Guest Posted December 29, 2012 Posted December 29, 2012 (edited) I'm going to try to do a point by point of what has happened so far. If I'm wrong or I'm missing a point someone please correct the list. First reported on Bigfoot Evidence on Thursday, December 27, 2012. (Good thing the world didn't end on the 21st) Report was of a text message leaked by Ed Smith. The text was sent by Executive Director, D.W. Lee, a member of the Mid-America Bigfoot Research Center, Quantra Team (The Original 6), whatever that means. The text stated "Daisy is in the Box", which is a code phrase for a Bigfoot (possibly Female) has been captured. The Rumour Mill fires up. Dec. 27, D.W. Lee does not deny the capture, and states that it did not happen in Oklahoma. Dec. 28, Bigfoot Evidence reports that the Bigfoot Chicks interviewed D.W. Lee, who stated a trap was specially designed with a trigger set to close if a 350+ pound weight steps on a plate, and that a team of privately contracted scientist will examine the evidence. Dec. 28, Ed Smith reports that the Bigfoot was moved from the capture site to the examination site during the early morning hours (12 miles between the two sites). MABRC website crashes due to too many hits. Tim Fasano says something false and not worth mentioning. D.W. Lee states that Ed Smith will be posting a 90 page document regarding the capture. Dec. 29, More Rumours. Matt Moneymaker claims that no bigfoot has been captured. (I guess he's protecting his tv show, after all, Matt's out of work if Bigfoot is actually found; step aside Amateurs, step in Scientists) Ed Smith states that he will not provide any further updates, and that any updates will come directly from Team Quantra. No further updates as of 16:30 hours Mountain Time, Dec. 29, 2012. Edited December 29, 2012 by Mounty
MarkGlasgow Posted December 29, 2012 Posted December 29, 2012 Just on Thursday night my very sceptical 15 year old daughter piped up with 'Dad, just imagine that they managed to prove BF was real?' On Friday morning this stuff broke. Did I drag her out of bed and force her to read the 10 related articles which had surfaced on Shawn's blog whilst jumping up and down shouting 'I told ya so'? Nah. As intriguing as it all was, we all knew it was too good to be true. I keep my council and thankfully my daughter can still look me in the eye without thinking I'm a gullible buffoon. Let's just be careful what we wish for huh?
Guest Posted December 29, 2012 Posted December 29, 2012 increasingly, i'm beginning to think that the online bf community is focused on nothing more than one long "trolling" exercise. forums and organizations trolling and baiting others with announcements of evidence that is never revealed for the sake of nothing more than attention. it's all getting pretty pathetic - hoax after hoax, empty promise after empty promise. i'm starting to feel like time would be better spent away from the online bf community until something comes along that's sufficiently newsworthy to get the attention of the mainstream media.
Guest Posted December 30, 2012 Posted December 30, 2012 (edited) Wow..just wow.. You guys crease me up! Why can't we just talk about what if's? Why can't we just be excicted about how this thing could be true? Why is there so much negativity among the 'footers'? Someone makes a claim on a forum and because they don't show us armchair researchers/experts/bigfoot enthusiast a photo or a video people scream hoax?!? Not everyone but most.. To be honest though, there are no experts because bigfoot is not a known species to science! So how anyone can be an expert is beyond me. I've sat back and observed this subjects for at least 10 years now. I've watched, listened and soaked up all sides of the argument, which I feel is only right as I live in the uk and the only thing to get excited about here are the type of tea bag we use :-) but seriously.... I'm firmly on the fence with everything I READ, that's right READ... Guys we are all sat at home READING about this stuff (obviously some people are out there in the field, but I'd guess 90+% are sat at home like me)... If true then this is amazing, if it is simply some sort of elaborate hoax then oh well, who's been hurt? Not me, neither has anyone else... People say that bigfooters are not taken seriously because of things like this if they turn out to be untrue? But seriously not that many people really care, we are a select few who take interest in cryptic beings! If 'daisy' is in the box then we can all tell our friends 'i told you so' If not, then we can at least say we had the excitement that this thing could have been true and we had a great forum discussion about it and had that feeling in the pit of our stomach that this could be 'it'. Lets sit back, relax and see what happens... Get on the fence people, there's plenty of room :-) Edited December 30, 2012 by benboy23
