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Oh Dear, Another Body...

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Those that have been around the BF world long enough know that this has a 99% of being a hoax. It is always the knew ones with a hopeful, optimistic view until the bitter end. Once you have seen this song and dance enough, you become aware of the outcome. This is hoaxing 101, draw things out a while, keep people interested, I am surprised there has been no ambiguous photo yet. But in the end, there will be no bigfoot and all individuals will be scrambling to save there "BFing" reputations and explaining how they exposed the hoax. Its a crock(and not a crock that will be cooking crow stew).


Really? How about calling in Tv cameras, and CNN etc? News conference? There's still time for this to be a hoax, just like 2008.

Guest SquatchinNY

The plot thickens...


Those that have been around the BF world long enough know that this has a 99% of being a hoax. It is always the knew ones with a hopeful, optimistic view until the bitter end. Once you have seen this song and dance enough, you become aware of the outcome. This is hoaxing 101, draw things out a while, keep people interested, I am surprised there has been no ambiguous photo yet. But in the end, there will be no bigfoot and all individuals will be scrambling to save there "BFing" reputations and explaining how they exposed the hoax. Its a crock(and not a crock that will be cooking crow stew).

Really? How about calling in Tv cameras, and CNN etc? News conference? There's still time for this to be a hoax, just like 2008.

Yep couldnt have said it better 99.999999% its all a facade


Listen there was a huge corner turned yesterday. Dr. Meldrum was called and he was invited. You can throw the fake stuff out the window. This just became somewhat legitimate. No one and I mean no one is going to go this far into a hoax and spend the money that being spent. The questions we should be asking is? Live Squatch, Dead Squatch or just a bunch of really good pictures and film Real or faked). Like a big screeing of someones personal project. I now believe there is something, what that something is I'm excited to find out.

It's still just a claim at this point, so I don't see any corners being turned. Inviting Meldrum doens't make it legit, and it is possible that Meldrum was invited just for that purpose - to create an appearance of legitimacy. Maybe that is why he is being cautious not to just immediately accept the invitation - maybe he doesn't want to be used.

Posted (edited)

Question: You said in the last question and answer session:

All signed non disclosure agreements and were compensated at 3 to 7 times the normal rates for their profession and participation. When we ceased operation severance compensation was provided.

The majority of them continued on with the Quantra group under new NDA's and compensation packages. O-6 NDA's remain in affect for 25 years or until released. These were reaffirmed at severance.

So, would it be safe to assume everyone involved in Quantra are paid for their participation?

Ed Smith: I assume Yes.

Question: Is Quantra set up like a business? If so, are there Articles of Incorporation? Is there a State Tax ID number associated with Quantra? Is this a 501c3? I can't imagine paying these sums and not being able to receive some form of compensation relief be it through a 501c3 or some other tax write off, or is this money simply coming out of someone's pocket? Let's face it - you are talking about large sums of money here. People who would put out these sums - do want some sort of return, whether it be a tax write off or a recoup on their investment.

Ed Smith: I'm not sure how Quantra is set up. When we sold O-6 we sold it to them as individuals to individuals how they reformed it is something I can't answer.

Question: If there is no tax shelter, or tax write off for an investor - then what is the pay off or how do they recoup their investment?

Ed Smith: The press and media elements ( (books movies Tv games,etc ) are considerable.

There is another element. I have mentioned it before is the Private Investment company interest. These entities are only interested in purchasing a specimen for its profit potential i.e.: buy a specimen market the hell out of it or buy a specimen sell it to a foreign entity for a profit or buy a specimen and sell hunting rights.

I am a posed to all of these, some are not, its the world we live in. The O-6 rejected a credible offer from a private investment company in early 2012 I believe it was for over 14 million its posted on the MABRC forum.

Now I hear that price is pushing 22 million at some point the strike price will be sufficient, it will sell. Quantra's goals remain unclear.

