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Are There "dumb" Sasquatches?


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ThePhaige: You are spot on there my friend. When you hear one making "slip-ups" by walking toward you and stepping on sticks, breaking limbs, rolling rocks with his feet, etc., better turn and look behind you because he and his buddy(ies) are about to have fun with you. :o Anyone who has messed with them for a while knows about their "counting coup" games.


Some of the younger males (like the one that pulled it on me in July 2010) will deliberately "slip up" and let  themselves be seen, just to show you how fast they are and how quickly they can "disappear".


I really think that the younger generation of these creatures (the big reds) are trying harder to interact with folks that they know mean them no harm, and who are in turn trying to interact with them. That's not just my opinion; others who spend a lot of time messing with them have mentioned the same thing over the past several years.  

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^ That's my view.   Agreed, both on "counting coup" and on their choice to approach individual people. 


I don't think it is dumb, I think it reflects a change of strategy.  



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Right on...when your on the receiving end of it... their approach and the interpretation of it has a whole different kind of connotation attached to it doesn't it :)


I have also heard theories, yet I have no experience with this myself,  but of them using or somehow spooking venison into moving traffic... as a sort of game of sorts or perhaps to make for easy hunting. I cant remember now where I read this and there is more to it than that...but I don't want to comment on the details from memory as someone may know of these stories more fully and care to comment.  

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Absolutely, and I wasn't referring to using resources to get proof.


We are born with these resources (maybe that's not the best word, but I can't think of a better one at the moment), & fail to recognize & use them to our advantage. That failure probably makes us look really stupid the the BFs.

Sasfooty: An example is that about 10% of modern humans have midtarsal flexibility in their feet. In general we modern humans lost our need for that resource and lost it by not using it. Wearing shoes made it useless.


Our hearing would be greatly enhanced if our ears were not subjected to the unusually loud noises that are now commonplace in most place all over the world. The indigenous people of Brazil that I have hunted and fished with in the Amazon Basin having amazing hearing and a sense of smell, almost animal-like. Their night vision was also very much better than mine.

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Guest lightheart

The traditional Seminoles know how to create at least seven different levels of heat in their bodies to respond to environmental conditions. They also walk barefoot in the woods because they use the hairs on their toes to sense the presence of snakes. I know this sounds really woo woo but they were serious when they told us this. The point being that much more than what we would consider normal is possible. After i got back from that trip when i would do gardening in my yard i would do it barefoot since i have several black snakes that live in my flower beds and they always kind of jump out and startle me. I got to where i could sense them before they startled me. There is something to this no matter how weird it sounds.

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I believe it, Lightheart! I go barefooted constantly. Once I nearly stepped on a bunch of baby copperheads, but before seeing them, I jerked my foot back just before stepping on them. Same thing happened with a scorpion in the house.


Toe hairs..... I wondered how that happened. ;)

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Hello lightheart,


You bring home the point of how we;ve weeded out things that may have once been common survival knowledge. Even simple things that when heard make good sense. Of course being constantly immersed in a type of environment where those things are important helps in retaining that kind of knowledge to where it is second nature.

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Guest lightheart

It know it sounds really bizarre but it has happened  a number of times now and i just no longer question it. The Traditional Seminole do not use electricity or live in houses. They try to maintain the old ways of living in harmony with nature. For them these skills are normal and learned from childhood.

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The Truth About Hair and why Indians would keep their hair long

Reported by C. Young

This information about hair has been hidden from the public since the Viet Nam War .

Our culture leads people to believe that hair style is a matter of personal preference, that hair style is a matter of fashion and/or convenience, and that how people wear their hair is simply a cosmetic issue. Back in the Viet Nam war however, an entirely different picture emerged, one that has been carefully covered up and hidden from public view.

In the early nineties,  Sally [name changed to protect privacy]  was married to a licensed psychologist who worked at a VA Medical hospital. He worked with combat veterans with PTSD, post traumatic stress disorder.  Most of them had served in Viet Nam.

Sally said, \†I remember clearly an evening when my husband came back to our apartment on Doctor\’s Circle carrying a thick official looking folder in his hands. Inside were hundreds of pages of certain studies commissioned by the government. He was in shock from the contents. What he read in those documents completely changed his life. From that moment on my conservative middle of the road husband grew his hair and beard and never cut them again. What is more, the VA Medical center let him do it, and other very conservative men in the staff followed his example.  As I read the documents, I learned why. It seems that during the Viet Nam War special forces in the war department had sent undercover experts to comb American Indian Reservations looking for talented scouts, for tough young men trained to move stealthily through rough terrain. They were especially looking for men with outstanding, almost supernatural, tracking abilities. Before being approached, these carefully !

selected men were extensively documented as experts in tracking and survival.

With the usual enticements, the well proven smooth phrases used to enroll new recruits, some of these indian trackers were then enlisted. Once enlisted, an amazing thing happened. Whatever talents and skills they had possessed on the reservation seemed to mysteriously disappear, as recruit after recruit failed to perform as expected in the field.

Serious casualities and failures of performance led the government to contract expensive testing of these recruits, and this is what was found.

When questioned about their failure to perform as expected, the older recruits replied consistantly that when they received their required military haircuts, they could no longer \’sense\’ the enemy, they could no longer access a \’sixth sense\’ ,  their \’intuition\’ no longer was reliable, they couldn\’t \’read\’  subtle signs as well or access subtle extrasensory information.

more http://www.sott.net/article/234783-The-Truth-About-Hair-and-Why-Indians-Would-Keep-Their-Hair-Long

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Good post there Sas. There was a fella named Samson spoken about in a book that I cant discuss here that shows such a comparable correlation.

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Guest lightheart

Ha Ha I knew there was a reason I am keeping my hair long.

 Phaige i thought of that too when i read Sas's post.

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Guest lightheart

You know the other think that occurs to me Sasfooty  is that those traditional Seminoles had almost waist length hair every one of them male ,female, young and old. 

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