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Minnesota Update Of Sorts(Shrug)

Guest Maggie

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I hadn't been on in a bit, nothing really to report. We had ladies weekend at the family place a couple weeks ago but it didn't bring out any curious onlookers of the nonhuman variety,lol.

My Cane Corso and Neapolitan Mastiff are doing wonderfully. And me being a glutton for punishment added a third mastiff. This is Lola, a Bullmastiff. :)  

Okay, I lied, I said nothing really to report. I HAVE noticed over the past couple of weeks, the dogs go a bit crazy a certain time at night. I mean, they always do when my son gets home from work but this is way earlier, and it isn't a "where were you" bark, or " get out of here" bark. It is a weird, nervous, almost but not quite scared bark and honestly lifted the hair on the back of my neck. So maybe something is around. I personally haven't heard or seen anything except for the way the dogs act. They act strange for a while but my morning it was as if nothing happened.

I guess I get a bit freaked out because in all the years of having dogs, I have never heard this particular bark before.


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What a cutie, is she about the same age as the other pup? My dogs have given me that frantic cry/howl before. Like they don't know what it is that they smell. That caused me to check on possible bear activity in my neighborhood. Which it could have been, one waking up a little too early, looking for whatever food they could scrounge. But then I started finding tracks (not bear) and hearing wild screams etc.

Yesterday, I was out at night doing the last feeding of the day, and my german shephard rushed in front of me, and blocked my legs from any forward progress. He kind of whined a little, and I noticed all the horses were facing the woods, and being  very quiet. I didn't know what to make of that, just got done fast, and went back inside.

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Hi mesabe, Lola is only 7-8 weeks now and would you believe Nyla is closing in on six months? I will have to post a pic of her I took this morning while we were laying in the bed being bums lol. Enduring the blizzard. As far as bear, we have had them a time or two on the edge of town but this is a totally different reaction. Like they would take a bear on but have doubts about taking whatever this is on. Though I suppose someone or something is prowling around at night, it might cause them to react strange. I'm really not sure. As far as footprints if it happens NOW at least there is more likelihood of there being tracks!  I don't blame you for heeding your dogs warning!! I wonder with the snow and wind if predators will be looking for more easy pickings?? I know back a few years ago when we had a lot of snow that was definitely the case.

If I can do this from my phone.. Nyla intent on her pig I am holding out of camera view lol


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thanks for sharing. I think you are right on about bears, etc. and your dogs reactions. Who would know better? It looks like you are on your way to a formidable defense.

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LOL, no doubt. Last night it was dark and usually Nyla (who always sleeps in my room), was asleep when I went downstairs. I came back upstairs and moved towards the bed and she leaped up, enraged that a STRANGER was headed toward her MOM!! She actually bellowed. I told her. "It's ME Dummy" and she backed off. At least now I know what she would do if someone was here that wasn't supposed to be. Between fight and flight...she chose fight.  Jordan ran into this with Achilles downstairs one night too. He went into the kitchen quietly and Achilles went ballistic. Since again, it was dark and quiet, he thought it wasn't one of us. Jordan, like I, talked to him and he backed down.

The dogs always looks a little embarrassed to me when they do that. :)

At least they take their guarding seriously and I am grateful for that. :)

I know you are just across the river, what kind of wildlife, even regular wildlife, do you have there generally?

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Yea the embarrassed look, I know it well, better than a bite tho. Your dogs are thinkers. just praise them, good dog, they're doing their job, etc.


I used to own two red rott's from imported German lines. Not sure if that had anything to do with this, but in 17 & 1/2 yrs. I can't remember ever hearing them bark. I'm sure they must have a few times playing as pups, but whenever a stranger or friend for that matter came over, they would approach silently from behind, and sniff their hand. It was unnerving to watch. More scary was the time my car broke down on my way home a couple miles from home, and i had to hoof it. I started walking up the gravel driveway, and saw a dusky red hulk flying silently down towards me, not barking. I started calmly talking, and he came to a sliding stop, slightly growling, making sure it was me.

PS when will we see pics of Achilles?

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Very cool!! When the kids were growing up, we too had a Rottweiler, though I don't know what lines he was from as he was just given to us. He was very large and very protective. His name was Bubba. (And no,lol, I didn't name him!!)  He was my oldest daughter's pride and joy.

Yeah, I always praise my dogs when they do their job. I actually find it fascinating to know these dogs are doing what their long ago ancestors did.

I will get a pic of Achilles up here in a minute or so, got to get one onto the computer. I can't believe I haven't before now!! His toenails need cutting again, I will say that!! He isn't the largest of Cane Corsos but plenty big. He was the runt of 15 pups but I never regret the day I chose him. He would give his life for us.

I said Lola would be my last but my friend in KY reminded me that I am still owed a pup,lol.  So we will see.

Today I went to a local place and got bones/treats for everybody.  Nyla is still "disciplining" the bone I got her, knocking it into line. :)

Hang on for Achilles pictures.

