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Infra Sound And Getting Zapped

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They can not zap you. I have faced down bluff charges time and again with blatant disrespect intended to the charger. I have had rocks and limbs flung at and over me. Thrown rocks and insults in return in hopes of having them break cover. Why wouldn't they just pew pew me with their zap trap?

Do not attribute the effects of your OWN fear to the animal or some honestly silly notions.

Cannot attribute this to fear when more then one oerson feels he same thing. Sure i have felt fear when i had my first encounter and it was nowhere near being zapped,those feelings were entirely different.when i had fear My legs felt like they were rubbery but was able to control. being zapped felt like being hit with electricity.Big difference and yes i have been bluff charged before in different areas of the state of Michigan.Once on a hill where the creature was at the bottom of the hill and it charged up towards me. I have had things thrown at me as well and had never felt the feeling of being zapped. This zapped feeling has only happen to me twice,I have also been made sick by so called infrasound . Have been growled right before i was disorientated by them because i was in a area the i should have not been in the frst place. I am not worried of collecting evidence since the evidence will speak for it self sooner or later.If they refuse to admit well that is ok it really does not bother me so i really do not care.I share so that others know they are not alone.Have expieranced some things that i still do not have no understanding and maybe will never have.I just would say that being zapped is very real and should be acknowledged.

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My experience was during a private BFRO expedition which was by invitation only, and I was fortunate to be one of the lucky few. I was walking along a narrow ATV trail with a fellow attendee and I was about 15 or 20 feet ahead of him. It was about 11:30 a.m. on a bright sunny day. I was in a very familiar location wasn't really paying much attention to anything as I just walked along. We were about 400 yards from where I had my thermal sighting a year earlier, so I knew it was a squatchy location.

Out of nowhere, off to my right at about 2 o'clock, I heard a very loud grunt and I immediately stopped in my tracks and turned around, facing my friend. My pulse started racing and I started feeling like I was having a panic attack. I said to my friend "I can't go any farther" and then my legs started shaking. I could then feel the pulse in my ear lobes and said again "i can't go another step!" I just stood there for what seemed like a very long time, but my friend said was only about 5 minutes before I started to calm down and was able to turn back and face the original direction. I was finally able to gather my wits and was able to continue going forward and after about 100 yards, felt completely normal again. Later that evening, 2 BFRO investigators had class A sightings about 200 yards to the southeast of where I had my experience.

I'm hesitant to call my experience a zapping, but it's possible. I didn't feel a wave hit me like others have described, nor did it last too long. What I do know is I don't want to experience it again.

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Guest JenJen of Oldstones

Wow, that was an unnerving experience! I've had many panic attacks in my life, but none have ever rendered me unable to move. Everyone is different, of course, but it sure sounds like you were "zapped", according to the descriptions I've read. What an interesting phenomenon.

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Guest BFSleuth

Pulsing in your ears is how the phenomenon of infrasound is described by some people. Anyone can experience this by rolling down only one rear window in your car about 4-5" and drive until the speed of the wind in the window starts creating that familiar annoying pulsing. That's infrasound.

NL, your "zapping" experience was preceded by an audible growl. It may be that you were only hearing the upper limits of the growl. Elephant research has noted that humans hear less than 30% of their vocal communication. Elephants are very communicative, but the majority of their vocalizations are in the infrasound range.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Until recently, I was skeptical about reports of Bigfoot using infrasound. I have wondered how it would be physiologically possible for them to create it. (AFIK, no other primates can do so. Does anyone else have info on this?)

Then I came across this article in Science News. Scientists have discovered how elephants create infrasound, and have actually been able to re-create it in the lab.

Link: How elephants create infrasound

After reading this article, I'm not as skeptical. But I would have to experience it myself before I would be 100% convinced.

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BFF Patron

That's a good article and has been linked to before in one of the six or seven infrasound threads. It's all just icing on the cake for me as I had the good fortunate to be able to associate the phenomenon with a sighting experience.

