Doc Holliday Posted June 27, 2015 Posted June 27, 2015 missing or just Lost ?........... perhaps its an off shoot of the Dharma Initiative. 1
Guest Posted June 27, 2015 Posted June 27, 2015 (edited) I've been reading this entire thread now for over 7 hours and I was thoroughly fascinated by the first 15 pages or so of how diplomatic everyone was and how wonderful it was to debate and banter one's view without ad-hominem attacks. I wanted to jump right into the discussion so badly but being a newbie 'booger', I knew I should hold off till I got to the end. Glad I held off but sad that the thread appears to sort of lost some of it's 'humpf' (is that even a word?). I still want to share some of my thoughts, maybe just for the sheer acknowledgement that I made it this far... lol. I've enjoyed everyone's comments (well until a few things went South there for awhile) and again I love the diversity of the forum. GumshoeyeI think that if I ever get the chance to meet you in person I'd like to shake your hand and share how refreshing it is to know someone as methodical as you appear to be in your research and presentation of subject matter, (oh wait, I think I might have just done pretty much all of that except the hand-shake). SWWASASQUATCHPROJECTAround page 31 you made mention about sitting behind a pc watching various cams setup that would be activated via motion. I had to set up a similar information collecting application for someone researching a different type of genre (more paranormal) a number of years ago. The software has advance tremendously since then and the following is an open source (and free) type that might be of some use and value (I have not personally tried it yet). I-Spy-Connect AnyWho.... Here's a few things that I wanted to say many, many pages back. And again these are just thoughts that buzzed through my head as I was reading everyone's comments. These may appear to be somewhat discombobulated because they are more random than actually following the threads certain 'train of thoughts' at the time. So here goes... Regardless if Bob Garrett did/didn't have anything to do with the campsite (that is supposedly video'd), we have records/reports past and present of similar like scenes and scenarios (even before there was a BF fad/trend/fashion) supposedly made by 'something' with great strength and trashed Campsites. And if there were bodies, this again is something that is not new (just not as reported as much). I was trying to think out of the box as to what possibly prompted this and why it may have happened Is it safe to say and or consider that these entities/animals (whatever they may be) have emotions? If so, is revenge possibly one of them? If we believe that many an animal will do anything to protect it's young, then we probably need to include that they would remove such a threat (if present). And it's also quite possible that antagonism (wild drunken gun-fire, etc.) 'might' be perceived as such. Lets say that during the daytime shots are being fired (not at the entity, but perhaps in their direction). Being probably opportunistic, the entity would probably wait till nightfall. Now I understand that the above is purely conjecture, but man has a tendency to think like a man and not an animal, especially if we have the safety of a warm campfire and tent (bad humor there for sarcasm's sake). And by Man, I mean mankind in general, not the Hunting populace. Which brings me to something that I only read a few instances of and I believe Gumshoeye was the first to make this reference in the query of why it might be possibly swept under the floor (my words not his). I've alway thought that the reason why no acknowledgement (from the federal/state) has been made is that when you have over 4 million visitors to Yosemite National Park (2014) alone, well then the last thing you want to do is have an announcement that an animal/entity several times stronger and larger than a bear might come and visit you. You can kiss tourisim right in the arse with that. To give you an idea numbers wise (and this is a lowball figure), it's been said that Yosemite generated 380 million dollars (2012) and the effects of those dollars– spent at hotels, motels, restaurants, grocery stores, gasoline stations and souvenir shops — are felt well beyond the park boundaries, to the tune of almost $472 million. Lets push tourisim aside and get into the ethics side. You've got the whole are they a off-human-species, and "are we them-are they us"? A debate in a can of worms which might open up the floodgates of hell with the relegious (and other) groups (I'm sure PETA is in there somewhere). Now if I were to really let myself loose with the wild thoughts, I'd include the thoughts that an animal being called BigFoot has been captured, studied and researched by the military complex for god-knows-what type of experimentation (possible Gene splicing for future Super-Soldiers), who knows. If you have something that you could control that stands 8-10 feet tall has apparently excellent repairative skills