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Eye Glow Seen In New Jersey By Law Enforcement Officer


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Really? Most reports don't contain any of those elements. Some do. Why expect one or all to be present in every sighting?

Of course, your argument is also dependent on the assumption that Patty is a genuine bigfoot.

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Reading is fundamental:

Having witnesses it on multiple instances myself I can say that there is a reason he finally "came around"

He is a witness to the phenomenon. Bipedalist is more than capable of answering for himself, but I would guess that puts him solidly in the "proponent" camp.

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Guest thermalman

Really? Most reports don't contain any of those elements. Some do. Why expect one or all to be present in every sighting?

Of course, your argument is also dependent on the assumption that Patty is a genuine bigfoot.

That would be correct. Patty is the best evidence we have of a genuine BF, IMHO, within the context of the BF phenomena. Seems like a lot of eye shine claims, by many witnesses, and "Matt Moneymaker has publically validated that it is a real phenomenon that goes beyond the tapetum lucidum and eye shine/red reflex phenomena"-bipedalist, which contradicts the validity of the PGF as we know it.


Reminds me of the telephone game where one person whispers something into the next person's ear, who then whispers into another and so forth down the line, resulting in a totally twisted version of the original message.

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Reading is fundamental:

He is a witness to the phenomenon. Bipedalist is more than capable of answering for himself, but I would guess that puts him solidly in the "proponent" camp.


I read and comprehend very well thanks, I suspected he did but was lost in his message about M. Moneymaker.   

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BFF Patron

Not really following the diatribe here, but daylight eyeglow or even eyeshine for that matter is a very, very rare phenomenon re: BF or all my reading for the last ten years or so has been for naught.  I am talking nocturnal reports with no moon and very little if any ambient light and certainly with no person shining a light at the BF of any kind.  As BH so aptly put it, to invalidate any durnal or nocturnal BF sighting report because of one element that is missing or is not reported would be tantamount to what BFRO did with eyeglow accounts pre-Moneymaker's epiphany.  

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I read and comprehend very well thanks, I suspected he did but was lost in his message about M. Moneymaker.

Sorry Gumshoeye,

I wasn't making fun, just being goofy. It's a common joke among friends, but rereading my post, I can see how it comes across as snarky. My apologies.:)

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BFF Patron

Biped, I read your message about BFRO, but are you a proponent of eye glow?  


Yes, most definitely a proponent (and spoke to Moneymaker face to face in 2007 about my experiences), having seen multiples at 30 yards with green eyeglow, and a single sentinel with same within 35 ft. or slightly less unobscured.   There was no doubt what I was observing in the latter instance particularly as I watched it position itself below me on a trail using a bipedal glide as I was dark-adapted.  Multiples sighted weeks before, and the night the sentinel (and flankers) presented to me they were within one hundred feet of the location multiples were sighted on a mountainside bench several weeks before.  As catmandoo says, "I was school".   The sentinel was part of a strategic and tactical movement directly at me as I had two flankers working in coordination with "it" that evening.  Very intense sighting on my home turf, and glad they were simply "counting coup",  as I hadn't done anything to **** them off in my research protocol to date (or maybe I did and their response was to close in and test the sob).  

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Just curious, do you have a hypothesis (or have you heard of one) about the biological cause of eye glow?

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Just curious, do you have a hypothesis (or have you heard of one) about the a possible biological cause of eye glow?

Fixed that for you, G! B)
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I won't pretend to speak for him.   "Nope."   It's really unnecessary.   Not having a clue how it works doesn't make the observation that it is happening go away.   Think about it ... we all observe "gravity."  How many people TRULY know how it works?   Does not knowing keep the rest from falling?



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I just wanted to share that last August, on one of the BFRO expeditions to the WA Cascades, two of the participants saw a BF like creature with red eye glow.  It happened after midnight and they were not using flashlights when the event occurred.  This was done intentionally since the trip leader did not want us to use flashlights (or NV or Thermal cameras).  We were allowed to use a red head-lamp but only when we needed to move.  So most of the time, the participants were standing in dark dirt roads/paths and listening (some were playing music trying to draw attention). The location was a known hot-spot for regional BFRO leaders and supposedly yielded repeat encounters.


The path the eyewitnesses took was so dark that they could not even see their hands in front of their faces.  Therefore, they were very confident it was not eye-shine.  They described the eyes as red balls of light as bright as a flashlight.  The red light was bright enough for them to see one of the creature’s hands in front of its face.


They submitted a BFRO report, but I don’t know if it would be accepted or posted.

The 2 witnesses were retired professors from Alaska and were serious and sincere about their experience.  I camped with them my last night and heard their story first hand.  I don’t know if a BF like creature with red glowing eyes exists in the Cascades, but after listening to these two gentlemen, I am willing to consider the possibility. And, if the red glowing eye claim is true, then the BF phenomenon is more bizarre than I thought.



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Well maybe the no NV thing was justifiable, since many of those have IR illumination that we worry could bleed over to the edge of perception, but thermal SHOULD be passive, so that does indeed raise questions about the conduct of this event.



I had in the past been convinced that it was misjudgement of the possibilities of perception of extremely diffuse lighting being concentrated by larger eye and to full adapted human eye looking "ridiculously" bright. But seeing enough light apparently emanating to illuminate a hand, does not seem to fit this explanation. However, I would go armchair lawyer on that description and say any amount of perceptible light is enough to see a hand come across it, the outline/shadow of the hand, but if the hand was perceptible away from the "eyes" by being illuminated from them, then this is not a phenomenon that we are scientifically familiar with.

Oh, there is still the possibility that, everyone having red lights, that the BF could have been "lit" from another direction, which source was hidden from observers. 

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