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Unique Sighting Report - Ability Of Bf To Hide In Plain Sight

Guest BFSleuth

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That's interesting Scarecrow. In a way, it raises questions about the idea that people who otherwise don't have an interest in Bigfoot would misidentify something like a bear or other mundane creature as a bigfoot. I'm sure there is a real psychological term for that, but I'll call it "Paranormalcy Bias." :)

Exactly. I often wonder how many times someone has had an actual sighting of Sasqutch, but their mind, not having a frame of reference for what they were seeing, interpreted the sighting as a bear, a moose, a large man in a jogging suit or some other thing that they wre familiar with.

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Guest JVDBogart

Hey Sal, remember when Tom lived in Central park for a year? He would travel throughout New York City and never be seen by using "dead zones." He would kick the crap out of muggers and drugdealers just like a real-life Batman. I am beginning to think that Tom Brown is really a hairless Bigfoot LOL!

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BFF Patron

Exactly. I often wonder how many times someone has had an actual sighting of Sasqutch, but their mind, not having a frame of reference for what they were seeing, interpreted the sighting as a bear, a moose, a large man in a jogging suit or some other thing that they wre familiar with.

Well in one sighting a human in a dark hoodie sitting on a stump out in the PNW was mistaken at dusk by BF for being another BF....LOL...it was a huge sighting report and a great one, but I've never been able to find it again and I'm wondering if anyone else has ever read it or if maybe it was one of those that BFRO culled and threw out after awhile?! Any takers on finding it?

Edited by bipedalist
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Tom Brown Jr. talks about something called 'dead zones'. These are the areas where our eyes may not look, for example taking in a mountain vista we will miss things in the foreground. Basically the idea is if you can identify the dead zones, you can hide in them while in plain sight.

This can't be that far away from what they do as one of their camo methods, it can't be far away at all.

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This is an interesting Interview by AW, she's interviewing a Lady Called Liz Mugenthaler, President of the Fauna Communications Research Institute

Here's the bets bits.


Autumn: To your knowledge, has anyone ever conducted a study of infrasound in large primates, like gorillas?

Liz: NO

(Editor's note: Liz's very succinct answer here, in my opinion, says it all. Research into the infrasound capabilities of even KNOWN animals is still somewhat in its infancy. - Autumn)

Autumn: Is it possible that gorillas might use infrasound for communication? (Compared to other animals you've studied that use infrasound, are there - to your knowledge - the proper biomechanics in place for a gorilla to do so?)

Liz: Any large mammal has the potential to generate infrasound.

Autumn: What have you discovered about HUMAN physical response to animal-generated infrasound?

Liz: Infrasound, at certain frequencies, (18-21 Hz) generates certain physical effects in humans, including causing ones hair to stand on end, feelings of fear or terror, your eyeballs to shake or see mirages, and other effects. Tiger infrasound can temporarily paralyze you, which is all the time a tiger needs! Bodily infrasound effects are a well documented phenomenon, first discovered by NASA and Russian space sciences in the 1960's.

Autumn: For years, Bigfoot researchers have surmised that Sasquatch may use infrasound as a deterrent to humans; also, as a means of confusing or disabling prey. Are there instances in your research which show animals using infrasound for these purposes?

Liz: As is shown by tiger research, it is certainly possible for an animal to use infrasound either as a deterrent or a hunting technique.

Autumn: What are your thoughts on the existence of unknown bipedal primates?