and can rip a human apart easily... oh I don't know why the Miliary would be interested in such a thin! Wooooo... ANYWAY... Conjecture and crazy theories abound and I think I've just gone a tad loopy with almost 8 hours on this thread now..LOL Jumpin Johnathon - I think it's important and incumbent upon all members to greet, treat and welcome new members as though they were guest in our own homes. For that thank you and a hearty handshake to you. Just to recap from the very beginning, I questioned the manner and timing of the Sasquatch Chronicles (SC) ala Mr. Garrett, and not so much that it wasn’t possible, but we do not know absolutely what occurred since nobody was inside that man’s head to stand here as witnesses. In discussion I made it painfully clear I do not know either men Garrett or Wes nor am I on anyone’s payroll now or in the past but I can’t that answer for everyone. I merely called into question the timing and cadence of one misfortune after another to visit itself upon (SC) and opined that in some ways it reminded of military psi-ops and once they’re career ends with the military they begin anew and fresh with the highest paying corporations and civilian government agencies for a number of reasons. On that same note, if you (generally speaking) were instructed to justify your worth and assist in shutting down discussion of Bigfoot, where would you go, to a Sportsmen Forum or Bigfoot Forum? Take a moment and consider that question. Too many people all through the century have reported encounters to write off as a hoax, and I personally have too much faith in mankind to believe it to be otherwise. So if I am to understand your comment as I believe I do, you posed some good points and hit one exactly where I was leading. Are there reasons for not wanting bigfoot discussion? Is there some research and development being done today to find military or uses for animals well, I'll leave that up to anyone's imagination to answer that but you may want to read the article linked below. You Don’t Have To Watch ‘Jurrassic World’ to See Bioengineered Animal Weapons June 15, 2015 http://foreignpolicy...animal-weapons/ It’s been said that nothing produced in Hollywood is too far from reality. From glowing felines to sea life delivering payloads there seems to be a rush to use mammals for warfare purposes. What it doesn’t mention is Bigfoot specifically, but then again it wasn't too many years ago when news surfaced that studies were underway to develop a "super human" to replace human soldiers on the battlefield. So what if? Could there be some planning in store for the creature we know as Bigfoot? Edited June 27, 2015 by Gumshoeye
Guest Posted June 27, 2015 Posted June 27, 2015 Well, I have to stand by my opinion that Sasquatch wouldn't have much value in a modern army. The things listed in the article are different. Recon insects aren't a new idea at all and would be a real coup for a tech. capable force (again, because explosions kill. hand to hand combat has long caused minimal combat casualties). Aquatic mammals as sentries or explosives carriers is old school and makes sense. The glowing cats just seem to be science play. Large, hairy monsters, terrifying as they are, don't seem near as valuable as the mosquito camera. The $ issue makes more sense as far as a cover-up is concerned (even though as I've stated, the cover-ups as described would be relatively impossible IMHO). But, what about all the other species we ID and shut down industries to protect? We do it for birds and the G doesn't have a problem. A new primate would be easy. I just don't think any agency cares about Bigfoot. I don't think that's misinformation or counter-intelligence, it's a logical opinion. And it's an opinion backed up by examples I gave earlier. The conspiracy theory seems thrown out by very few and always seem to have giant, gaping holes only explained by pointing fingers at some dark government shadow forces. It's akin to me saying there's a unicorn in my yard. Why can't I see it? Because it's invisible. What does it eat? Invisible grain. Why can't I hear it? It doesn't like you so it stays quiet when you're around. You can't argue with unseen, unknown, undocumented forces, so they become convenient excuses for all sorts of things. Even if it was a private army trying to shut down Sasquatch research, why don't they hit the big time, well known people and organizations. NAWAC is out there heavily armed and dead set on putting a body on a table. I've not heard of them being harassed at all by anyone. The G could easily cause them grief with all those guns. Seize a few and claim they are fully-automatic. Have game wardens claim they are hunting something else out of season. Easy. But it doesn't appear to be happening.
Doc Holliday Posted June 28, 2015 Posted June 28, 2015 ^plussed! (Because I loved Lost) thank you, lol....fwiw, the entire series is available on Netflix , got the family binge watching as we speak. i'll bet ol' Ben Linus could find BF if it came to destroy the island campsite.
