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Oh Dear, Another Body...

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I was aware of ex military being utilized about 3 years ago. When an area outside of Atoka was leased, The Landowners son had just finished a 4 year stretch in the service and was very interested in helping with the operation there. He had the technical training that made it a good fit. That may be when they started utilizing ex military people on a regular basis. That is the location where a bigfoot tore into the side of a metal barn and left tissue and blood on a screw.


Oh - I forgot to add this:

It has come to my attention that someone is saying I am a "habituator"..... Let me simply say this.

I am NOT now - nor have I EVER been or claimed to be a Habituator. That is simply ridiculous and anyone who knows me will tell you that is a completely ridiculous statement and a flat out lie. There are very few people in this as hard on Habituators as I am.

During my time as a "Bigfoot Researcher" I have lived in Dallas Texas (in gated apartment complexes) and since moving to Ohio - we have to drive a minimum of 2 hours to get to a decent location for our "expeditions"... So, it is IMPOSSIBLE for me to be a habituator. Seriously....

I don't know if this is being said as a way to bolster my credibility or to try and take a shot at me with members of this community. But, either way, it is a complete and total lie. Is this really what this community has come to? There are enough reasons for why we can all hate or dislike each other - but there is no need to make things up.

Please stop it.



I hope you feel better and I appreciate all of the time you have devoted to this. Ed's description of the trap is very detailed but I'm going to do some research to see if it would work as he described.

Other than that, good questions and I look forward to reading more.

Thanks again

Posted (edited)

On May 11, 2012 I started a thread entitled, Mr. D.B., Et Al, Your missing Skunk Has Been Located." That posting was for the benefit of the "Original 6" who at the time had a very active project going on at their XXXX XXXX site in the SE part of my home state. At that time I only knew the names of three of the "Original 6". That group does in fact have the money, equipment and land in prime Bigfoot areas in my state, and in at least five other states, to capture, contain and care for any of the four types of unclassified primates that inhabit this country. Since that initial post I have learned much more about the group and their operations.

At the beginning I was very PO'ed when I discovered they were NOT trying to capture one of the creature, but to kill one. Yes, they did have signed DNA's for the people who they hired to do much of the field work, but in this state those agreements were worthless. What they were trying to do, and what they actually did here was illegal.

I caught h--- from most of the forum members for making that post and was accused spreading BS. So, in answer to questions asked many time on this particular thread; (a) The names of most of the "Original Six" are known, they have a revised plan of capture and containment, © At least one of them is still paying "hired guns" to track and kill one in my state, although he, like at least five more such "hired guns", have beeen thoroughly convinced they should take their talents elsewhere, (d) They have spent multi-millions of dollars for land in my state alone and those purchases are public record,

The man in charge of the overall operation is, from all accounts, a rational, personable and very intelligent person. The man in charge of the operation in my state is, from the accounts of all the many residents of the counties who know and have worked for him, a dyed-in-the-wool xxxxxxx.

So, yes, it is possible they have done what they set out to do; capture a Bigfoot. It is a near certainty that their land purchases alone in the states in which they operate is nearing or surpassing the half-billion dollar mark. But, they are not concerned about the land costs; they have a very wise plan to recoup that expense plus a healthy profit.The handwiting is clearly written "on the wall."

Waiting for a few more shoes to drop,

Edited by Branco
  • Upvote 1
Posted (edited)

Play by Play, Updated:

