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Infra Sound And Getting Zapped

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BFF Patron
... but I can tell you that I firmly believe that BF are capable of generating and directing it and using it against us, if they so choose.

Uhhh.... but that would make them more than a "would ape" then though, Twouldn't it?

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I really wasn't going to bring this up, its almost too unbelievable because of the location. In August I visited the Patterson Gimlin filmsite. It was a normal Thursday afternoon when I got there. I parked the truck at the spot where the road has been blocked and walked down to Bluff Creek. It was about 6:00 when I got down in there and because this place is at the bottom of a ravine, it had gotten extreemly dark. The filmsite is 2-300 yards upstream from there so I decided, to avoid walking out in the dark, that I would come back the next day. By the time I got back to the truck, I was as sick as I had ever been in my life. Vomiting, diarhia, uncontrolable shakes and sweat pouring from every pore of my body. My plan was to camp at the spot where I had parked but I began to be concerned for my longterm health so I decided to head back to Orleans in case I needed medical attention. When I got to a point where I could actually drive, if you know what I mean, I got in the truck and as soon as I got back to 12N13 (National Forest Road), I began to feel fine.

Was infrasound used on me by a Bigfoot? I can't say that. I do find it highly unusual that I was in California for 2 weeks and was fine for every bit of it except for these 20 minutes. I went back to the PGF site twice more in the following days and was fine, although other wierd things happened.

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I have been in close proximity to the Bigfoot on multiple occasions and have never felt anything other than a high anxiety level. Now one person I go researching with is like a fine tuned pointer dog. Their stomach knots up, chest hurts, they get real dizzy and and all out of sorts when the Bigfoot are near. I don't have any explanation for it. Could it be sensitivty... a tolerance level maybe...who knows, but it works well as an indicator.

I also have been out with people who can clearly see their eye shine at night. I just don't pick it up that well other than an occasional glint or quick flash.

There are a lot of those what the heck moments no one has real answers for....

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I have been in close proximity to the Bigfoot on multiple occasions and have never felt anything other than a high anxiety level. Now one person I go researching with is like a fine tuned pointer dog. Their stomach knots up, chest hurts, they get real dizzy and and all out of sorts when the Bigfoot are near. I don't have any explanation for it. Could it be sensitivty... a tolerance level maybe...who knows, but it works well as an indicator.

I also have been out with people who can clearly see their eye shine at night. I just don't pick it up that well other than an occasional glint or quick flash.

There are a lot of those what the heck moments no one has real answers for....

You can come up with great hypotheses though. I am good at getting all hypothetical.

The zap effect? Some of us are not as familiar with fear as others. We all have heard the terms "Petrified", "Frozen", "Paralyzed", "Blinded" and a host of similar things in regards to the effects fear has on our minds and bodies. The hormone adrenaline and excess electrical activity in the entire neural system causes a networking error of sorts between the different lobes. Redlining the bodies engine while also locking it in place.

I further hypothesize that pheromones are of utmost importance in BF interaction. Just as in humans they effect our perceptions of each other in primal ways. Maybe your friend is also having some primal fear based reaction to BF pheromones?

You and me both do not see the glowing eyes. Practical experience has shown me that I have better night vision than most. I have not seen a BF eye illuminated by artificial perpendicular angled light though. They could have really intense eye shine. It is on my list of things to look for.

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Guest ajciani

I find infrasound to be a highly unlikely explanation for "getting zapped".

There is no, effective infrasound weapon. Monotone infrasound has proven ineffective at causing much of any effect on the body, except at ridiculously high amplitude. It may be possible to modulate the infrasound with the aim of causing dizziness, but this has not been thoroughly studied. It would take some effort to find the proper modulation, if it exists.

In comparison to infrasound, there is much more evidence to support some type of ESP at work. Perhaps a focused and intense "killing intent" or "ill will" directed at the victim. There is actually a lot more evidence to support this type of thing than infrasound.

But what might be even more likely are smells and the internal processes of your own bodies.

