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Infra Sound And Getting Zapped

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I started out thinking I was searching for just a dumb undiscovered primate lurking the forest areas of North America....simple enough thinking at that time. Along the way I have had multiple visual sightings and close encounters. I don't care who believes or accepts it, nor am I asking anyone to verify it or buy anything!

Having said that, there were many times I also experienced things about them that were way, way out of normal perimeters. Things far more unbelievable than just convincing someone they do exist and walk among us. In the end, I have many more questions than answers about them and have lost much of the fire of going out in the field.

If someone thinks having a visual encounter of the Bigfoot will be the completion of their quest, they are sadly mistaken. I assure you in the end, you have many more questions thans answers...

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Guest BFSleuth

Chimps are stronger than humans largely due to that fact that they have a simpler structure in their brain to muscle control system. They have more direct energy to activate muscle than we do. We use more energy firing our more numerous and more complicated neural pathways. Humans are capable of chimp like strength but only if their neural impulses where all in harmony towards that singular task. Look at people who have taken crazy drugs and gone berserk.

Actually, chimps are stronger than humans because their muscle fibers are longer, especially closer to the bone. They also have attachment farther from joints to give them greater leverage.

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I started out thinking I was searching for just a dumb undiscovered primate lurking the forest areas of North America....simple enough thinking at that time.

You have to agree with the skeptics there, there is no "dumb" undiscovered primate... however, as much as any proponent might insist it's there and undiscovered, many skeptics do like to insist that it should have been because it should absolutely be that dumb... This causes me to think that skeptics do believe in a bigfoot, a very ridiculous bigfoot, one that would have been outcompeted and hunted to extinction 2 million years ago, by say, squirrels.

There follows from that belief in a superdumb primate, the idea that any technique that works on dumb animals should work on it, that for instance, we should find them accidentally caught in rabbit snares, or on fly paper. Checked your rodent traps lately? There might be one sitting behind your back shed sobbing because his fingers got stuck trying to get the cheese.... ;-)

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Actually, chimps are stronger than humans because their muscle fibers are longer, especially closer to the bone. They also have attachment farther from joints to give them greater leverage.

Ok lets compare our viewpoints on that point. It is all about muscle control for delicate and complicated applications. There is a part of the brain that is more developed in humans and tool using great apes. We are the best tool user because we created a more complex array of neural connections for manipulating our muscles in very precise increments. Muscles are powered electrically and we have a digital style circuitry whereas they are heavy gauge analog. As a climber you have a great insight into the strength differences among us humans as well and a great understanding of physical forces. One of the greatest lessons I have learned from martial arts training is that the connection between mind and body is key to proper technique and power as well as increasing the innate skill level through "muscle memory".

I offer this as evidence for my view




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Guest TexasTracker

Sorry for getting to this thread late.. sounds like some interesting opinions are getting thrown around. This is another one of those "fringe areas" that are difficult to get your logical head around... I too was skeptical of these reports until I looked into it closer, analytically, and objectively.

The more investigations I get under my belt & the more field time experienced I have a hard time denying the similarities, especially when you research the effects these lower frequencies have on the human body. The more I've heard from those who claim to have been zapped, the more I'm convinced they are experiencing effects from low frequency sound. The fear, anxiety, nausea, weakness, hair standing on end, chest tightness, etc can ALL be attributed to low-frequency sound waves.

I could be wrong, but I have not been able to locate a single bit of research on infrasound and BFs specifically.

I have interviewed several "victims", or recipients, or whatever term we want to use and I'm finding similarities in their encounters. The consistencies start to paint a more complete picture of just exactly what happened....

I'd like to get more people involved in my "informal study" to lend more weight to the results. The more participants we have, the more confident I'd be in the findings. I would ask that anyone reading this thread that has PERSONALLY had an event occur, please contact me. I'll email you a short questionnaire related to your events and will gladly pass along the findings/results once we are done.

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The more investigations I get under my belt & the more field time experienced I have a hard time denying the similarities, especially when you research the effects these lower frequencies have on the human body. The more I've heard from those who claim to have been zapped, the more I'm convinced they are experiencing effects from low frequency sound. The fear, anxiety, nausea, weakness, hair standing on end, chest tightness, etc can ALL be attributed to low-frequency sound waves.

I could be wrong, but I have not been able to locate a single bit of research on infrasound and BFs specifically.

TexasTracker, I posted a toxicological report on infra sound in several threads on zapping now. It definitively does take all the guess work out of infra range frequencies and their effect on the body. It is not exciting to read really but it contains facts that make it pretty clear that Infra sound is not the cause of the "zap".

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Guest TexasTracker

WW, I have to disagree with you. Nothing wrong with a difference of opinion.

Have you read any of the articles discussing the military's weapon?? I'm pretty sure quite a bit of the findings related to the study would be considered sensitive, if not protected. Do you think the military would spend all that money on R&D and build a crowd control weapon that doesn't work??? Read Coonbo's input a few pages back. This isn't fringe science, it's properly researched and supported data regarding the effects of infrasound on the human body.

I am merely stating that the physical effects that many are reporting are consistent with the known (established, researched) effects of infrasound at specific frequencies.

