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Minnesota Update Of Sorts(Shrug)

Guest Maggie

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Leaftalker, been trying to think if I had made any changes in the yard? But the focus of this person or whatever it was, didn't seem to be on my house/yard as it was across the street after getting into it with a neighbor's dog. That was so weird because I actually thought it was two dogs fighting at first.

Maybe someone else made changes that weren't appreciated. I just don't know?

He/She/It just didn't sound "right" and I apologize but words just don't cover how wrong it felt. :(

I appreciate the well wishes everyone, thank you. :) 

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Interesting. Yeah, it could be that the neighbor made some changes at their house. 


I'm glad the action was across the street from you, and not at your place.  


Xion Comrade just posted in the Psychic Sasquatch thread about his most recent adventures and mentions noises he's heard out there. Kind of reminded me of your noises.



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Maggie, I'm glad to hear you are OK, and it wasn't directed towards you.

I work in the mental health field, and with some new rulings/laws that went into effect recently, a lot of folks that have mental chanllenges, even severe behavior problems, are now roaming freely on their own wherever they want. They don't even have to take their meds if they don't want to, and have no rules or curfews to abide by. We are hearing a lot of new reports like this, and I can only imagine that they will increase the next couple yrs.

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See mesabe, that was my gut feeling that it was someone deranged or on drugs? However, with all the odd events happening here and at the family place, I can never say that  is 100 percent true.

One thing I read about was "tweaking" and how more often than not they are aggressive. I guess I am sort of ignorant because I didn't realize how meth actually affected people and WHY they would keep using but the way it was explained made sense how they would get hooked before they even knew it.

Whatever/Whoever this was, was definitely aggressive, per the fight with the dog. As I said, so much so that I was certain at the time that it WAS two dogs fighting. Weirdness.

I am still at a loss to explain it completely as I can see both sides of the coin.

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It crossed my mind...I am reluctant to do that unless someone is trying to get into the house if that makes any sense? They are supposed to patrol but I dont know if they do around that time of morning. I remember years ago a neighbor making an intruder call at 3:30 in the morning (someone was looking in all the windows) and no one ever showed up. Small towns...But like I said it did cross my mind.

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If there is a human prowler about, that is indeed serious business, and must be taken seriously. Please put aside notions of "hairy people" or harmless creatures of the night being the cause.

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Everything is quiet here for the time being, though I was gone last night to the family place, but quiet there too. It seems like this kind of thing happens a while...quiet....then starts up again, especially at certain times of the year but not exclusively those times. Thanks for asking. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, it has been a year since I heard that howling (sounded canine to me but I am not an expert. However, unless the canine prints were NOT from what was making the noise, I think I am safe to assume it was canine) out at the family place. It makes me wonder if all the commotion of family and cooking attracted it and will bring about the same this year? Just rambling out loud. I know my dad and I have talked about it over the past year several times.

There are some people that say that there are Sasquatch that are more canine or ursine. I have to say I am really on the fence about that.

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