  • Dec. 27, 2012: First reported on MABRC forum & Facebook, followed by Bigfoot Evidence.
  • Report was of a text message leaked by Ed Smith.
  • The text was sent by a member of Team Quantra, formally ORIG-6.
  • The text stated "Daisy is in the Box", which is a code phrase for a Bigfoot (possibly Female) has been captured.
  • The Rumour Mill fires up.
  • Dec. 27, 2012: D.W. Lee does not deny the capture, and states that it did not happen in Oklahoma.
  • Dec. 28, 2012: Bigfoot Evidence reports that the Bigfoot Chicks interviewed D.W. Lee, who stated a trap was specially designed with a trigger set to close if a 350+ pound weight steps on a plate, and that a team of privately contracted scientist will examine the evidence.
  • Dec. 28, 2012: Ed Smith reports that the Bigfoot was moved from the capture site to the examination site during the early morning hours (12 miles between the two sites).
  • MABRC website crashes due to too many hits.
  • Tim Fasano says something false and not worth mentioning.
  • MABRC get their website back up and running.
  • D.W. Lee states that Ed Smith will be posting a 90 page document regarding the capture.
  • Dec. 29, 2012: More Rumours. Matt Moneymaker claims that no bigfoot has been captured. (I guess he's protecting his tv show, after all, Matt's out of work if Bigfoot is actually found; step aside Amateurs, step in Scientists)
  • Ed Smith states that he will not provide any further updates, and that any updates will come directly from Team Quantra.
  • D.W. Lee, MABRC Executive Director, has referenced us as people on the blogs, and we've been told to be patient.
  • Dec. 30, 2012: Midnight, BFF member and member of MABRC, Driveroperator, explains what he knows about "Team Quantra" & Ed Smith: A group of wealthy and technologically gifted college friends who have, for the past decade, been researching an area in Oklahoma with success, however Ed Smith was too eager to go public and therefore left the group. Ed says he left because between work, family & Bigfoot something had to go. MABRC was the organization of choice for "Team Quantra" due to Geographic convenience.
  • Jan. 01, 2013: Ed Smith states that he will hold a meeting in Houston on Jan. 02, 2013, between Himself and Quantra. This meeting will be to discuss setting up another meeting between Quantra, MABRC and select individuals, a.k.a the "Bridging Group".
  • JRid posts on BFF an Archived Radio Broadcast from 2009, in which Ed Smith elaborates on the capabilities of Quantra/ORIG-6. This broadcast is consistent with Driveroperator's post on Dec. 30. Bigfoot Evidence reports same broadcast a few hours later.
  • Driveroperator alludes on BFF to the possible involvement of legal council regarding Quantra's rights to possession of a specimen. This may explain the time delay & the 90 page document said to be forthcoming.
  • Jan. 02, 2013: Ed Smith clears up background and explains the evolution of the ORIG-6 to Team Quantra: 1.) ORIG-6 founded in early 1990's, small scale and fun. 2.) Early 2000's ORIG-6 research & projects become larger scale in multiple states. 3.) ORIG-6 dabble in DNA, but decide capture of a live specimen is best. 4.) Ed Smith designs a trap - Traps are fabricated in Tulsa by business associate. 5.) ORIG-6 use Oil & Gas business as cover to hide their growing Capture Project needs. 6.) Capture Project grows to 42+ participants. 7.) ORIG-6 cease operations in late 2011. 8.) Team Quantra formed in Virginia by former ORIG-6 members and like-minded business associates, June 2012. 9.) Quantra owns rights to past research and documentaries.
  • Jan. 02, 2013: Ed Smith states a meeting between himself & Team Quantra to take place this evening.
  • Jan. 03, 2013: Well over 24 hours pass without any update/communication from anyone at all.
  • Jan. 04, 2013: Melissa Hovey states on BFF that she is in private communication with Ed Smith, and that her questions are being answered.
  • Jan. 05, 2013: Ed answers Melissa: 1.) Ed Smith states that a "Bridging Group" of select "Independent Researchers", including Melissa Hovey are to have a meeting with Quantra, and will be shown extensive "Hard Evidence", which Ed has not yet witnessed. 2.) Ed Smith names a Randy Harrington regarding the documentary DVDs. 3.) Ed Smith describes "The Trap".
  • The Trap: 1.) Not a Clam Shell Trap. 2.) A Crate made of Steel, Aluminum and Carbon Fiber. 3.) Dimensions (in feet): 11.5W x 17.8L x 8.2H, weight 4200 lbs. 4.) Triggered by 2 weight sensing modules that blow explosive cylinder trip latches, snapping a sliding door shut. 5.) Oxygen is temporarily reduced by increasing Nitrogen levels to make specimen unconscious, then tranquillized. 6.) Powered by 6 to 8 12volt batteries in a 24volt configuration. 7.) Baited, variable camouflage capabilities & easily transportable. 8.) 8 traps in total, 6 in the field, 1 stand-by, 1 reserve. 9.) Equipped with remote communication, video, and monitoring. 10.) Research Team response time to capture site is 6 minutes; research sites all on private land. 11.) Cost per Trap: $31,817.09
  • A False article regarding "Team Quantra & an African Sasquatch" is circulated. Article intended to be humorous. Only person laughing is Tim Fasano.
  • Jan. 06, 2013: Ed answers Melissa, 1st Follow-up: 1.) Ed affirms he is not a member of Quantra. 2.) Ed reiterates that Quantra is unhappy with his leak. 3.) Melissa asks why are they involving you? Ed said to oversee the "Bridging Group" meeting & frame work. 4.) Ed is not Quantra's spokesperson. 5.) Ed states that long-term Examination Repositories have been built. 6.) Better than 90% chance capture is legitimate, according to Ed.
  • Jan. 07, 2013: Ed answers Melissa, 2nd Follow-up: 1.) Ed's 90+% legit comment based on Quantra telling him it's legit at the Houston meeting. 2.) Quantra wants Ed involved because he "bring to the table an understanding of the Bigfoot Community" needed to oversee the "Bridging Group" meeting. 3.) Ed states that he too is an outsider looking in, but he is the closest to the window. 4.) Mr. Alexander is a successful trader in Mortgages & Loans. 5.) ORIG-6 contracted 18 to 20 Scientifically Qualified Specialists & Field Specialists for Consultation & Examination; Compensated well over normal rates; Signed 25 year NDA. 6.) Ed elaborates on The Trap.
  • The Trap, 1st Follow-up: 1.) "Knock Down" system: Oxygen Reduced, not Removed. 2.) Oxygen reduced to 9.71% for 57 seconds. 3.) Oxygen levels return to normal in 88 seconds. 4.) Specimen is never without survivable levels of Oxygen, no need for resuscitation. 5.) At 3.5 minutes Nitrogen releases again.