Quantra Group has eight ( 8 ) owners. The O-6 had six (6) owners. In the O-6 we had problems but we had a long history with each other. Things got worked out.

Quantra's relationships with each other for the most part are new, its like trying to get a tornado dust devil and a water spout to agree on which one gets to go first.

Question: Please describe the purpose of the "Bridging Group".

Ed Smith: The BRG is to support or bridge between the Quantra Group and the Bigfoot community primary the researchers of this community it would enhance the understanding of the species. It would help in settling the community down so calmer heads would prevail. No one should be under the perception that Quantra will follow any suggestions but the community would have confirmation of its existence and can work to a common goal. It's my hope that this group would be a part of that process.

Question: Do you have any new information on the alleged animal - and its physical condition?

Ed Smith: No I do not.

Question: How many people are working with the alleged animal right now?

Ed Smith: What Quantra is doing I just don't know.

Question: If you know a number, do you know their educational backgrounds? If so, please describe.

Ed Smith: If there going by the O-6 plan I would say about 22 to 25 this includes the academic and commercial scientific personnel. All members of the examination team, Medical, security, documentation specialist I believe there was a list posted on the MABRC forum.

Question: What is the time line now for release of information?

Ed Smith: I can't comment on that right now. I have an idea but it flexible and could muddy the water at this time.

Question: How does this network support these 7 people that are ensconced at these locations?

Ed Smith: For O-6 it was an Oil and Gas field support company that I owned its operated by a former staff member of O-6 now.

No he is not a member and never has been a member of Quantra

For Quantra I can't answer that.

Edited by Melissa
Posted (edited)

Can you ask Ed if someone in the Quantra group wears a Crocodile Dundee hat and khakis? Cuz you gotta have that in a story like this. Oh and electric shocking sticks. There's always a bunch of hired thugs with electric shocking sticks.

Tim B.

Edited by TimB

Questions: You absolutely have met the Quantra members in person and know they absolutely exsist?

Why did you not return the email you received from Quantra and try to verify that it was intended for you and for

public release.

Will the bridging group meet the Quantra members personally and/or see the specimen in person?


Thanks for the update Mel! Keep up the good work and I hope you feel better.

Have you received any more info about the upcoming meeting with the bridging group?


It's still just a claim at this point, so I don't see any corners being turned. Inviting Meldrum doens't make it legit, and it is possible that Meldrum was invited just for that purpose - to create an appearance of legitimacy. Maybe that is why he is being cautious not to just immediately accept the invitation - maybe he doesn't want to be used.

That's the way I see it as well.


Hello Cisco,

No I have no new information. Honest answer is I have seen the bits of information released so far - as you all have - at the same time. In fact - the BFF is where I first heard about my potential involvement. So, you all had my name before I even knew I would be involved. Last night DW posted the meeting information was due to be released, but I have the feeling the members of this "group" may find out with all of you as that is the way it has gone so far. There is nothing wrong with that, just simply stating it like it is.

But I would appreciate it if everyone could remember this one simple fact ---- I am not a spokesperson for anyone other than myself. Thank you all. :)


Thanks for update and I have confidence that you will ask the tough questions to bring this to fruition one way or the other.

Guest VioletX

Thank you Melissa!

Every time I read the updates I am thinking- Wow! this is all so crazy true or not.


Inviting Meldrum doens't make it legit, and it is possible that Meldrum was invited just for that purpose - to create an appearance of legitimacy.

That's exactly what I suspect.

What does Steve Kulls or the other "independent" members of the bridging team have to say about this?

Or what do these guys have to say...

The MABRC part of the Bridging Team is as follows:

D.W. Lee "Darkwing"

Randy Harrington "Driveroperator"

Jim Whitehead "Biggjimm"

Rob Gaudet "ElectricBigfoot"

Doug Todd "Holotype"


Doesn't Meldrum need a "nickname" in order to be deemed credible ?

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