MarkGlasgow Posted June 28, 2015 Posted June 28, 2015 So we are still stringing this out huh? Think I said weeks ago that we were still awaiting a break in this case. Some petty squabbling later and there is still no new information being brought to light nor is there any prospect of a breakthrough cos our main man has been shut down by da feds. Where exactly are we going with this?
Guest diana swampbooger Posted June 28, 2015 Posted June 28, 2015 JG, probably the only thing (some/most?) boogers can do is employ a frequency & phase to partial or full invisibility which the military has engineered. Might explain blobsquatch pics.
Guest Posted June 29, 2015 Posted June 29, 2015 So we are still stringing this out huh? Think I said weeks ago that we were still awaiting a break in this case. Some petty squabbling later and there is still no new information being brought to light nor is there any prospect of a breakthrough cos our main man has been shut down by da feds. Where exactly are we going with this? Where ever the discussion leads and hopefully on point my friend.
Bodhi Posted June 29, 2015 Posted June 29, 2015 So we are still stringing this out huh? Think I said weeks ago that we were still awaiting a break in this case. Some petty squabbling later and there is still no new information being brought to light nor is there any prospect of a breakthrough cos our main man has been shut down by da feds. Where exactly are we going with this? nowhere, which is where the "victims" of this "attack" might reside. It's another box canyon.
Rockape Posted June 29, 2015 Posted June 29, 2015 I'd still like to know how a BF could tear up a camp like that and not leave footprints.
Guest diana swampbooger Posted June 29, 2015 Posted June 29, 2015 I'd still like to know how a BF could tear up a camp like that and not leave footprints. you clearly haven't seen enough movies
Jumpin Johnathon Posted June 30, 2015 Posted June 30, 2015 (Please understand my fellow truth-seekers that I'm a newb on a leash, so can't answer or address as readily as I'd like to (but being a Mod at another multi-genre website I understand the need for such, so this isn't a complaint on my part). RockApe asked: "Really? 7 hours?" Yes, but there were two nature breaks (yes.. way too much info). But I got sucked in and really was amazed the distance the thread went without going south.... RockApe asked; "Can you tell me how it happened without leaving footprints everywhere?" Excellent question and to be honest I have no intelligently backed answer to this query. I will though share something that I was going to wait till I had my 20 posts under my belt before bringing to the light of day. I'm a 3rd generation gold miner in fact regardless of my occupations, I've maintained, managed and worked a number of mining leases/claims. With that said, one of these particular event's happened in the early 90's. My partner and I had boated about a 1/4 mile down the Klamath River of the Trinity Mountains approximately 20 miles past Happy Camp, California), the area is very rugged. We came across a spot that made a sharp turn and had an extremely large smooth sand bar behind it. We both thought this would be a great place to set up our 'base-camp and we proceeded to unload our gear from the boat. After a brief visual survey, the area we chose was over 100 feet away from the river and was maybe 8 feet away from the beginning of the woods. I should preface the following by saying that my buddy is an ex-seal and I'm pretty familar and comfortable being in the wilderness. As were walking back and forth several times from the boat to the camp, my partner promptly stops as he's heading back to the boat and then calls my name. I'm at the camp and he's maybe 20 feet behind me (looking towards the river) and I meander by his side to see why he's stopped going after the gear. He points to the sand just several feet ahead of us and says "look at that". What we saw was a path of large prints heading away from our camp and towards our boat. We bent down to look at them and if they were anything, we both agreed that it must be a large bear, but a bear with prints this size would've been humongous. We followed the prints down to where they promptly stopped about 15 feet away from the river. They did not turn or deviate from it's straight path from our camp. they just simply vanished. First I thought my buddy was playing a cruel trick on me, but there were no prints in the onset and we were constantly going back and forth those 100 feet in an uncumbered and visually clear area. He would not have had the time to make them, and besides our walking to and from the boat to the camp, there were no other prints (or any marks of any form). We both would've noticed that in the onset after landing (and te location of where these prints 'appeared'). Now I can understand how the prints might give a larger than ordinary appearance because of the way animals sometimes walk ontop of their prints (depending on the gait, etc.) My problem is with where did the prints come from... and where did the prints go? We both agreed that we would've noticed and animal walking besides our own tracks, and especially because of our timing in unloading and dropping off gear, one of us would've surely seen and heard an animal