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Let me cut that one down for you too TexasT. Those sound based weapons are not effective. Personal experience tells me they are planning to use microwave energy instead of sound for non lethal weapons going forward.


"It is possible to produce extremely strong infrasound and ultrasound at volumes high enough to cause damage, but, Altmann argued, producing the sounds alone is not enough to create an actual sonic weapon. The main difficulty lies in propagating the sound waves over distance to their intended target, a possibility hampered by the tendency of low-frequency waves to expand in all directions, thus losing focused power, and of high-frequency waves to enter a “shocked state†where energy is lost to the air. So sonic weapons, even those employing ultrasound and infrasound, would only work over very short distances and, rather than resulting in the kinds of psychological or physical effects claimed by conspiracy-heads or military nuts, would probably just cause serious and permanent hearing damage. Altmann had found no evidence that human targets would be rendered incapable of action by being severely spooked or losing physical control: “I have found no hard evidence for vomiting or uncontrolled defecation, even at levels of 170 dB or more.â€

And another

The U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) has demonstrated phased arrays of infrasonic emitters. The weapon usually consists of a device that generates sound at about 7 Hz. The output from the device is routed (by pipes) to an array of open emitters. At this frequency, armor and concrete walls and other common building materials allow sound waves to pass through, providing little defense.[10] This presents logistic problems regarding operation of infrasonic weaponry without exposing operating personnel to the potentially damaging effects.

Physicist and researcher Jürgen Altmann, however, has suggested that infrasound "does not have the alleged drastic effects on humans" in his paper "Acoustic Weapons."While many sources make reference to military research into infrasonic weapons beginning with the work of Dr. Vladimir Gavreau, it is unclear as to whether or not these devices have potential use in conflict.


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Guest TexasTracker


http://www.lowertheboom.org/trice/infrasound.htm This is written for a layman to understand.. There are MANY more articles and papers supporting the effects than denying.

You are entitled to your opinion, but there are others who would like to understand what happened to them... Perhaps more time in the woods or talking to those that actually get out there might change your opinion. I said I was totally skeptical about this too, remember?

I think we should get back to the thread....

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More time in the woods? I just haven't spent enough time in the woods to be zapped? Condescending and wrong.

I don't know how to properly refute that statement. I have collected plenty of physical evidence. In the process of disseminating (for free ) and testing of these samples now. I do not tell stories. I do not like stories that are just that. Getting zapped by BF is silly and fodder for bleever testimonials.

It is a fear based reaction taking place. Not a state being placed on victims by focused, weapon level amplitude infra sound.


Read again how infra sound moves. The low frequency (Long) waves do not like to be focused and do not like to be impeded. They pass through most solids easily. Meaning that BF would have to be right on top of you to even get the infra range sound to you let alone with power, it would also be zapping itself. With a physiology so similar to ours they would be just as vulnerable to this if it were true.

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Guest BFSleuth

How do elephants, whales, and tigers employ infrasound without damaging themselves?

Another interesting aspect of infrasound in whales that isn't understood is that they do have the ability to focus their sound blasts directionally to stun or kill prey.

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How do elephants, whales, and tigers employ infrasound without damaging themselves?

They do not use high enough amplitude to do damage.

Another interesting aspect of infrasound in whales that isn't understood is that they do have the ability to focus their sound blasts directionally to stun or kill prey.

In elephants it is to communicate with other herds/individuals, in whales to communicate with different pods/individuals and tigers use it to announce their presence/actions, a dominance and territorial display. It is a communication technique evolved/designed to be effective at range.

Some animals seem to take pride in their power and skill and will openly show off those assets.

Can you show me where I can read up on known whale usage of infra sound to do something other than communicate?

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Guest TexasTracker

WW, the one paper that you reference was published in 2001.

Do you think the military weapon is something fabricated? That weapon has the ability to be focused on specific people within a crowd.... I could go on, but what's the point??? This is a pointless conversation. I'll stop with the personal attention and get back to the thread... You have voiced your opinion that you think it's not physically possible. There can be no harm in listening to those that have been zapped then.

It would be nice to allow those that want to discuss this carry on... This is reason most people get fed up with forums.


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Guest BFSleuth

The study of sperm whale use of sonics to stun prey in particular is in its infancy. Here's a couple of articles:




Note that the anatomy of the sperm whale nose is being studied as a mechanism for "very loud, focused sound". The CT scans of the anatomy in the first link are rather fascinating.

Most of the actual sonic studies have focused on audible (to human) range, and I'm not aware of study of this phenomenon in relation to infrasound. Very few scientists are conducting infrasound studies in aquatic environments to date.

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Interesting topic, and I apologize for jumping in so late.

A couple things.

WW - in the article you reference, and you yourself indicate that infrasound is effective at close range. I believe that in most reported occurrences, this is the case - close range, not long range 'zapping'. As for why it wouldn't hurt the BF, well, if it's focused AWAY from the source, that could be an explanation.

With that said, I do find it difficult (tho not impossible) to believe this could be taking place, but am surely leaning in the camp that it is most likely a fear based response as you indicated. Heck, there are pheromones that could probably incite a primal 'freeze' reaction in us. Additionally, folks that see, or think they see something traumatic can react in the same way.

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