away" (same as above- said very quickly/sharply)..

Just me ???

I was wondering if that was interpreted as human in origin, or ??

Also- that low growl at :20 seconds... dont like that at all !!!


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Did you guys capture any images of unidentified people during the operation? Like poachers, drifters, hikers, etc.

We've got a handful of individuals over the years, yeah.

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BFF Patron

Anybody messing with game cams or detecting them?

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#1 :25 seconds sounds like a expletive that starts w/ "F"

#2 :33-34 seconds sounds like a very fast saying of "get the "F" away"

Some people who hear it hear words, some don't. The first time I heard it, I picked up the same thing you did and asked the same questions. It wasn't anyone in our group, though. Also, remember that the awake members of the team did not hear the gibberish portion of the recording when it happened. They only heard the moan/growl.

Anybody messing with game cams or detecting them?

We have images of the cameras being messed with from behind (which is interesting) and images of bears eating a few or just generally checking them out, but I haven't heard that we have images of cameras being messed with by people. People have a hard time seeing them. Even when we know we're right on top of a camera thanks to GPS, it can take 10 or 15 minutes to find the thing in a relatively small area.

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BFF Patron

At 34 secs I hear overriding phonemes, possibly morphemes, in two differing tenors or voices.....first a deeper "buckle and riding over that an almost tenor boing enunciation.

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