that large. So again in your query, I have no idea where those prints are or were, can you please tell me (an immediate observer/witness in an unusual event) what happened to those prints we saw (or even where's the frickin' animal for 'cris sakes')? RockApe Asked: " If you had family that had went missing in Sam Houston state park or any other park would you stay quiet about it? In this case apparently some families are doing just that since there are no records anyone can find about this. Another good question that I can't answer but only offer theories on (if even that). I'm also not privy to any records of any supposed cases. So I don't have an answer, perhaps this has nothing to do with an animal at all, perhaps this Garret fellow jumps the gun in his theories on what has transpired. Maybe the supposed missing victims have no families, I mean we can throw awhole lot of what-if's into the fray... Johnny G said; I'd like to address a few things. First, I don't think Sasquatch would have any value to the military as a resource. On a modern battle field people are killed by explosions. It was that way in WWII even. Unless Sasquatch could gather intelligence and call in strikes or mortars, I don't think it would have a much value. I can respect that train of thought, but I have friends, associates and acquaintances that have served their country and at times had to do what many might consider 'unthinkable acts' (those that don't understand the need to eliminate a threat). They did not have the luxury of being backed by bullets, explosions (or a troop for that matter). Most of them to this day struggle to maintain some type life (and/or 'normal' routine) that John and Jane Doe has and takes for granted. With that said... I personally don't have a problem with the thought that our armed services wouldn't refuse the science of perhaps from something (or someone) that had 'great speed and strength', the ability to possibly cloak or be stealthy, rapidly repair themselves when injured and survive in elements that most of us could not. For years science has been bioengineering. We grew a human ear on the back of a rat, made rabbits glow in the dark, and as far back as the early 70's, we communicated (about a 30 word vocabulary) and trained dolphins to recognize different metallic alloys, and used these trained dolphins to patrol the harbor at Viet Nam. The US National Academy of Sciences is studying the ethical limits of research with chimeras, or mixed-species animals, an issue which is becoming more urgent with the development of stem cell biology. Scientists are already developing animals which have human organs and cells: pigs with human blood, sheep with largely human livers and hearts; mice with some human neurons. And then we have this Combining monkeys and people Newman and anti-biotechnology activist Jeremy Rifkin have been tracking this issue for the last decade and were behind a rather creative assault on both interspecies mixing and the government’s policy of patenting individual human genes and other living matter. Years ago, the two applied for a patent for what they called a “humanzee,†a hypothetical — but very possible — creation that was half human and chimp. The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office finally denied their application this year, ruling that the proposed invention was too human: Constitutional prohibitions against slavery prevents the patenting of people. To me the key there was this sentence; "but very possible — creation that was half human and chimp." Again I seriously have no problem thinking that this hasn't already been on the drawing board to the experimentation/surgical/dissection room (and probably looked into many, many years ago). Johnny G said: "There is no agency representative which can stroll in and say "you guys forget what you saw..." It just does NOT work that way." I can not follow that train of thought. There have been too many accounts by those that made claims of seeing something unidentifiable in the air (yes.. a UFO) and stepped forward to only be told "you didn't see anything, forget what you saw". During the Roswell event (whatever that actually was), there were reports made (not to mention death-bed confessions), that families in the area were told and warned to not say anything. There are reports of people (supposedly) witnessing some form of Military test/event and being harrassed and warned (don't know if that falls in your MIB section you mentioned) BTW.. Apologies for mentioning the UFO genre. I know that particular genre in a BF forum is probably frowned on as many might think that particular belief is ludicrous and just plain silly. And just as hilarious are the folks from 'that camp' thinking the same of the BF community. Probably the same falls in the paranormal/ghost camp Meh... I believe that most of us humans mentally wise have their 8-track just repeating the one track over and over and never hear the other tracks (or even try and switch the tracks). Myself, I personally don't own any rose-colored glasses, but at times I sure wished I did. Johnathon
Guest Divergent1 Posted June 30, 2015 Posted June 30, 2015 Well did you camp on the sandbar after finding the magic bigfoot prints or did you load the boat back up and move on down stream?