PS A friend of mine reminded me of how when I was a little girl, I loved her grandfathers mastiff, "Clancy", that he used to bring out to their place from New Jersey. I smiled because I think it was way back then I fell in love with mastiff breeds. Shortly after that, a family member offered to buy me one but my parents declined, I believe mostly because we were quite poor and I am sure they were thinking about how much the dog would EAT!!!  So I had to be on my own before I got my first mastiff or at least first "giant" breed.

Okay, here is Achilles, though it is not the best pic and he is starting to do what I call his "face melt" when he is expecting a treat and instead I pull out the camera. Like "WTF Mom!! That's not what I wanted!!".  As said, his toenails need trimming again, which can be an all day ordeal of coaxing. Having run into this with HIM, I have been almost paranoid about making sure I handle Nylas feet and ears. I will with Lola too. Lesson learned for sure.



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Plus I had some news last night and have decided to hold off on another mastiff pup. I would have liked Lola but it just isn't feasible at this time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

omg.... I was just doing some research on the origins of the Bigfoot people(s), partly by listening to the work of Christopher S. Jacobs; and right there, at the bottom of the first page of a google search for references to the Anakim people made by Christopher S. Jacobs, I saw a search result about the Dropkick Murphys! (Because they were playing at the "Jacobs" pavilion in Cleveland. I saw that and my jaw dropped. THAT was the most "relevant" search result for "Jacobs", after they ran out of "Jacobs Anakim" listings?!?!?!?!?!? Say WHAT?!?!?!?)


Anyway, I realized I was being prompted to say "hi" to YOU, Maggie (and to Mesabe and the gang). Sorry I've been MIA. Life has been a big struggle for a while now (or seems to have been; the messages coming to me through the ether are saying, "YOU make the struggle, we don't -- so stop making it already."  :)  Ha! Like I'll ever listen to THAT advice!!!!)


So anyway, I saw the most recent puppy pics, and they are aDORABLE. I also saw your post, Mesabe, about your own dog hurtling toward you in the dark, not realizing (yet) who you were, and it was truly unnerving... This world is a mystery. The best we can do is hold onto our deeper connection with our deeper knowledge that all is well, and try to bring that to the surface as best we can. :)


So, hi! I hope you (and everybody) are well, on the surface as well as underneath it.  :)


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Guest Maggie

Good to see ya Leaftalker!! :)

I ultimately decided NOT to get Lola, the Bullmastiff pup, as I really like my Cane Corsos and Neos and plan on sticking with them. The only other mastiff breeds I would be interested in are the Filas, Presas, or Spanish Mastiffs. I almost did get a Spanish Mastiff a couple months ago but the other equation to that is I am still working with Nyla and it's a real pain in the butt potty training them in the winter. 

The DropKick Murphys are awesome!!! Just saying. :)

I am kind of on a house search cause my guy is making noises about buying us a hobby farm. I am going to be extremely careful as I want a place I won't be scared to be alone at when he has to be at work. I don't scare real easy any more after a ton of experiences but I believe in following instinct on places for sure. mesabe, if you hear of anything on that end, let me know.

I am trying to stay in this area of MN and WI but places are pretty expensive.

I have also been incubating with my new incubator lol. I did a test hatch for my aunt and the end of this next week I am filling it up with mixed breed eggs, Swedish Flower Hen eggs and Old English Game Bantam eggs. I also have an order in for some Blue Runner ducklings in May, just four, three hens and one drake.

At this rate I will have the livestock before the farm,lol.

Not much has been going on around here but then I have remained busy so usually crash the minute my head hits the pillow. However, I will be going with my son when he does chores out at a place close, so will keep my eyes and ears open. Then I will be up to the family place again in a week or so.

Spring sometimes brings out some sightings though not as much as later summer and fall.

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I wish I had a tenth your energy, Maggie. And a new place would be exciting! And all that new life, in the form of the chicks, will be exciting, too. Keep us posted on the house search (and any sightings/experiences/etc. you have before, during, and after).

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Guest Maggie

Lol thank you Leaftalker!! :) Yeah I expect that if we get a place in this area, there will be experiences. As far as doing chores temporarily at that farm, I already told my son they will be during the day, I refuse to go out there at night!  I have become a bit more brave but not to that point...

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Hi Leaftalker, glad to see you are back. Yea weird coincidence about that search result. Funny how they work out like that.


Maggie I am so jealous, because I would love to be moving too. I will keep my eyes open for anything cool, good luck. What I did was contact a few (5 or 6) different agents from different agencies, and asked specifically for hobby farms. Back then they weren't as plentiful as nowdays.


Well I just got out of a weeks stay in the hosp[ital for emergency gall bladder removal.I guess everything is OK, they were concerned about infection, and gangrene. It was something I had been home remedying for a couple yrs. lesson learned.

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Guest Maggie

Thanks mesabe!! I did see a small place with outbuildings that had a Nelson address. He and I agreed that if we get a smaller place we will just add on later.

Oh no about the gallbladder!! That is what happened to me several years ago, I ddin't want to have to taken care of and then it got infected, so the surgery was more

involved.. Get some rest!!!

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