Edited by Mounty

Nice work Mounty, and let's hope we can add the last few items describing the BF in the box.


thanks... I enjoy doing this. I thinks its amazing that I'm able to take paragraphs of info and reduce it to easily understandable notes. Where were these skills in high school & university, when they were actually needed?


Well, all that matters is you have this skill now and it is being put to good use.................the quest to prove BF. This is a huge project that many of us are working on using skill that we have, all of which helps with the goal. We may not be out trapping BF, but with your help the news is spreading. We even have a member from the national park service watching the progress..........thanks again for listing the progress so those new to the thread can get dialed in quickly.


Does it bother anyone out there that Ed Smith HAS had an answer to every question, at least in part, that has been asked of him? I say this because, in my mind, if this would be in fact the real deal, given his supposed role in this "find", there are inevitably SOME questions he truthfully MAY NOT KNOW. A Skype chat, if not a face to face, is imperative at this point. It would go a LONG way in swaying the verdict on this one..


Mr. Branco-

You are another unidentified entity posting hearsay as fact on this board. That's why you "caught hxxx". If there are names, provide names. If there is documentation, provide documentation. There is no documentation of the existence of any of the players in this saga- you, Ed Smith, Orig-6, Quatra, or daisy. It seems a made up fairy tale because no one can provide documentation on one part of this story. It's a great story, but there's not much fact involved. If you want to be considered credulous, provide documented information, not hearsay.

Tim B.


This just in from DW Lee.

I have finished talking to the final member of the Bridging Team today, and he has agreed to participate.

Here are the Bridging Team members on the independent team.

Dr. Jeff Meldrum

Kathy Strain

Melissa Hovey

Abe Del Rio

Steve Kulls

The MABRC part of the Bridging Team is as follows:

D.W. Lee "Darkwing"

Randy Harrington "Driveroperator"

Jim Whitehead "Biggjimm"

Rob Gaudet "ElectricBigfoot"

Doug Todd "Holotype"

Even though many will not respect the privacy of the Bridging Team members until after the meeting occurs, I'm asking for everyone to be courteous and respectful enough to not bother these folks. They will report what happens, good or bad, and they only know what everyone else knows at the moment.

Guest VioletX


Why not reveal the names you know?

That would be much appreciated info.


Guest Theagenes

Well, all that matters is you have this skill now and it is being put to good use.................the quest to prove BF. This is a huge project that many of us are working on using skill that we have, all of which helps with the goal. We may not be out trapping BF, but with your help the news is spreading. We even have a member from the national park service watching the progress..........thanks again for listing the progress so those new to the thread can get dialed in quickly.

For what it's worth, I'm only a low level peon in the NPS. :P

Guest VioletX

Thanks,very interesting Melissa. Any idea when the meeting will be?

Posted (edited)

Just FYI,

Someones zeal led him over to Meldrum's facebook page basically making a " you know what" out of himself. Meldrum said today ,when he was contacted , that he basically ignored this poster because he thought they were was talking about Rick Dyers bigfoot. LOL I guess Meldrum has heard about This person's propensity to post without reading, post without investigating, and not even be clear on what he was posting.

So maybe whoever posted on Meldrum's facebook page about whether or not Meldrum was contacted about this should rethink at least his comments on Meldrum's facebook page, and learn a little patience.

Edited by driveroperator
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