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So... Renae Of ' Finding Bigfoot ' Now Admits She Believes Bigfoot Exist

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Posted (edited)

Me so sorry

Edited by See-Te-Cah NC
1 A
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Here's Cliff Barackman from his BFF blog interview:  "I can't really figure her out.  She speaks and acts like bigfoots are real, but then she says she doesn't think they are and never has. ..."


And then she says they're spirits who flash in and out of our reality at will.  Yes, quite the skeptic.


She can think what she wants.  But if it undercuts her expressed stance as a skeptic, well she has to start modifying that stance, or next time she says "you couldn't have seen a bigfoot because they don't do that," we are just gonna have to look at her funny.


As somebody who has always held that the only reason science can't pursue the paranormal aspects of sasquatch yet is that the tools aren't there to do it unless I am missing something, I'm not saying Ranae is wrong.

I'm just saying that if she really believes this now, she needs to go to a lot of people who didn't, no way, see what they saw 'coz Ranae says that can't happen, and give them the apology she owes them.

This I can agree with. My question is, what is the lag between the filming of an episode and its air date? The statement in question was made just a few weeks ago. Perhaps her's is a position only recently arrived at, and not reflected in any episode yet aired?

I haven't watched the show (barring a snippet here & there) since the first season. Others would know better if her position has been evolving as of late, or if she has been consistent throughout the show's history.


All good questions, Bonehead.  I do think that as the show's resident skeptic, Ranae needs to sort them out for the benefit of, you know, us true skeptics.

BFF Patron
Posted (edited)

I have no problem with Renae assigning a spiritual property to BF just as the Native Americans do.   Probably because I am part Native American myself.    Personally I feel the same way about that in that BF seem to have spiritual properties with respect to their relationship to humans,   but I stop short of assigning them abilities to pop in and out of this universe when other explanations work far better.    I give them due reverence in the field.     Probably a good idea when some of them are  8 or 9 feet tall and have had many chances to take me out of this "realm" and have not as yet.       If Renae had said something like I just said, I would not have even commented that but she carries science around like a club and bashes witnesses over the head with it wanting proof and substantiation.      Then matter of fact assigns dimension (realm)  hopping abilities  when nothing like that is known in science.     We have too many people that have grown up watching Star Trek, or other science fiction, and think changing dimensions is normal and science.    It is unknown to science.   I might give her a pass in that her degree might have not required physics.   Some, including myself have tried to verify her academic credentials,  unsuccessfully I might add in my case.    She could indeed have been working in the field with bear surveys etc and not hold a 4 year degree.      It is not unknown in the TV documentary business for people to tout credentials they do not have.  There are people on TV that pass their self off as a crypto zoologist when I have yet to find a university that offers that as a major.    It might be a class in some university biology programs just as Science History was for me but I doubt there is a crypto zoology major.    The only thing you could do with it is teach.   So if they say they are one, they are likely self anointed.    


Ranae is a biologist who worked for NOAA. Her degree is from the University of Washington. That information isn't hard to find.

BFF Patron

Unless you are an alum of University WA you cannot even get into their alumnae records.    I have tried.     You have to go to the source, the University,  to verify that sort of thing.   Anything released by Animal Planet or what she has stated and been repeated by media is not verification.    What would NOAA be doing with grizzly bear studies?     Polar bears maybe but what interest does NOAA have with grizzly bears?   Just curious if you are right.    She could very well be what she says but there are so many cases of media figures misrepresenting their academic credentials.  


This I can agree with. My question is, what is the lag between the filming of an episode and its air date? The statement in question was made just a few weeks ago. Perhaps her's is a position only recently arrived at, and not reflected in any episode yet aired?


I have often wondered if she may have seen something that changed her perspective, the night she spent in the swamps on Sulphur River, south of Fouke, Arkansas. There was very little said about what happened that night & I had a feeling that it would have been interesting to hear about.


She never did bear studies; she was a fisheries biologist. This has been clarified many times.


^ Matt, it appears Renae got her BS in fisheries from the UW in 2009.  Finding Bigfoot has been broadcast for the past 3.5 yr, and I assume it was being filmed at least 0.5 yr before it was first aired.  Thus, am I correct in assuming that Renae had/has a mere 1 yr of experience as a degreed scientist?  That seems to be a lame foundation upon which to bill someone as an expert skeptical scientist.


I posted that to demonstrate how easily her credentials can be located. Moreover, Ranae worked as a field biologist prior to her completing her studies and obtaining a degree. Whether she had the degree for one year or ten years, she came onboard the show as a degreed scientist with years of field experience.

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^ Her field experience prior to earning her degree is as a biological technician, not as a biologist.  In fact, some would argue that most experience done with a mere BS is still technician work.


A scientist is one who is involved in all aspects of implementation of the scientific method -- planning, procuring funding, assembling and managing a team, collection of data, analysis of data, and reporting.

Guest Divergent1
Posted (edited)

I don't have any problem with what she said assuming that what she said was reported accurately. Spiritual entities have been reported to manipulate the environment, poltegeist throw things, hide things, etc......if that same type of booh hag is outside why couldn't it also manipulate that environment? I know, it's all a big "what if" but I don't see her opinion being all that illogical.


There has been recent mathematical verification that we live in a holographic universe and that the seat of consciousness resides outside of the body. If the mathematical proofs hold up then I would say that anything paranormal could absolutely phase in and out of that narrow range of existence that we humans can perceive.


Think Schrodinger's bigfoot....do you suppose some version of that  happened to Daisy in a Box? :sarcastichand: That's what I get out of Renae's belief.


Edited by Divergent1
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