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The government knows, and there's a lot more to BF than an undiscovered ape, which is why they aren't forthcoming with it.

This rings true to me also. I think Ketchum may be getting visited soon if the ploys to tank her study fails, (the rumor of her claiming angel dna).

If she finds out something we're not supposed to know then yeah, I'm sure there will be some roadblock to mainstream media. Has anything so far been on the TV news? Or is it squeeking through the blogs and forums and such?


A TV segment, to be more than a mention would require an interview. The choice would be to interview Ketchum or interview a skeptic.


I haven't seen this mentioned so I thought I'd put it out there as a possible cover up reason.

In Canada the Government has and still is paying out millions of dollars to the First Nation people for the perceived wrong doings in the past. Some First Nation people claim a legal right to the whole of North America, which they believe was wrongly taken from them by the first European settlers.

If BF exists and if it is human and it is proved to have been the first known human inhabitant of North America, then where could this lead the Canadian and American Governments, the First Nations people and now the BF potential legal claim for ownership of the land that we all live on.

I have no idea of the amount of money and land that has been given to the First Nation people over the past few hundred years, but what would be the economic out come of having to repeat that for the Sasquatch Nation.

I'm not trying to stir up hornest nest here, just putting forward a possible reason for the Conspiracy Theory.


The disinformation effort is in full swing. Moneymaker, Cutino, some PHD from California on Shawn Evidence's blog, etc. I don't think it will work this time. And with all the disinfo coming out, no one seems to have mentioned that Sykes has but 27 days to deliver on his hyped promise! What will they say when Jan. 1 comes and goes and no Sykes/Oxford results!! Oh My!

They will swing into damage control mode shortly and be ready once full disclosure occurs to attempt to discredit the results. But they will fail because the results are based upon science. There are many people serving hard time who pleaded guilty to long ago committed crimes that were solved with DNA hits. Most, if not all states require that anyone convicted of a crime submit a saliva swab to be included into the nationwide Criminal DNA data bank. Computers now permit law enforcement nationwide to submit DNA recovered form crime scenes to be matched with the database. If there is a hit, game over. And it doesn't take very long to get the results.

The govenment has made it's BF coverup obsolete with its own technology. How sweet it is. Payback!


You folks have really good points, and I'd say there's a liklihood you're all right; BUT I think there's more to it yet. Call it a hunch.

Guest VioletX

OK...so what is the story Aaron? :biggrin:


*my best dracula voice* Uh, vell, come to ze tar pit and we will discuss it further.


The government is so compartmentalized, if there is a conspiracy, it is a small one. As far as them becoming an endangered species, they don't NEED our protection. If the local yahoos went on a Bigfoot hunt all that would be hunted would be the scattered body parts of said yahoos.

Guest VioletX

*my best dracula voice* I figured zat you vould zay zat..." :rolleyes:


C'mon VioletX, get your sesquac on ;)


LOL, but you'd love it in there! And---I can answer your question(s) there ;)

The government is so compartmentalized, if there is a conspiracy, it is a small one. As far as them becoming an endangered species, they don't NEED our protection. If the local yahoos went on a Bigfoot hunt all that would be hunted would be the scattered body parts of said yahoos.

Oh, you would be correct. Only a small number of folks have the info we're talking about. The average CIA person knows about as much as we do about UFO's or the majority of personel at area 51 for that matter. Only a need-to-know basis for sure.


dracula voice? sounds more like col. klink of hogans heroes fame :pilot:

i'll second the PMP/tar pit pitch, i almost forget to check things out here now,lol.


Still need a few more posts before I can play in the "Pit" and find out all the answers. :blind:

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