Guest Posted June 30, 2015 Posted June 30, 2015 (edited) (Please understand my fellow truth-seekers that I'm a newb on a leash, so can't answer or address as readily as I'd like to (but being a Mod at another multi-genre website I understand the need for such, so this isn't a complaint on my part). RockApe asked: "Really? 7 hours?" Yes, but there were two nature breaks (yes.. way too much info). But I got sucked in and really was amazed the distance the thread went without going south.... RockApe asked; "Can you tell me how it happened without leaving footprints everywhere?" Excellent question and to be honest I have no intelligently backed answer to this query. I will though share something that I was going to wait till I had my 20 posts under my belt before bringing to the light of day. I'm a 3rd generation gold miner in fact regardless of my occupations, I've maintained, managed and worked a number of mining leases/claims. With that said, one of these particular event's happened in the early 90's. My partner and I had boated about a 1/4 mile down the Klamath River of the Trinity Mountains approximately 20 miles past Happy Camp, California), the area is very rugged. We came across a spot that made a sharp turn and had an extremely large smooth sand bar behind it. We both thought this would be a great place to set up our 'base-camp and we proceeded to unload our gear from the boat. After a brief visual survey, the area we chose was over 100 feet away from the river and was maybe 8 feet away from the beginning of the woods. I should preface the following by saying that my buddy is an ex-seal and I'm pretty familar and comfortable being in the wilderness. As were walking back and forth several times from the boat to the camp, my partner promptly stops as he's heading back to the boat and then calls my name. I'm at the camp and he's maybe 20 feet behind me (looking towards the river) and I meander by his side to see why he's stopped going after the gear. He points to the sand just several feet ahead of us and says "look at that". What we saw was a path of large prints heading away from our camp and towards our boat. We bent down to look at them and if they were anything, we both agreed that it must be a large bear, but a bear with prints this size would've been humongous. We followed the prints down to where they promptly stopped about 15 feet away from the river. They did not turn or deviate from it's straight path from our camp. they just simply vanished. First I thought my buddy was playing a cruel trick on me, but there were no prints in the onset and we were constantly going back and forth those 100 feet in an uncumbered and visually clear area. He would not have had the time to make them, and besides our walking to and from the boat to the camp, there were no other prints (or any marks of any form). We both would've noticed that in the onset after landing (and te location of where these prints 'appeared'). Now I can understand how the prints might give a larger than ordinary appearance because of the way animals sometimes walk ontop of their prints (depending on the gait, etc.) My problem is with where did the prints come from... and where did the prints go? We both agreed that we would've noticed and animal walking besides our own tracks, and especially because of our timing in unloading and dropping off gear, one of us would've surely seen and heard an animal that large. So again in your query, I have no idea where those prints are or were, can you please tell me (an immediate observer/witness in an unusual event) what happened to those prints we saw (or even where's the frickin' animal for 'cris sakes')? RockApe Asked: " If you had family that had went missing in Sam Houston state park or any other park would you stay quiet about it? In this case apparently some families are doing just that since there are no records anyone can find about this. Another good question that I can't answer but only offer theories on (if even that). I'm also not privy to any records of any supposed cases. So I don't have an answer, perhaps this has nothing to do with an animal at all, perhaps this Garret fellow jumps the gun in his theories on what has transpired. Maybe the supposed missing victims have no families, I mean we can throw awhole lot of what-if's into the fray... Johnny G said; I'd like to address a few things. First, I don't think Sasquatch would have any value to the military as a resource. On a modern battle field people are killed by explosions. It was that way in WWII even. Unless Sasquatch could gather intelligence and call in strikes or mortars, I don't think it would have a much value. I can respect that train of thought, but I have friends, associates and acquaintances that have served their country and at times had to do what many might consider 'unthinkable acts' (those that don't understand the need to eliminate a threat). They did not have the luxury of being backed by bullets, explosions (or a troop for that matter). Most of them to this day struggle to maintain some type life (and/or 'normal' routine) that John