Liz: While I have never had an experience, nor have I read any scientific journal on this creature, I think it is certainly plausible that it exists. More importantly, based upon the number of sightings, and based upon other instances of purported evidence, it is a scientific question that should be answered in an unbiased fashion, without fear of condemnation. Science should be neither positively biased in which a researcher wants it to be true, nor negatively biased in which a researcher does not think it is true, or is afraid to confront it because it is novel, or fearful of peer review. For instance, for 100's of years it was reported that there was a small black rhino in the forests of Java. Naturalists in the 1830's mention its existence. But it was 1998 before a picture (head shot) of one was taken by a trip camera. If you can't find a 3500 lb rhino in the small forests of Java, how is one supposed to find a 600 lb, and apparently intelligent, humanoid in thousands of square miles of pristine forest? I truly believe that if science took this seriously, it would be a credit not only to those naturalists (witnesses) that have reported it, but to the science of biology/zoology itself. To prove finally that biology and zoology is genuinely unbiased. As it stands, the fact that no biologist/zoologist(s) from a (some) major universities have ever attempted a full, funded, genuine scientific expedition is an embarrassment to rest of the scientific community. Bias and pressure from peers is apparent in all sciences, and one has to be strong personally and professionally to avoid it. The biological/zoological community should be focused on clearing their name, so they are not accused of being unscientific. Shame on you!

(Editor's note: AMEN to that! - Autumn)

Autumn: If a researcher wished to conduct an experiment to determine whether Sasquatch uses infrasound, how would one best go about this?

Liz: In order to really study the question of infrasound usage, an array of microphones would be needed. If triangulated, this would give the researcher accurate positions. However, infrasound in the field is very tricky, and it would be very expensive. The best approach would be to purchase a DAT recorder, not MP3 (which compresses a signal) and set it up to record continuously without human intervention. Additionally masking the scent, pheromonal intervention, would be extremely important. Otherwise you are hunting deer with a boom-box.

Autumn: What uses might the proper infrasound frequency have in FACILITATING an interaction with these creatures?

Liz: In essence you could be "speaking" in terms that they understand or that which is familiar to them.

Autumn: Finally, what are the DANGERS in experimenting with infrasound?

Liz: Infrasound can cause physical and emotional harm at the right frequencies and amplitudes, and can be used to scare away an animal as well as attract it.


Unexplained Terror

Forward-thinking Sasquatch researchers first began examining this phenomenon as a means to explain feelings of "dread or terror" in eyewitnesses. Woods-savvy hunters - big men with big guns who have hunted an area for years - will suddenly report feeling overcome with fear and an urge to run... sometimes even before any visual, audio or olfactory sign of a Sasquatch is present. Infrasound, at certain frequencies, is capable of producing a fear response in humans and is thought to magnify existing emotions as well.

A Hair-Raising Experience

Eyewitnesses commonly specify "feeling the hair stand up on the back of my neck" during an encounter with a Bigfoot. Infrasound is one plausible explanation for this as well. According to Liz Mugenthaler, certain frequencies emitted by tigers cause the hair to stand up on one's neck.

A Powerful Hunting Tool?

Some animals use infrasound to disable their prey. This was something I had not originally considered when exploring the idea that Sasquatches might use infrasound - but it certainly would be a handy application. The thought that infrasound is capable of producing a "disabling" effect - even to the point of knocking a human unconscious - could also explain those reports in which a witness inexplicably "falls asleep". I have noticed a prevalence of this in reports for years and, in fact, I programmed the database specifically with a field to flag the report for these reports.

Disappearing Sasquatches?

Liz Mugenthaler told me during our lengthy conversation that the infrasound produced by a tiger can cause VISION disturbances in humans, making the eyes vibrate and causing a loss of visual acuity. I was excited when she told me this... I thought, perhaps, not only might it explain eyewitness claims of "camouflaged" or "disappearing" creatures, but it might explain some of my own firsthand experiences in the field as well. Several times, when there were indications that a Bigfoot was near, I have experienced strangely blurred vision and an inability to focus on the spot where I could clearly hear a bipedal creature in the brush. I made a mental note of this at the time, and always explained it to others as an "inability to focus properly", though I never had an explanation for what might have caused it. Could infrasound explain it?

A HUGE thanks to Liz Mugenthaler for her time, pioneering spirit and dedication to the true meaning of science: The exploration of things we don't yet understand, and the attempt to explain the UNEXPLAINED.

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Thanks for posting that, Bobby! I wonder if infrasound can also impart a calm, unafraid feeling.