For example, if you sit behind the wheel for an hour to get to a research spot, and then get out of the car and exert yourself, to your body, this is like exercising while still asleep. During the trip, your body goes into low-energy mode, and then you start walking all over the place: 5 to 10 minutes later, you don't feel so good.

The position of the neck and head plays a huge role in body regulation. If you hold your head wrong (sometimes by just a few degrees), you can start feeling unsteady and unwell.

Bigfoots also seem to emit a strong, foul odor. People tend to pay little attention to odors until they become very strong. It is possible that an odor might be too weak for a person to heed notice, but strong enough to have a sub-conscious response.

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Probably you are right. I think it smells kinda like a bear. In fact, probably the zapping effect comes from being close to bears. That's what I think.

But seriously, my experience of bigfoot sounds is next to nihl. I never smelled the eau d'squoiche either. So I defer to those who have. After listening to a tiny bit of that loudest howl video (will try more in DAYlight), I would believe about anything.

Scott Nelson have any opinions on it?

Edited by Kings Canyon
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SSR Team

I find infrasound to be a highly unlikely explanation for "getting zapped".

There is no, effective infrasound weapon.

Is what Tigers use not infrasound and not a " weapon " ?

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BFF Patron

Since I've experienced a milder variant than the knee-dropping, puking variety, before, near and after a sighting within an area of activity I take it seriously (just like I take eye glow/shine for the same reasons). How it is produced, modulated, utilized and measured will be the key to learning more about it.

Edited by bipedalist
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I must be very sensitive to that "zapping" event, or even being close to them. I usually am not such a chickensh*t, but half the time when I get out there to the Site, I am scared for no reason (aka nothing bad has happened to me in actuality at any time). I've done a lot of stupid things in my life, taken enormous risks, even things that could have killed me but I have seldom been scared like this. When I was in my tent last spring in rural Missouri with a growling, snarling canine thing pacing around my tent in the middle of the night, I was less scared.

What is the solution to this, as some of you have faced it numerous times. How did you work through it? What works to mitigate the effect? How can I continue to do this and continue to seek a sighting or face-to-face without being paralyzed due to this fear? Any suggestions?

I work on breathing and meditating but so far it's having little effect. And what's frustrating is that it is not all the time I'm there and they are there. Some days when we are both there, its' fine and other days (and times within those days) it's scary. To me, that says the difference lies with them and not me.

Maybe the question is, how do I ask them not to use their infrasound because I respond poorly to it????

And, woo hoo, I'm a wildman not a booger! :)

Edited by madison5716
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Guest JenJen of Oldstones

In addition, it's been my observation that some BF groups and individuals are more prone to use it on us than others, and it may only be used by the Alphas or other mature members of a group.

Coonbo, I'm really looking forward to your insight on this issue! Also, do you know if Bigfoots use infrasound on each other, as well as on humans?

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Being zapped is like touching a spark plug wire while the car is running.It is that tingling feeling and your hairs stand up like when you are around high static.No ifra sound at all.You are either being singled out or having a group effect.It feels weird.

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They can not zap you. I have faced down bluff charges time and again with blatant disrespect intended to the charger. I have had rocks and limbs flung at and over me. Thrown rocks and insults in return in hopes of having them break cover. Why wouldn't they just pew pew me with their zap trap?

Do not attribute the effects of your OWN fear to the animal or some honestly silly notions.

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They can not zap you. I have faced down bluff charges time and again with blatant disrespect intended to the charger. I have had rocks and limbs flung at and over me. Thrown rocks and insults in return in hopes of having them break cover. Why wouldn't they just pew pew me with their zap trap?

On the other hand, maybe woodswalker, they bluff charge you and throw things BECAUSE you are immune to their infrasound and they cannot intimidate you any other way! Do you go by yourself or with others when you go out

I wonder who feels the zap and who trundles along humming a jolly tune, oblivious? Any patterns?

I'll start - I am female, a mother, am extremely intuitive, work with infants and am a natural caregiver. I get orbs in my pictures, remember past lives and have met my guardian angel (enough woo woo for you skeptics, lol? Yes, fuel for the fire - whatever). There's a few characteristics to start with.

Who else gets zapped? How do you describe yourself?

Edited by madison5716
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