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N A W A C - Field Study Discussion (2)

See-Te-Cah NC

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I don't know why NAWAC paid for their damages.  Maybe b/c they felt bad? 


We felt we had contributed to a scenario in which his truck was damaged. We felt a certain obligation to our hosts to help make the necessary repairs as well as offset any associated costs and efforts. At no point was there any discussion or threat of legal proceedings. We proactively did what we thought was the right thing.


From the description above, it sounds they were indeed downrange of the muzzle, but not in the line of fire.


That's correct. Though they had no way of knowing from their perspective, they were never in the line of fire. There's a perception among some that we mistook them for a wood ape, but that's not the case. They were too far away to see us and we never saw them. Any account you read online that says differently is mistaken. 

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Barred owls have made the second weirdest noises I've ever heard in the field. Anyone looking for bigfoot in a halfway serious manner should familiarize themselves with owl calls. Freaky things.

I'll ask...what was the weirdest? The 'samurai chatter whispering'?

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I don't know that they were trespassing.  Why would NAWAC pay them if they were there illegally?

Yes they were family, and the couple was 50 yards from the gunfire.  I found the incident description.


Is Mr. Branson's son (the Deputy Sheriff) a deputy in the county the incident occured?


Does he have jurisdiction in the area?  or is he in a different county?  Did you call the Sheriff in the county that the incident occurred in?

Here is an interesting fact. We know two humans were near the NAWAC member when he fired the shots. I saw a video taken shortly afterwards, as is NAWAC's practice of recording immediate reactions, and the shooter was agitated and saying something like "I saw it!" over and over again. He also stated that he may have seen a smaller wood ape walking alongside the bigger one. NAWAC doesn't dwell on this aspect of the story and says that the shooter was uncertain about a second wood ape. I am unable to find the video now.

Another curious fact. I was at the Honobia conference when Branson discussed the shooting incident. It was this public talk that apparently forced the field researchers to publicly disclose the story. Branson is seemingly convinced that the creatures are human, really "nice people" is how he put it, and he was, he claimed, surprised that the field researchers were trying to kill one as well as upset that they would do such a thing. Why does he allow NAWAC on his land then?

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Operation Endurance began June 4, 2011
Operation Persistence began May 5, 2012
Operation Relentless began April 26, 2013 

So Tenacity's gotta be somewhere in there, right? ;)

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Saw this on a sign today: "The only alternative to perseverance is failure"


Doing the same thing over and over,  expecting different results is the definition of insanity.


A. Einstein

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I'll see your fake Einstein quote and raise you a real one that's also among my favorites. Seems especially apt in this conversation:

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.


It can also be found here.

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I'll see your fake Einstein quote and raise you a real one that's also among my favorites. Seems especially apt in this conversation:



It can also be found here.


Depends upon how worthy the cause and how strong the men.

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Bipto, you have huge talents and your drive to start BFF was one of the greatest things ever done for bigfoot. Your drive to prove bigfoot is a goal that needs to be done, but shooting one makes me cringe. You are driven to prove that bigfoot exists, and bigfoot wants to remain unproven. It might become extinct in parts of America. Bigfoot is a national treasure. I wish you could commune with a bigfoot family and bring them peacefully into the book of facts.


Be strong, but listen to critics. If bigfoot is 'human like' and very smart so what? Will you have regrets and be haunted if you bring one in on a bloody streacher?  Many witnesses say they are human looking as the one shown below.  


The wise man listens to critics.


"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man......................."


true half the time...............


In my opinion the military mentality is unbecoming for a man of your ambitions. Calling it a 'wood ape' is the way we rationalized the killing of 'gooks' as being just fine. I would have done it..........but would my conscience allow the memory to evaporate?  Why not become more of a primatologist and capture one on film or alive. Get Jane Goodall out there and capture one on video or alive.  


 nuff said.  


Edited by georgerm
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In my opinion the military mentality is unbecoming for a man of your ambitions. Calling it a 'wood ape' is the way we rationalized the killing of 'gooks' as being just fine. 


It's shocking to me how casually yet incredibly insulting the people on this forum can be. 

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It's shocking to me how casually yet incredibly insulting the people on this forum can be. 


My response is clearly not intended to be an insultive since most of your efforts were applauded.  I'm sorry if you took it that way. It was simply my opinion based on my experiences in the military and my studies on bigfoot. If you want to skirt and not engage in legitimate issues for discussion that is your prerogative.  nuff said..................................good day

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