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Tree Manipulation/ Wood Structures: What Is The Evidence?


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If you think a BF made a structure or broke something, look for tracks or hair samples or something, and report or follow up on that.  In and of themselves, such "evidence" is so unlikely to be BF related you might as well discount it entirely.  I don't even want to see your pics.

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The flippancy of saying "wind and snow" in response to this question confirms for me you don't much know very much about wind and snow and how trees succumb to weather. Ditto as to your knowledge of what effort it would take for a human to duplicate.


Thanks for playing though. Here's a copy of the home game.





Edited by WSA
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The flippancy of saying "wind and snow" in response to this question confirms for me you don't much know very much about wind and snow and how trees succumb to weather. Ditto as to your knowledge of what effort it would take for a human to duplicate.


Thanks for playing though. Here's a copy of the home game.





Another provocative post by the person whose stated purpose here is to stir up animus whenever the mood strikes him NOT to have an honest back and forth. 

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The flippancy of saying "wind and snow" in response to this question confirms for me you don't much know very much about wind and snow and how trees succumb to weather. Ditto as to your knowledge of what effort it would take for a human to duplicate.


Thanks for playing though. Here's a copy of the home game.





Prove your knowledge, then. Demonstrate how snow load or wind, or age or plant pathology could not have possibly done, say, 5 -10 tree breaks of your choosing. 


Better get started, here is your chance to shine.

Edited by dmaker
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Guest Crowlogic

I've been waiting a long time for somebody to explain tree breaks like this to me...so go ahead CL. We're anxiously awaiting your explanations.


You see, it is not nearly enough to posit "BF didn't do this." You must explain what did or just please kindly just shut your yap.  This is far from proving a negative, as I would predict you to say. It is about a real event, needing to be explain by real physics. 



What specific kind of tree break would you like to know about first?

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My new-new modus operandi? Don't engage with those who don't know what the hell they are talking about.

LOL, except to talk down to them?  When challenged to demonstrate knowledge you claim to have, you clam up.


I wish I could say that I am surprised.

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My new-new modus operandi? Don't engage with those who don't know what the hell they are talking about.

Some times the best way to be is to go straight into the fire and engage. Sure a lot of the tree breaks can be explained by wind and I mean strong wind as well as snow fall and rain. But what about the tree breaks that cannot be explained where Bigfoot has been reported. The places where researchers are sure that there were no tree formations or breaks there before until they started researching that area. Explain the twist in the tree that are left especially when that tree is 4" diameter and is fresh and is meant to be seen.


Sure I have photos but why should I show you photos of full roll of nothing. Just time stamp and the date stamp that proves they were shot that night. Jeeze there is no way I can explain why these creatures would create these structures but finding prints in the general area gives an idea to why. The only thing that I can come up with is territory claim. When us human wonder into there turf they let us know by making these structures  and this is my opinion.


Yes I am not going to discount people wondering of into the woods . We cannot say that people do not just go into places where one just happens to wonder of too. Sure people are going to go into places of the woods but not all the time. But they are not going to take the time to build these structures over night at times just so that they can play a trick on some one.

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For me anything that is not a premeditate structure is almost certainly the effects of the environment itself and not of animal origin.

Crowlogic, Bodhi, and dmaker, now that you all are here, I'd like for you all to take a look at the structure I studied back in 2012. I'm not sure what page I start showing and explaining it but I think it's around page 7 or 8? I'd be interested to see if any of you have ever seen or heard of anything like it. Thanks!

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Nope, I hadn't. I reviewed them. The resolution is pretty low. I'm sorry but I can't see enough detail to really tell you much about it. Looks like really nice country.

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Guest Crowlogic

Wes T:  As a kid me and my cohorts made stuff like that in the woods in attempts to make tee pee forts etc.  No I've never come upon one in the wilderness.  The trail next to the structure you show is rather well traveled.  At this point in time I don't subscribe to them being made by bigfoot.  Some reasons humans might make a tee pee structure, playing Indian, survival practice, actual shelter support, having sport with bigfoot fans, bigfoot youtube researchers drumming up interest and subscriptions for their channel, a random person making a random such structure without definite purpose towards anyone or anything.

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Crowlogic, when you were young, and you and your friends were building these things, did you all strip an 8ft Pine sapling of its branches and pin the top to the ground with a log for any reason?

Bodhi, yeah my dumb smartphone takes way better pics. The Sony Handi Cam I used then didn't do very well in mixed lighting. But I got decent enough pics to get the "gist" of it.

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What could make a tree break provocative would be Bigfoot footprints around the break positioned in the necessary conformation for the creature to actually break the tree.

Crowlogic, when you were young, and you and your friends were building these things, did you all strip an 8ft Pine sapling of its branches and pin the top to the ground with a log for any reason?

Bodhi, yeah my dumb smartphone takes way better pics. The Sony Handi Cam I used then didn't do very well in mixed lighting. But I got decent enough pics to get the "gist" of it.

There is no real reason for a Sasquatch to do this either. That's a lot of wasted calories for a creature who's first goal is probably finding food.

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Hey Faenor, not sure myself if it was a Sasquatch that constructed it. I only went where the evidence led me when I examined it more closely. What I discovered about it's intended purpose has me puzzled to this day.

I appreciate you taking a look at it, it was worth a try.

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