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Why can't we find and study Bigfoot?


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11 hours ago, MIB said:


I don't think this is exactly true.   "Science", the institution, with the capital S, may be divided.  "science", the process, with the little s, is not.   Let me explain:


"Science" has decided bigfoot does not exist.   They start with the conclusion they wish to support, then cherry-pick, nit-pick, etc the PGF to eliminate or devalue any evidence which doesn't support the foregone conclusion, then they analyze what is left and find the predetermined conclusion. 


When "science", with the little s, the process, is applied to the PGF, the conclusion consistently favors authenticity.  


What you'll see, when "Science" addresses the topic, is essentially a series of strawman arguments.   They very clearly do not accurately represent what is in the film, but when those essentially irrelevant arguments are shot down, they are presented to us as conclusive proof of hoax, misidentification, etc.   We have to remember that they are NOT proof because they are not relevant, not representative of the film content.   It is trickery to support that same ol' predetermined conclusion.



100% agree

When you start with a disbelief you just confirm your bias. 

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1 hour ago, hiflier said:

How dose one break out of the circular aspects


That's a good question.    There is not a one size fits all answer.   It depends on us, individually, the resources we have, the connections we have, the opportunities we have.   There are doors open to you that are likely closed to me, there are doors open to me that are probably closed to you.   We each have to identify what we, individually, have at our disposal.   Then we have to recognize what kind of evidence, quantity, and quality, it takes to leverage those opportunities.   Then we have to go find it.   



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27 minutes ago, Twist said:

I hope your right.   I don’t want to be right but that’s how it’s seeming to me at this point.   

I'm going to get something on video this year . They have been coming back to the same area as far as I know for the last ten years .

I've only been searching for two . We are going to spend a lot of time this spring in that area .I can't promise it's a traditional bigfoot but it's some thing weird .

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8 minutes ago, MIB said:

Then we have to recognize what kind of evidence, quantity, and quality, it takes to leverage those opportunities.   Then we have to go find it.


Nail on the head, MIB! And my confidence is high.

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5 minutes ago, 7.62 said:

I'm going to get something on video this year . They have been coming back to the same area as far as I know for the last ten years .

I've only been searching for two . We are going to spend a lot of time this spring in that area .I can't promise it's a traditional bigfoot but it's some thing weird .

Bam ! You have Nailed it 7.62 .  Researchers keep having that mentality when they keep going out in the field in the same research area. They keep saying to them selves that this will be the year that we get the proof and nothing happens . It happens to all of us and that includes myself as well.  When are we going to except that there is some thing different about these creatures that is un-natural. That the proof we are all looking for is not going to be easy.  It seems like the power that be have some control over what they want to release what is reasonable to us. I mean just look at the title of this thread " Why can't we find and study Bigfoot ? " . We are no closer now then we are then we were in the past. The DNA keeps coming back tainted no matter what we give them to test and that in its self seems strange. 


Not  all of those sample could be tainted . So my guess is that some how these labs are some how being controlled so that the truth not be told.  When some one does step out of line they are being bullied to pull out of what they have found. They are being made fun of there findings. Maybe even told that they might loose their  practice of study. I am not sure I am just speculating on why we are not able to get to the truth. The reason why some researchers might of had their computers hacked and lost some of the things that they have found.  Sure , there are some of us who keep tight lipped about these creatures  and for good reason. But Twist said it best that we have just been going in circles. Just like a dog that chases it's tale . I hope you get my drift. 


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3 hours ago, Twist said:

Be that as it may,  It’s at the same place it was 5 years ago.  Most likely will be in the same place 5 years from now.  Other than the millions that have been made by TV.  


We're in the same situation as we were in 1958 when Crew got his footprints covered in the news, in 1967 after the PG film, in 1993 after the Freeman film, and we will be in the same situation at the Second Coming of Christ. That is because those running this world have determined that the best interests of all involved, especially the sasquatches, is to leave them alone.

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Ah, but the difference today is the we have options that weren't available to us 10-15 years ago. Add to that the hundreds, if not thousands, of scientists exercising those options and our chances of getting the Bigfoots onto the bandwagon are better than ever. And sure, I'm trying to get science on board, but science may just find out this creature's existence with out prompting, simply by default, if it keeps going and accelerating in the genetic direction that it's going in.

Edited by hiflier
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6 hours ago, ShadowBorn said:

Bam ! You have Nailed it 7.62 .  Researchers keep having that mentality when they keep going out in the field in the same research area. They keep saying to them selves that this will be the year that we get the proof and nothing happens . It happens to all of us and that includes myself as well.  When are we going to except that there is some thing different about these creatures that is un-natural. That the proof we are all looking for is not going to be easy.  It seems like the power that be have some control over what they want to release what is reasonable to us. I mean just look at the title of this thread " Why can't we find and study Bigfoot ? " . We are no closer now then we are then we were in the past. The DNA keeps coming back tainted no matter what we give them to test and that in its self seems strange. 