and Jane Doe has and takes for granted. With that said... I personally don't have a problem with the thought that our armed services wouldn't refuse the science of perhaps from something (or someone) that had 'great speed and strength', the ability to possibly cloak or be stealthy, rapidly repair themselves when injured and survive in elements that most of us could not. For years science has been bioengineering. We grew a human ear on the back of a rat, made rabbits glow in the dark, and as far back as the early 70's, we communicated (about a 30 word vocabulary) and trained dolphins to recognize different metallic alloys, and used these trained dolphins to patrol the harbor at Viet Nam. The US National Academy of Sciences is studying the ethical limits of research with chimeras, or mixed-species animals, an issue which is becoming more urgent with the development of stem cell biology. Scientists are already developing animals which have human organs and cells: pigs with human blood, sheep with largely human livers and hearts; mice with some human neurons. And then we have this Combining monkeys and people Newman and anti-biotechnology activist Jeremy Rifkin have been tracking this issue for the last decade and were behind a rather creative assault on both interspecies mixing and the government’s policy of patenting individual human genes and other living matter. Years ago, the two applied for a patent for what they called a “humanzee,†a hypothetical — but very possible — creation that was half human and chimp. The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office finally denied their application this year, ruling that the proposed invention was too human: Constitutional prohibitions against slavery prevents the patenting of people. To me the key there was this sentence; "but very possible — creation that was half human and chimp." Again I seriously have no problem thinking that this hasn't already been on the drawing board to the experimentation/surgical/dissection room (and probably looked into many, many years ago). Johnny G said: "There is no agency representative which can stroll in and say "you guys forget what you saw..." It just does NOT work that way." I can not follow that train of thought. There have been too many accounts by those that made claims of seeing something unidentifiable in the air (yes.. a UFO) and stepped forward to only be told "you didn't see anything, forget what you saw". During the Roswell event (whatever that actually was), there were reports made (not to mention death-bed confessions), that families in the area were told and warned to not say anything. There are reports of people (supposedly) witnessing some form of Military test/event and being harrassed and warned (don't know if that falls in your MIB section you mentioned) BTW.. Apologies for mentioning the UFO genre. I know that particular genre in a BF forum is probably frowned on as many might think that particular belief is ludicrous and just plain silly. And just as hilarious are the folks from 'that camp' thinking the same of the BF community. Probably the same falls in the paranormal/ghost camp Meh... I believe that most of us humans mentally wise have their 8-track just repeating the one track over and over and never hear the other tracks (or even try and switch the tracks). Myself, I personally don't own any rose-colored glasses, but at times I sure wished I did. Johnathon Nobody expects everybody (or anybody) to be able to accept it but it was a good post so thank you for adding some new food for thought. You said it well, the core of this topic is large, the margins are gray, and the gray margins shouldn’t lead to a conclusion of vagueness and they did not. I hope you stick around for some additional input. One question came to mind relative to the prints in the sand bar you say were about 15 feet from the river, is it possible the thing entered the river? I am thinking mountains, river, maybe some noisy water movement that would conceal a splash. There is a report of hunter in a tree stand who reported he watched a thing stalk and kill a wild pig, and he was very articulate in his observations. One thing that stuck out in my mind after that report (which I may have) was that the thing leaped 20 feet from squat or prone (I don't recall which it was) on top of the hog and it absolutely terrified the hunter to see this from above. Edited June 30, 2015 by Gumshoeye
Guest Divergent1 Posted June 30, 2015 Posted June 30, 2015 (edited) The prints weren't there when they got out of the boat but they appeared after they took the first load to the campsite and turned around to get another load. The prints were leading from the edge of THEIR campsite leading back to the water. In other words IT was standing right by them observing and walked off in a matter of minutes that it took to tote the gear from the boat to the camp site on the sand bar....very creepy, You wouldn't be the first to report the weirdness, many on here have similar stories. Edited June 30, 2015 by Divergent1
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