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Oh Dear, Another Body...

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Rick Dyer

Todd Standing


All peas in a pod.

Agreed rock ape

Here's how I'm hoping it all pans out:

Ketchum comes through with the goods and her work is published.....

Science will argue back and forth regarding no body no recognition......

Team quantra then announce the capture of a Bigfoot specimen, proving once and for all ketchums work is correct and Bigfoot is in fact human of sorts.....

Dyer comes out with his story and footage of him killing a Bigfoot , scientists and media say so what, we have a live one else where.....

Law enforcement however takes an interest in all dyers self evidence and charges him with homicide.....



Or Bigfoot is not human and everyone freaks out.


Good question......

I highlly recommend you check Meldrums facebook......Here I will save you from finding it all...

Person asked : I would like to hear your opinion on the latest claim by Quantra that they have captured a Sasquatch.


Don Jeffrey Meldrum Its a claim...

December 31, 2012 at 2:53pm · Like ·

Next question : Without getting into muddy waters and criticism just wondering jeff if you have been contacted regarding this incident or not. A simple yes or no would answer many, many questions


Don Jeffrey Meldrum No, I have not...

Another thing that was there before this, right at the start of the claim was this :

Good morning Dr. Meldrum, if you were called to come observe something at short notice would you do a FB check in at the airport for us? :)


Don Jeffrey Meldrum Can you clarify that please.... do a what?

( this last one, you can go read yourself, was stated later as intended as a joke )

What I posted is facebook, and public... https://www.facebook.com/don.j.meldrum

I can assure you, Jeff is staying wayyyyyy out of this one. ( Well, I can say I am sure ). I had email conversation with him on the blimp project a while back. Great person. One thing I learned from talking to him then, he can not stand his name being used in these things. He does not mind people asking for his help, but when his name is used it upsets him it appears. I can understand this, he is considered the most credible, and real biologist that actually is looking into the Bigfoot possibility. He would like to keep it that way, and people use his name, and miss-quote him all the time.

I think you misunderstood me...

Ed namedropped Jeff because he's a 'name' in the community due to his position, his research, the breadth of evidence which he has put forward et cetera.

I was wondering who Melissa is and what she has done to elicit being namedropped beside Meldrum :)


Below are the questions and answers so far with Ed Smith. Thank you to the Forum Admin for allowing me to post these. BEFORE you go onto the questions and answers ---

There are still questions out for Ed to answer. If you ask a question about anything (and I am sure there will be) I will forward them to Ed, if I have not already asked him in the follow up questions he still has.

Also, there are some who seem to be under the impression that I am the only independent researcher chosen for this "conference"... This is not true. I can not disclose names but I know of 2 other independents that are involved and one still has to be contacted. These names are not my information to disclose - and until everything is set in stone - those names should not be disclosed. Ed Smith references the "Bridging Group" - which is this group of Independent Researchers - in his answers below. Anyone wanting more information about this should contact DW directly.

Below are the questions and answers between myself and Ed Smith. As I stated above, there are still some questions Ed has not gotten to - but he has not refused to answer one question so far. I say that, because if he did refuse an answer - it would be noted in the responses. Some questions may have been asked before, if so, then I apologize as I am also trying to get up to speed on all this.

At this point I do not have an opinion one way or the other. As always, I ask that people make up their own mind. When I have more answers from Ed, I will post those as well.

Question: By your own admission you are not involved with Quantra, so what makes you think the text message you received was true?

Ed Smith: The incoming address "CINC-6 is the communication I.D. for capture control and the message ["Daisy" in the box] is the identifier for a positive capture. I checked the IP number and it matched with the status server on which the "Flash List" function platforms.

The Quantra Group are using the same networks, identifiers and action codes as the ORIG-6 created and setup. If it’s working why reinvent the wheel.

Question: Have they provided you with any photos or hard evidence that shows what they are saying is true?

Ed Smith: No, that's why I'm making sure that at the bridging meeting that we get to see Photos, Video, X-rays, Ultrasounds, Blood Work, Hair morphology, Stool Cultures, Preliminary PCR test and MRI, if completed.

All of the above should be completed by this time and the resources are in place at the examination area.

Quiet frankly I see no reason that the members of the bridging unit, in which your a member of should. NOT see the specimen ourselves.

