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So... Renae Of ' Finding Bigfoot ' Now Admits She Believes Bigfoot Exist

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Guest thermalman

Nope I would not.  But just like the other scientists who know this is biology's hottest item right now, I know how to read evidence.


The rest of the scientists?  They aren't even paying attention.  Only way to look at it, when they're saying the same things you'd expect the garbage man to say.


Natives and non-Natives are seeing the same thing and describing it the same way.  That is called yer "authenticity indicator."  It's just how real stuff behaves.

What evidence are predicting you can read?

Posted (edited)

C'mon people, read posts better.  I can wait ...not sure how long but I can wait...


"Native Americans commonly used hallucinogens...so their lore should be taken with a grain of salt."


I'll give you time.


That sentence in quotes, every relevant word of which is included, blanket condemns the Native lore on sasquatch, which when viewed with proper perspective depicts an animal no different from the ones both Natives and we accept.  To lay it all - as that clearly does - to hallucinogens is just like saying we need to dismiss most of science, because we all know scientists have gotten drunk; smoked weed; and done harder stuff than that.



There is a big difference between drugs as a recreational use and drugs as a ceremonial and sacramental use. Recreational users understand the effects are purely psychological, while the sacramental users see those effects as reality. Those comparisons are not even in the same ball park.


Do you believe that they really encountered talking animals, shape-shifting, and the ability to manifest across realms? Do you believe they really traveled to the spiritual realm using these drugs? Because they believe it all happened.


Their views of Sasquatch also differ wildly from one another. From being physical beings like us to a reptile from ancient times that has the ability to shape-shift into animals. Some believe Sasquatch is a cannibal giant, while others see them as inter-dimensional traveler's and religious messengers.




So yeah, grain of salt absolutely.



OK.  Chalking all Native American sasquatch lore up to being stoned on shrooms is not only backed by no evidence but borderline racist.


Nobody chalked it all up to being stoned. I clearly said taken with a grain of salt. Do you know what that means?


I never said that they didn't see Sasquatch, no more than they saw birds and coyotes. I referenced their beliefs about Sasquatch- the lore. Coyotes talking, Sasquatch dimension hopping, etc. As usual though the paranoid 'Sasquatch isn't real' card comes into play.


As far as your racist comment goes, that's about as absurd as it gets. It's common knowledge that natives used hallucinogens to reach the spiritual realm and they believed it's effects were genuine. That's known fact, and Peyote is still widely used today by Natives.

Edited by roguefooter
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How you get there is your business, some "cheat" by using drugs.   Drugs can "lie" to you though.  So it's not always the best way to get to that "bliss" that George Harrison talks about.  But if you can get to that next level of conscientiousness, then you can relax, turn off your mind and float down stream.  It is seeing, it is believing. 


Drugs, schmugs, just be quiet in your soul.  That's where you hear it.  I have a poster that says, "Leave space for the Angels to play."


Just listen to the "Voices on the Wind," and hear your "Singing Call,"  "Tomorrow Never Knows,"  "Any road will take you there."




Renae may have just tapped into that spirit which is within us all. 


If you feel connected to what is around you.  It all makes sense.  Watch the George Harrison video on youtube from VH1 before he died.  You just have to connect to the environment around you in a peaceful way.  It doesn't matter what you are seeking.  Just find some peace and listen.  Leave some space for the Angels to play, or to stop pushing, relax and let your mind float down stream.


Yeah, sounds hippy like, but you don't need drugs.  Just a state of mind.  It is knowing.  It is believing.



And sit outside until all hours of the night, no matter how cold it is.  Just layer up fool!  Because any road will take you there.



I too am a little perplexed about her revelation. It looks as though the show has been renewed for the 2014/2015

season, so I am hoping that she will expand on what caused the big turn around in her belief of this subject. I hope

she will expand on what she means exactly about Bigfoot being spiritual. I am really curious as to how her revelation

will affect her role on the show. I have to assume that she will no longer be the skeptical cog in the machine, but we

will just have to wait and see.


Headin' out to the Strawberry River with Sasquatch!


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BFF Patron

Wingman Finding BF are filming upcoming episodes right now.     A member here was interviewed and had to sign a non disclosure statement.    I think that Renae will remain the foil and play her skeptical scientist character even though she might privately believe.    If you think about it, many who watch the show are like myself and have to restrain myself from throwing things at the TV when she does not believe some witness.    In some ways she is like the villain in a dramatic show.  


  I have never taken hallucinogenic drugs but do know the military was experimenting with them as a means to heighten consciousness.    So it is entirely possible that they might make you more aware that a BF is around.    You might pick up sounds of movement or movement out of the corner of your eye that you would ordinarily miss.     The problem being that the effects are unpredictable, and the last thing the military wants is someone with a gun that is not predictable or rational.   There is a classic case of a BF sighting on Tillamook Head just South of Seaside Oregon.    The problem being that the woman that had the sighting was a known hallucinogen user.     So it was either a fantasy that her mind fabricated or a real situation and no one believed her.   Same would apply to alcohol use in hunters camp.    A group of campers partying would not be in a big hurry to report a BF sighting to authorities or even each other.   One wonders how many times someone has got up in the night to relieve themselves at 2 or 3 AM when the fire has burned down and have a face to face with BF exploring camp.  Probably a lot more than we know.  


Her belief in a spiritual BF is simply her attempt to be polite in her actual non-belief.  She has not changed her position at all.


You have to remember this is TV, and as Bobo has said the show is scripted and run by Writers and even though it may be reality-based, the people are still ACTING and so is Rene, I am sure she will open up after she is off the show, then and only then will we know the truth...


Her belief in a spiritual BF is simply her attempt to be polite in her actual non-belief. She has not changed her position at all.

That doesn't make sense.


^^^^It actually doesn't.  It makes her position kinda laughable, actually.


Spiritual is internal.  So BF is real as a construct inside those interested in, or in Renae's case making a nice living from, the BF phenomen.  I find her statement then to be a nod toward the community, in that she does not see the subject as a complete joke.  But it only further indicates that she does not believe in BF as an actual animal.


Well, when she says she believes it can enter and leave the physical plane at will...it kinda puts the kibosh on downplaying a person's reported experience with, no, you couldn't have seen that.  Well actually, Ranae, yes they could have, and you know that.


But I doubt her admission is going to make many folks happy. The (not)Finding Bigfoot team was right down the road from me last week, and a write-up in the local paper dropped the bombshell.


An excerpt from the article:


Linky: http://www.heraldstandard.com/news/local_news/finding-bigfoot-tv-researchers-come-to-uniontown/article_869676e9-602d-5919-ab5d-98d087d62708.html


The quote in question is about two-thirds of the way down.



Who cares what she thinks??? Has FB pushed the football down the field?  What landmark result do they have for the hoopla and all the money spent?  Is it really any different than Jersey Housewifes?

Posted (edited)

Apparently 9 pages of forum members care in some capacity or another. Why do you care who cares? You were free to not to participate in a thread that obviously offends your sensibilities, yet you did. Odd, that.


BTW- Who has led that drive deep into sasquatch territory?

Edited by Bonehead74
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