Guest Posted December 30, 2012 Posted December 30, 2012 I'm going to try to do a point by point of what has happened so far. If I'm wrong or I'm missing a point someone please correct the list. First reported on Bigfoot Evidence on Thursday, December 27, 2012. (Good thing the world didn't end on the 21st) Report was of a text message leaked by Ed Smith. The text was sent by Executive Director, D.W. Lee, a member of the Mid-America Bigfoot Research Center, Quantra Team (The Original 6), whatever that means. The text stated "Daisy is in the Box", which is a code phrase for a Bigfoot (possibly Female) has been captured. The Rumour Mill fires up. Dec. 27, D.W. Lee does not deny the capture, and states that it did not happen in Oklahoma. Dec. 28, Bigfoot Evidence reports that the Bigfoot Chicks interviewed D.W. Lee, who stated a trap was specially designed with a trigger set to close if a 350+ pound weight steps on a plate, and that a team of privately contracted scientist will examine the evidence. Dec. 28, Ed Smith reports that the Bigfoot was moved from the capture site to the examination site during the early morning hours (12 miles between the two sites). MABRC website crashes due to too many hits. Tim Fasano says something false and not worth mentioning. D.W. Lee states that Ed Smith will be posting a 90 page document regarding the capture. Dec. 29, More Rumours. Matt Moneymaker claims that no bigfoot has been captured. (I guess he's protecting his tv show, after all, Matt's out of work if Bigfoot is actually found; step aside Amateurs, step in Scientists) Ed Smith states that he will not provide any further updates, and that any updates will come directly from Team Quantra. No further updates as of 16:30 hours Mountain Time, Dec. 29, 2012. Pretty accurate except the text was not sent by D.W. It was erroniously sent to Mr Smith by the Quantra group. I shall now crawl back under my rock.
Guest Posted December 30, 2012 Posted December 30, 2012 I agree with you Benboy23, I'm not here to be upset or frustrated, I'm here to have fun and enjoy the ride, regardless of what happens... Come to think of it, if Bigfoot was actually discovered, then I doubt I'd keep coming back to this site to talk with all of you about the ifs and the buts.
Guest Posted December 30, 2012 Posted December 30, 2012 Pretty accurate except the text was not sent by D.W. It was erroniously sent to Mr Smith by the Quantra group. I shall now crawl back under my rock. Also to add to what my good friend Tapemaster posted, the post on the MABRC forum by Ed , followed by DW sharing a link to that thread to FB due to the exiting topic in the post, then it got picked up by the all seeing blogs like BE. I saw it right when it was posted before it went viral.... Lets wait and see PS: Benboy23.. good post
Guest Posted December 30, 2012 Posted December 30, 2012 Wow..just wow.. You guys crease me up! Why can't we just talk about what if's? Why can't we just be excicted about how this thing could be true? Why is there so much negativity among the 'footers'? Lets sit back, relax and see what happens... Get on the fence people, there's plenty of room :-) Back in '08 I very excitedly told my husband, "Bigfoot is real! They have DNA and a body! They're even holding a press conference!" He just shook his head and told me it was fake. I protested. "Why would anyone do such a thing? Why have DNA tests done if you don't have the real thing? Why call a press conference with real news stations there? What would be the payoff for hoaxing?" And what do you know? It was all fake. My husband, in a very nice way, considered me a real sucker as I always see the best in people. I've kept my excitement in check ever since and don't tell anyone anything. I don't believe much of the bigfoot stuff I read either. Until there's proof. Which there hasn't been yet. Sigh... Does that answer your question?
Guest Posted December 30, 2012 Posted December 30, 2012 Yep that's how I feel Mounty. Glad your sat on the proverbial with me haha I have been out all night so was excited to come back and read this thread lol, and that is what I love about being member of a forum like this. But if this thing turned out to be true then would I need to come back here as much? I doubt it lol. if not true, then we move on and see what happens and enjoy the next ride :-)
Guest Hwy91 Posted December 30, 2012 Posted December 30, 2012 First off I don't believe this story because it appears to me it's all about driving people to a website. If one were to be captured I would hope they would quarantine it from human contact. If they are a close human relative then I'm assuming they would be susceptible to Human viruses. Could one of the reasons why they keep there distance from humans is they witnessed what happened to the Native Americans. There is a level of intelligence there that might understand that close contact with humans is dangerous.