Question: Do you understand why the community is having such a hard time accepting this as legitimate capture?

Ed Smith: Yes, I do. I'm setting with the people that I sold my organization to and they have been elusive when it comes things that if the tables were turned I would know at this point, as the leader of the effort.

Question: You discussed an agreement you signed when you left the Orig-6 - an NDA. Are you willing to forward that, and any other agreements signed upon your departure, to me? I will not publish these documents.

Ed Smith: Yes, I have signed a non- compete agreement and a non-disclosure agreement. I need to run it by my legal counsel be for forwarding, I know you would not publish anything but I have to get them to get their opinion first.

Question: How has "Quantra" reacted to the outing of this alleged capture?

Ed Smith: Well there are not very happy with me, but it's their communications error. I would have been content hearing about it on the news while working in my garden ( I like to garden in what spare time I have) .

Question: In the past you discussed DNA testing and Documentaries, do you still have any of the DNA results in your possession? If so will you forward them to me? What happened to the Documentary?

Ed Smith: All of the DNA project work ( results and data ) was sold to the Quantra Group all of the digital info and hard files were boxed up and sent to their location. By the sale agreement I was not allowed to retain any copies or back ups of the data or Information.

I cannot talk about them, but some of the results are posted in the threads at the MABRC and I believe even the incorrect ones are posted there as well. DW I think has reposted those threads from the backup since the hack attack a lot or some of the threads have not been reposed as of yet.

Some background on why I left ORIG-6, my responsibilities to my families oil and gas business were and still are increasing and where O-6 operations was concerned I could not keep up with the 24/7 work load even with help from the staff. I was also dealing with buckling relations with my O-6 partners, stack my family life on top of it and something had to go.

I talked with Randy Harrington extensively about this.

Documentaries, the were originally made for a DvD release but then retooled for a cable television type network. The rights to the documentaries have been sold to the Quantra Group I don't know there status at this point.

Question: Do you have any information on the alleged cage that was built and allegedly used to capture, "Daisy"? What is it made of, and the specs?

Ed Smith: I retain the rights to my written work so I can talk about the trap unit, but photos, video and CAD drawing are the property of the Quantra Group.

Yes, I designed 95% of the trap unit. It is not a clam shell trap as has been reported in some of the blogs. Those reports are entirely inaccurate.

We attempted to modify a shipping container at first but found it was in satisfactory for our requirements.

The materials used are steel, aluminum and carbon fiber.

The dimensions are 11.5 feet in width and 17.8 feet in length, 8.2 feet in height, excluding the pressure bottle rack.

The unit is transported in parts to a staging site and assembled. The assembled unit is skid mounted can be moved by a tractor or wheeled loader. It is also designed to be lifted by helicopter.

Explosive cylinders much like an over loaded 12ga shot gun shell. Would blow the trip laches on the door and actuate the tensioned springs snapping the sliding door shut.

A weight sensing module is placed at the entrance to the unit covered in ground material would allow a reasonable weight to be attained.

A second weight sensing module is embedded in the floor of the trap unit allowing the electronic controller to activate the explosive latches and servo valves on the nitrogen gas cylinders in the knock down gas system which forces all oxygen out of the space an forces the specimen in to an unconscious state. Side panels could be opened a tranquilizing agent (dart) could be administered.

The dosage could be determined because of the weight data collected at the entrance would be available at this point.

The trap unit can be camouflaged made to look like a hut (out building) or a stone out crop this is achieved by using modular or gunite concrete (shotcrete) units then painted or stained to match the surrounding rock features.

Then baited with temptation materials.

The unit would be under video observation at distance and video coverage would be inside the unit and at the entrance. Small video cams and lipstick cameras would be utilized for this application.

Power for the unit would six to eight 12 volt deep cycle battery configured in a 24 volt parallel configuration this would allow for long duration soak times without disturbance. Battery box and DC circuit breaker unit mounted on top of the trap unit.

Engineers work on problems, Designers work on needs and we needed a trap.

Question: Are you being told anything about the condition of, "Daisy"? What are the conditions she is being kept in? Is she still in captivity?

Ed Smith: I have been told there is a health issue with the specimen but no details have been given to me.

Question: Why should anyone believe this?

