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Oh Dear, Another Body...

Guest VioletX

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Thank You for your reply Melissa, I understand where you're coming from. I appreciate your experiences and the knowledge and insights gained by them in dealing with people, the truth and emotions. But my question wasn't meant to ask Mr. Smith to take a lie detector exam, just to see how he would respond if asked if he would pass if he took one. That's why I worded it as I did. If his answer had been a simple direct yes, that would to me, be the answer of someone who believed what he was saying. If a more involved answer justifying why he did not take, or believe in the tests etc, although maybe true, to me would lend less credence to his story, as no one has asked him to actually take one.I'm not accusing anyone of being disingenuous, Just wanted to see how he would answer the question. I appreciate the time and effort you are putting in this matter on behalf of me and the other members of this forum. I hope Mr. Smiths' story pans out and we get to see Sasquatch in the flesh. Violets questions are good ones. I hope you get to feeling better soon.

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This just in from DW Lee.

did they set a date or they still working out the details ?

do you know if it was meldrum that they were waiting on?

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Guest VioletX

That is all I have for information about the "meeting" at this time.

Thanks, it gets more and more curious does it not???

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Zigoapex, all I can tell you is DW was contacting each person individually. Sometimes it takes a little time to get everyone to check their email or return a phone call. As I said above, I have no other information about the meeting - when or where it might take place. All I can give is speculation and that helps no one.

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@ melissa, By the time i posted it(I'm the slowest typer in the world), I read that's all U had, but thanks for the reply

Edited by zigoapex
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I can verify the existence of Branco. I've been to his house. He graciously hosted me for three days and two nights. I learned a tremendous amount during that time, and I am very grateful for his knowledge and generosity.

Also, his wife made some of the best homemade biscuits and gravy that I've ever had.

I neglected to retain any samples of the gravy for further study, so I suppose this is just more hearsay and conjecture.

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Thank You for your reply Melissa, I understand where you're coming from. I appreciate your experiences and the knowledge and insights gained by them in dealing with people, the truth and emotions. But my question wasn't meant to ask Mr. Smith to take a lie detector exam, just to see how he would respond if asked if he would pass if he took one. That's why I worded it as I did. If his answer had been a simple direct yes, that would to me, be the answer of someone who believed what he was saying. If a more involved answer justifying why he did not take, or believe in the tests etc, although maybe true, to me would lend less credence to his story, as no one has asked him to actually take one.I'm not accusing anyone of being disingenuous, Just wanted to see how he would answer the question. I appreciate the time and effort you are putting in this matter on behalf of me and the other members of this forum. I hope Mr. Smiths' story pans out and we get to see Sasquatch in the flesh. Violets questions are good ones. I hope you get to feeling better soon.

No, I understood why you asked, and I hope I did not come across as rude or insulting. That was not my intent. To be very honest, what Ed Smith has to say - has little to no consequence to me at this point. The truth lies with this "meeting". Honestly, Ed can tell me whatever he wants - but the proof is in the evidence and by Ed's own admittance he does not have the evidence for the alleged capture he is speaking about. I have agreed to the "Questions and Answers" - because many of you have questions and I have a few of my own. But, the proof is in the "pudding" so to speak.

That is the only thing that will convince me. Like I said before - I am not getting my hope up about anything.

Edited by Melissa
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I can verify the existence of Branco. I've been to his house. He graciously hosted me for three days and two nights. I learned a tremendous amount during that time, and I am very grateful for his knowledge and generosity.

Also, his wife made some of the best homemade biscuits and gravy that I've ever had.

I neglected to retain any samples of the gravy for further study, so I suppose this is just more hearsay and conjecture.

Well then, your scat will need to be tested.

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Mr. Branco-

You are another unidentified entity posting hearsay as fact on this board. That's why you "caught hxxx". If there are names, provide names. If there is documentation, provide documentation. There is no documentation of the existence of any of the players in this saga- you, Ed Smith, Orig-6, Quatra, or daisy. It seems a made up fairy tale because no one can provide documentation on one part of this story. It's a great story, but there's not much fact involved. If you want to be considered credulous, provide documented information, not hearsay.

Tim B.

Mr. B: Your are also an unidentified entity posting. Explain how you are entitled and qualified to receive and evaluate documentation from me or anyone else. You want documentation? Get off the computer and get you butt in the field; that's where your documentation can be found.

You want names? How about yours? Do you throw it around on the internet?

There is public documentation in at least five states of these people and their project, some which is easily acessible by computer. I would have to say that if you have no more real interest in all this than to sit in front of a computer and demean folks who don't spoon feed you all the info you must have to maintain your self-assigned importance, you need an ego adjustment.

And if for some reason I gave you the impression that anything you say, believe or want is of any worth, concern or importance to me, I have to apologize for misleading you.

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Ok I'm done. Officially calling this a hoax meant to get publicity for MABRC.

Over and out!


Otherwise known as "par for the course".

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^ LOL!

Next thing you know, water will have been found to be wet!

I find it interesting Chris Noel is weighing in on the side of this being legit....

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