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Rick Dyer Again

Guest Scout1959

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He was chomping at the bit on Fasano...

As far as that Home Depot thing..I heard his comment and that did catch my attention..he said he saw the BF feeding at the dumpster. My take, if I may, he kept that to himself for some time (as far as being convinced)..I don't know.

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He was chomping at the bit on Fasano...

As far as that Home Depot thing..I heard his comment and that did catch my attention..he said he saw the BF feeding at the dumpster. My take, if I may, he kept that to himself for some time (as far as being convinced)..I don't know.

He was chomping at the bit on Fasano...

As far as that Home Depot thing..I heard his comment and that did catch my attention..he said he saw the BF feeding at the dumpster. My take, if I may, he kept that to himself for some time (as far as being convinced)..I don't know.

Exactly! you DONT know! But you want to except the word of a three time confirmed hoaxer and his lackey makes no sense to me. Help me understand your conclusion.

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Fasano on right now....>>>Tent Video Is a hoax and Dyer used head from another suit Fasano was familiar with. Alex says head is wrong size.

DYER>>>call in !

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Listening to the show, I can not imagine Rick will be quiet for long...

heheh...Dyer wants in..we'll see...

Keep in mind folks...Munoz waxed eloquent about how Dyer killed a BF...it's on video and I can show it to anyone who wants to see it.

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Guest VioletX

heheh...Dyer wants in..we'll see...

Keep in mind folks...Munoz waxed eloquent about how Dyer killed a BF...it's on video and I can show it to anyone who wants to see it.

Did he change his mind because of Mk Davis?

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Somone know talking about how body would shrink and cahnge shape...says Musky didn't provide sufficient info on state of a body instorage for 5 months,

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I think MD was more a positive..than negative.

BTW..Munoz maintains Musky was *led* by FB...I listened to whole enchalada...Musky was not *led*.

I'm still surprised Munos did a 180...makes you wonder about his judgement?

Edited by ronn1
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