I've noticed that I often get a strange, peaceful feeling when they are close. I've never had an explanation for it.

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Apparently so Sas..

That's also a decent explanation to what Mr Cervelo felt with his Elephants too..



Infrasonic vibrations, though harmful, can be pleasantly stimulating in mild levels. The effects of brief, mild exposure can give a feeling of invigoration for hours. While a person may FEEL invigorated and euphoric, his body is being subjected to an elevated heart rate, elevated blood pressure, a release of endorphins, and the "fight or flight" adrenaline response. Feeling the effects of high-intensity/low-frequency sound can actually become an addiction, partially due to the release of endorphins in the body.

Depending on the pitch, infrasound can cause physical pressure, fear, disorientation, negative physical and mental symptoms, explode matter, incapacitate, and kill. For example, in World War II, Nazi propaganda engineers used infrasound to stir up anger in the large crowds that had gathered to hear Hitler. The result was a nation filled with anger and hatred.

Studies show the different ways in which infrasound affects the human body. As infrasound pitches, or cycles per second, decrease, deadly effects on the body increase. Infrasound disrupts the normal functioning of the middle and inner ear, leading to nausea, imbalance, impaired equilibrium, immobilization, and disorientation. Exposure to even mild doses of infrasound can lead to illness. Increased intensities of infrasound can result in death.

Edited by BobbyO
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I have some friends that have concluded that there seems to be unusually high rates of cancer & other sicknesses among "habituators", that they think may be due to infrasound.

So far, hubby & I seem to have escaped it, maybe due to a healthy lifestyle, but it's something to think about.

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I have no idea on any connection between those two things.

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I am beginning to think that Tom Brown is really a hairless Bigfoot LOL!

:) There is an area near the Primative Camp that Tom calls 'Hell', a rather large portion of forest that seems to be kind of creepy. Last time I was there, I heard a 'whoop' sound that came out of a portion of that forest and some other students reported hearing 'someone walking around back there'; perhaps there is another explanation for why that part of the forest is 'creepy'. There are reports and even video of BF that were not all that far away. I've also heard sound there that sounded a lot like monkeys or something (late at night) that were clearly not owls, dogs or coyote...

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Where area wise are you talking about Sal ?

I thought JVD was talking about Central Park, NYC.

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He was.

Tom Brown Jr. is from Waretown, New Jersey, and the Primitive Camp is not far from there, just a few miles west in the Pine Barrens.

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Oh right, NJ then.

Not actually IN Central Park, like i read it.. :D

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Guest JVDBogart

Yeah Sal and I have both taken classes from Tom Brown Jr. in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey. I know it's hard or perhaps impossible for many people to learn from the legend himself like Sal and I. However, there is a WEALTH of information in his books that can radically improve your Bigfooting skills. I am sure Sal would agree, and hopefully some forum members give one of his books a shot! You'll be glad you did.

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I could add a dozen plus reports of this behaviour, Sasquatches hiding behind Tree's, big Tree's.

Other time's if they are caught out of cover, then they themselves turn into Tree's, i'm 100% convinced of it.

"Look at Me! I'm a Tree!"

I've been saying that for years, cause it's the only thing that makes sense. FREEZE, And we can't see you. Because WE are sight predators and our minds will filter out all the non essential (non moving, can't eat that) information that our eyes take in. We are using our thinkers and our peepers to look for movement. We use them very well for that. It's like our trademark. Stay frozen long enough and our attention (and our eyes) will be distracted by a shiny thing and you are free to move along and recommence your day of foraging.

I take a lot of pictures of funny looking burnt trees. I'm just hoping to catch one with eyes open one day.

I sometimes wonder how long a big guy has been frozen as a tree in human sight and if some of the sightings that have been recorded are just the "Ding DANG, I have a cramp!" after a half an hour or so. The length of time for a cramp to happen is PURE speculation, my personal attention span for staring at a truely "hinkey" spot and taking pics is only about 20 minutes. It was like a game of chicken that I lost.

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