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Poll: If Derek Randles Says Rick Dyer Has A Body, What Will That Mean To You?

Guest gershake

If Derek Randles says that Rick Dyer has a bigfoot body, what will that mean to you?  

174 members have voted

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Guest VioletX

Dissapointed, but maybe Derek might tell a few of us privately, those who really wanted to listen to him??

On the bright side...Derek was not going to go until April anyway, which is a scant few weeks from...I will just let Hawk-O fill in the rest of the sentence. :)

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So question:

It appears many people don't care what Derek would have to say.

I am one that would have loved to hear what he said. Why because he is another person who has what many feel an honest take on things.

We get all the skeptics here about not liking RD But in reality what harm is it to anyone of you if it is a Hoax.

What harm is it you if it is real?

Its a shame how you all have treated Derek. Even if Meldrum went and said it how many of you would honestly believe it?

you are exactly right Cath.

Almost seems that skeptics intentionally do these things just in case it is true.

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I have a Message from Derek,

He said he will be describing what he sees when he goes to Las Vegas.

He will be doing it on his face book page and not in these forums.

Derek, for those of us who are in the wait and see. We all look forward to what you have to say.

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So question:

What harm is it you if it is real?

If it was proven real, it would mean that all that pompous, arrogant drivel that scoftics have been dishing out for so long would come crashing down around them.

Life as they know it would end abruptly.

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you are exactly right Cath.

Almost seems that skeptics intentionally do these things just in case it is true.

It just might be true, so we better sabotage things?
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Guest VioletX

It just might be true, so we better sabotage things?

and if DR comes back with the goods make him suffer for his good deed.

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It just might be true, so we better sabotage things?

Who sabotaged things? All was well until Cath herself went off topic and asked the following question:

Question for all the people who still would think its a Hoax:

Who in the Bigfoot field would convince you that if they saw it and came back and confirmed it was real, who would you accept.

And how many?

So you can thank her.

Prior to that, there were other attempts to derail this thread.

Cath again:


Anyone know If Musky has been approved yet for the forums.

It would be great to ask him some questions in here.


Another question:

If he was approved, would all the posts calling him a hoaxer & a liar, & revealing his real name have to be removed & the people who posted them, have to be banned?

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If it was proven real, it would mean that all that pompous, arrogant drivel that scoftics have been dishing out for so long would come crashing down around them.

Life as they know it would end abruptly.

Let's go over this again in case you missed it the first million times. There are those who believe in BF but don't believe RD has one.

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Who sabotaged things? All was well until Cath herself went off topic and asked the following question:

So you can thank her.

Prior to that, there were other attempts to derail this thread.

Cath again:


o please

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Let's go over this again in case you missed it the first million times. There are those who believe in BF but don't believe RD has one.

Well then, I guess they probably shouldn't think that was directed at them, should they?

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Yes its all my fault for Asking everyone what they actually feel and who else they will "believe". ~rolls my eyes~

Its known many won't believe anyone who see's it because they only see this as a HOAX so you can have the best well respected scientist and many of you won't believe that person and go and try to dig up dirt on them for accepting RD HOAX in your minds.

We each believe people for different reasons.

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Guest njjohn

I'd suggest not letting this post derail into what the "other" thread became. This isn't another RD thread. Keep on topic please.

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Yes its all my fault for Asking everyone what they actually feel and who else they will "believe". ~rolls my eyes~

Its known many won't believe anyone who see's it because they only see this as a HOAX so you can have the best well respected scientist and many of you won't believe that person and go and try to dig up dirt on them for accepting RD HOAX in your minds.

We each believe people for different reasons.


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BFF Patron

Bigfoot is out there all right, and there is no fear that RD or MK will be adding any insight into it any time SOON!

Derek is a big boy he can take care of himself without the forum it sounds like. Reminder to MK and DR just remember don't get partially embalmed while you are out there though.

I for one voted that it isn't in possession of a film company, university, RD and won't be verifiable to anyone even a forensic pathologist. That is if that is even an option in the poll......


Edited by bipedalist
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