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I have posted this in another infrasound zapping thread. This is a toxicological report on infrasound. That means they did medical studies to determine what effect infra range frequencies do to a humans physiology.

The sound levels that could be produced by a living animal are not high enough to qualify as a threat. There is no way a sasquatch is going to be able to produce the amplitude of sound required to cause an acute reaction. OSHA regs say humans can endure 8 hours of 115 -145 db of infrasound with no need for safety precautions. A passenger jet engine only produces about 140 db of sound if that gives you perspective. Blue whales can produce the greatest volume of sound on earth by a living animal. The highest recorded level is 188 Db.

They do not use the infra range frequencies for anything other than communication.

Edited by Woodswalker
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Woodswalker that is an interesting report, thanks. It's also very long and I don't have time to read the whole thing now. I read some and will read the rest later.

I just talked to a friend who experienced something strange last night. All three of them got headaches, felt nausea, and their legs were weak. It happened shortly after they heard a howl. He never really believed in infrasound, but assumes it was that because he doesn't know how else to explain what happened. I'm not sure what to think of it, but I do keep an open mind about it. I really don't know how to explain what happened to him either.

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Guest VioletX

How do the senses play into this? Are people feeling a vibration, hearing a noise?? It sounds like the smell also produces some visceral response in some cases; does the military also use scent as a weapon?

I have felt similar things from simple fear; blood pounding in my head, buzzing,feeling faint, queasy,heart beating fast...

Not to say it is not infrasound but just wondering if people are hearing or feeling growls and vibrations.

There was a cool internet radio show about infrasound or being zapped last week and the guest said that only a few of the group had the reaction and it seemed to be the ones who were packing heat, as if the Bigfoot(s) could selectively choose who they considered to be a threat.

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I Have felt two types of being zapped one is feeling sick after hearing a low growl or moan and the second is not hearing anything but feeling like you are being jolted with eletricity. that is the only best way i can descibe it.The second type is very different and you can tell and feel like it is some hw communicating in such a way that i have no way to explain it.The one time i felt the second time was when i was walking back from a creek and i saw it. It looked like the creature in the movie preditor where it was invisible or cloaked and my self and a another was being zapped .The other person did not get zapped and it was a weird event cause it did not last long and what ever was in our camp gave out a loud hoot and vanished. You might say that this is not true but it happened and i have been posting long enough here on this board since 2001 or 2002 i am not sure my memory is not great.But i am sure as a premium member you will see most of my postings. :)

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That is the what intense fear based reactions can feel like. In my opinion it is the reaction in your mind to the sound, sight, and smell. My thought is that pheromones play a large part in primate interaction.

Scooby doo is a great example for illustrating this point. If you are familiar with the show you will obviously know that the fearful reactions of Shaggy and Scooby to scary situations is a central part of the show. They give visual representation to the vast catalog of fear based reactions. They are shown to be shocked, faded, passing out, struck dumb, paralyzed, turning white in skin color, blind running into obstacles etc., pretty much unable to do anything but try to get their feet to run!

That shows that we as a culture know all these symptoms described during "zappings" can also be produced by fear. You should rightfully be afraid when you are that close to a large animal. When that animal is humanoid it really causes some fundamental strain in your brain to stay logical and analytical. A part of the mind knows better than to problem solve and look for patterns we recognize. It knows that danger of the highest order is in close proximity. It is a struggle between the different impulses in your brain. Literally.

Chimps are stronger than humans largely due to that fact that they have a simpler structure in their brain to muscle control system. They have more direct energy to activate muscle than we do. We use more energy firing our more numerous and more complicated neural pathways. Humans are capable of chimp like strength but only if their neural impulses where all in harmony towards that singular task. Look at people who have taken crazy drugs and gone berserk.

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Or if you get crazy mad at something you can exceed normal output. Some of it is overriding the damage feedback mechanisms.

I have been "scared stiff" so know that reaction, it is very hard to move, like wading in treacle with a Hulk Hogan hanging on each leg. If you're just bloodyminded and billygoat/mule stubborn enough about it you can force yourself to move.

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