Guest VioletX Posted December 30, 2012 Posted December 30, 2012 That is a great post Benboy23. Thanks for your very refreshing words. I think after a while one tends to take it too seriously and obsessionally, I know my husband thinks I am not half-mad. It is hard for me to be a fence sitter, I tend to choose on side or the other and get invested in the outcome somehow. But it doesn't hurt any of us to stay on the ride and have some fun I guess ; )
Guest Posted December 30, 2012 Posted December 30, 2012 (edited) Back in '08 I very excitedly told my husband, "Bigfoot is real! They have DNA and a body! They're even holding a press conference!" He just shook his head and told me it was fake. I protested. "Why would anyone do such a thing? Why have DNA tests done if you don't have the real thing? Why call a press conference with real news stations there? What would be the payoff for hoaxing?" And what do you know? It was all fake. My husband, in a very nice way, considered me a real sucker as I always see the best in people. I've kept my excitement in check ever since and don't tell anyone anything. I don't believe much of the bigfoot stuff I read either. Until there's proof. Which there hasn't been yet. Sigh... Does that answer your question? I understand where your coming from, I've been at it for years, seriously just about every year I tell her indoors and anyone that will sit and listen that the big guy is real and they'll soon see. Year on year I have nothing for them to see lol aside from the odd photo or video that I push on them, I've managed to get a few to listen and a couple actually ask me what is happening in the world of bigfoot now and again! But mainly people don't care and I don't really care if they believe me or not because most of the time I don't believe it haha they see me as 'Ben the bloke who thinks Harry and the Hendersons is real' but I really don't care I just love the whole aspect of this subject, the drama it creates, the excitement a photo or video can create, and threads like this, but mostly I love the anticipation of Sasquatch actually being proven to science. I never feel let down when something doesn't happen or a so called claim doesn't materialise, I just move on to the next big news in the world of bigfoot and enjoy the ride. One day, maybe before my time on this rock comes to an end we may find what most of us want to find..... But if not it would have been fun talking about and reading about I hope daisy is in the box and science can prove this (photos and videos would be cool too) if not 'hey ho, lets go' as joey would say... Sorry if I sidetracked from the subject of this thread, I've had a little drink and it is still christmas afterall Edited December 30, 2012 by benboy23
Guest Posted December 30, 2012 Posted December 30, 2012 There's an update: D.W. Lee has referenced us as people on the blogs, and we've been told to be patient. So I'll take that as a positive sign that this might just possibly be true, maybe (fingers crossed).
Ronnie Bass Posted December 30, 2012 Posted December 30, 2012 I saw that, nothing would make me happier than them making me eat crow, just so many red flags on this one.
Guest Posted December 30, 2012 Posted December 30, 2012 (edited) Play by Play, Updated & Errors Corrected: First reported on Bigfoot Evidence on Thursday, December 27, 2012. (Good thing the world didn't end on the 21st) Report was of a text message leaked by Ed Smith. The text was sent by a member of the Mid-America Bigfoot Research Center, Quantra Team (The Original 6), whatever that means. The text stated "Daisy is in the Box", which is a code phrase for a Bigfoot (possibly Female) has been captured. The Rumour Mill fires up. Dec. 27, D.W. Lee does not deny the capture, and states that it did not happen in Oklahoma. Dec. 28, Bigfoot Evidence reports that the Bigfoot Chicks interviewed D.W. Lee, who stated a trap was specially designed with a trigger set to close if a 350+ pound weight steps on a plate, and that a team of privately contracted scientist will examine the evidence. Dec. 28, Ed Smith reports that the Bigfoot was moved from the capture site to the examination site during the early morning hours (12 miles between the two sites). MABRC website crashes due to too many hits. Tim Fasano says something false and not worth mentioning. MABRC get their website back up and running. D.W. Lee states that Ed Smith will be posting a 90 page document regarding the capture. Dec. 29, More Rumours. Matt Moneymaker claims that no bigfoot has been captured. (I guess he's protecting his tv show, after all, Matt's out of work if Bigfoot is actually found; step aside Amateurs, step in Scientists) Ed Smith states that he will not provide any further updates, and that any updates will come directly from Team Quantra. D.W. Lee, MABRC Executive Director, has referenced us as people on the blogs, and we've been told to be patient. Edited December 30, 2012 by Mounty
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