Not  all of those sample could be tainted . So my guess is that some how these labs are some how being controlled so that the truth not be told.  When some one does step out of line they are being bullied to pull out of what they have found. They are being made fun of there findings. Maybe even told that they might loose their  practice of study. I am not sure I am just speculating on why we are not able to get to the truth. The reason why some researchers might of had their computers hacked and lost some of the things that they have found.  Sure , there are some of us who keep tight lipped about these creatures  and for good reason. But Twist said it best that we have just been going in circles. Just like a dog that chases it's tale . I hope you get my drift. 


I do get your drift 

I think it's naive to believe that EVERY  bit of DNA that has been tested has come back contaminated or inconclusive and I don't  think the truth is going to come from government or academia ..


It's going to have to come from people like us on this board if it's even possible  . As to the creatures being unnatural , brother I agree ....I don't think they are a typical animal 

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6 hours ago, Huntster said:


We're in the same situation as we were in 1958 when Crew got his footprints covered in the news, in 1967 after the PG film, in 1993 after the Freeman film, and we will be in the same situation at the Second Coming of Christ. That is because those running this world have determined that the best interests of all involved, especially the sasquatches, is to leave them alone.

I have to respectfully disagree on that part @Huntster

I don't think they give two hoots about what is in the best interest for Sasquatches . Everything boils down to money and power to the people that run this world. .If it would benefit them we would have confirmation tomorrow . 

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2 hours ago, 7.62 said:

If it would benefit them we would have confirmation tomorrow


Very interesting statement. Can't help but agree.

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BFF Patron


....that the best interests of all involved, especially the sasquatches, is to leave them alone.


This part of your quote makes me think they are super qualified and a possible threat


The Sasquatches don't seem to use computers but they compensate like hackers/crackers

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BFF Patron
11 hours ago, ShadowBorn said:

Bam ! You have Nailed it 7.62 .  Researchers keep having that mentality when they keep going out in the field in the same research area. They keep saying to them selves that this will be the year that we get the proof and nothing happens . It happens to all of us and that includes myself as well.  When are we going to except that there is some thing different about these creatures that is un-natural. That the proof we are all looking for is not going to be easy.  It seems like the power that be have some control over what they want to release what is reasonable to us. I mean just look at the title of this thread " Why can't we find and study Bigfoot ? " . We are no closer now then we are then we were in the past. The DNA keeps coming back tainted no matter what we give them to test and that in its self seems strange. 


I have a nagging feeling that most BF researchers are using the wrong tactics.  Bigfoot are hunters and I know from my field experience that they do not like to be hunted.    Even if that is with a camera.  Perhaps it is some sort of pride on their part at avoiding us,   or simple fear of us.     I don't know.    But it is pretty obvious to me when members of this forum are accomplished hunters,  but have yet to have bigfoot contact, that hunting might not be the answer.    BF so far has proven to outsmart that tactic.     Perhaps some of the old stories that first peoples tell of trading, or the story of the prospector in Oregon,  the USGS mapping crew encountered,    living with a group of BF is the real answer.?       That implies to me that perhaps they have needs beyond what the forest provides.    It could be something as simple as salt or this time of year in the PNW a good rain pancho might be a prize possession.      Figure out their needs that we are capable of providing,  establish some trust at trading,  and that might be all that is needed to befriend one or more of them.    Trading partners might be OK with pictures and having their mouth swabbed for DNA.  For sure the hunt has been on for over 50 years now by individuals and groups with no success.    The secret of establishing contact has to be something else other than hunting them.  

Edited by SWWASAS
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I think those are some good thoughts SW but I wonder, if we are to believe any of the habituation stories, even after years of interaction there is little to know trust of humans by the BF.   I dont put much stock in habituation, not because I do not believe its possible, but because its never yielded any verifiable evidence that I'm aware of.   That being said, the possibility should be considered and left open if you put any stock into Native American stories.

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BFF Patron

Like you said the NA have way more experience with BF over the centuries than us of from Europe.      The mound culture finds suggest that BF was part of their culture and were associated with some of those tribes.

 I have had contact with a few habituators.    Most of them are unwilling participants of the experiment and if anything the BF are using their weaknesses.   That does not lend itself to a situation where the humans in the experiment expect or want to gain anything from it.   The trick is to find out what if anything BF needs from us and exploit that to gain knowledge about them.     Just trading contact would tell us a great deal.  If NA and BF have traded in the past,  they had to have some sort of simple common language.    The way that the NA cultures have withered out,   perhaps BF know more about those old NA tribes than the tribal members do.     They might even know the common language that was used in trading.   As I have repeatedly mentioned passing pathogens back and forth might be very risky for both the BF and humans.   But that could be dealt with when it happens.   

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