Ed Smith: I'm posting information it's everyone’s right to believe it or not. I still have issues with some of the information that they should know at this point as I stated above in question one.


Great post Melissa. The information provided about the trap is very interesting. A lot of detail there!

Guest Theagenes

Thanks Melissa.

So I have a question for Cisco. How similar is this account of the trap to the one in the novel Forest Man?

Posted (edited)

Thanks Melissa, very interesting. Can Ed tell us if he has witnesed a full working model of the trap and if so, who or what did they test the gas knock down system on?

Edited by Mapletoffee
Guest VioletX

Thanks Melissa,

I have lots of questions esp. re dates and photos and press release, but I imagine that they are similar to the ones that Ed has yet to answer.

If there is a health problem with the "BF", I imagine there to be a fine line between releasing and treating the BF...

I f this is true the gas anesthesia trap really sounds horrific and keeping it captive is beyond cruel.

If this is true I imagine that the "keeping" of the BF is the biggest reason for the secrecy.

Guest SquatchinNY

I honestly am giving a little more credence to this story. We will see what happens.


The oxygen evacuation system sounds plausible. Some military vehicles use a similiar system using Halon rather than nitrogen to immediately rob inside vehicle fires of O2 which puts them out of course. Really works. Had a small non lethal fire inside our Bradley Fighting Vehicle once and the system activated. In a second or two you could tell no ususable air lol. we opened a hatch, no big deal. But the concept would and does work. Others who are more familiar with the other engineering issues can relate their viavility, but cage seems workable to me. Thanks Melissa for relaying the info.

"Quiet frankly I see no reason that the members of the bridging unit, in which your a member of should. NOT see the specimen ourselves."

This would clear up most of the questions if Melissa views the specimen.

Credo SasQuatch

BFF Patron

No comment and no questions. Good luck with it.


Thank you very much Melissa, excellent post. We appreciate you posting his responses so we can judge for ourselves, but how do YOU feel about the validity of this story? We are getting this information second-hand, but you are getting them straight from the horse's mouth... any insight?


Just having trouble understanding as WHY Team Q would feel so compelled to share this information with someone not part of the group anymore. After the so called leak they did not need to share any of this covert information at all. I am sure that Team Q had a plan in place to publish this on their own timeline. Why is Ed needed ?


Exactly Big Stinky. That's been my biggest problem with this story.

Melissa, thank you very much for asking and posting the questions. Will you ask him how confident(percentage) he is that they actually have captured one? How much does he trust and how "in the know" is the person giving him the information, and is it just one person giving him the information. He has been talking like he knows for sure and even mentioned they were all meeting about it, but he mentioned to you that he wants hard evidence from them at the meeting.

Also, please ask him why they are including him at all if he leaked their information and they are mad at him about it? Why would they want him involved after that? He has even mentioned that it was their mistake for leaking it to him, but in my opinion a decent person would not have just leaked it out after they leaked it to him when he knew that they didn't want the public to know about it.

Thanks again Melissa.

Guest roblester
Posted (edited)

Thanks Melissa.

Without getting into detail, this does not change my opinion at all, it actually re-enforces it.

Just having trouble understanding as WHY Team Q would feel so compelled to share this information with someone not part of the group anymore. After the so called leak they did not need to share any of this covert information at all. I am sure that Team Q had a plan in place to publish this on their own timeline. Why is Ed needed ?

Dead on.

They are mad he leaked , leaked information. They are still giving him information. He did not want to answer questions on a public forum to the same people he posted to, yet is willing to answer to a select group, and that select group is allowed to post it.

I have a question, for both Ed, and everyone.

How long does everyone have to wait before they release this huge claim to the general public with evidence? A solid date. And will it be a Documentary, or released to News and Science? ( to Ed, Melissa )

How many months / years will everyone else let this drag out before calling everyone involved out, and ignoring it all together ? ( for all ).

I think there should be a law for fraudulent behavior that is involved on any site, or organization that accepts donations or sells merchandise. Not saying this is, yet, but if it ends up being. Hopefully it will not, and is the real deal.We all have seen to many, and it needs to stop. The Bigfoot community needs to rally and stop it, and so do state and federal laws. People get sucked into these things, and start donating or buying merchandise because of it. It is just wrong.

Edited by roblester
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