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Minnesota Update Of Sorts(Shrug)

Guest Maggie

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I won't be out there yet but when I return I will for certain share anything that happens, IF it happens. My granddaughter is only two months old so I imagine the crying alone could bring some sort of reaction.

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if you have a recorder, you could record some of the baby crying, so you can play that at your convenience. And maybe ahead of time, arrange a mirror so you can look out that window, and see where it would be standing, without directly looking out the window. Not sure if I can explain it better, I hope you know what I mean.


So what does the big guy think of his future mate?


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Another beautiful picture! Nyla is soooo sweet!


And I agree with you, Maggie. Paying attention really helps. 


Can't wait to hear what the locals have to say about the baby and the puppy!

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On 11/5/2016 at 4:19 PM, Maggie said:

Let me see how I can explain it. Well, you know how you have your own bubble or space around you, right? And even if someone didn't BREATHE, you could feel there was someone there? It is sort of like that I guess only expanded. So probably an energy thing?


You might be interested in the writings of Tom Brown Jr. He runs a school in New Jersey called the Tracker School.


In a number of his classes he has an exercise that is done with two people. Its very similar to the one you described after the post I quoted above. Essentially one person stands with their back to the other person, who sneaks up on the first. The goal is for the first person to turn around when the other gets within a certain distance. He claims 95% success rate with this exercise and has a number of variations on it.


He claims that if you are in the country it is a lot easier to use this 'sensing of presence'. But everyone has experienced it- its that feeling of hairs rising on your back- the feeling of being watched.

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mesable, there was a change of plans so I will only be out there with the pup and after a night my youngest son will be out there too.

My Cane Corso LOVES Nyla. When I introduced them,  I told him "baby" because he is familiar with that word. He was so gentle!!!  I don't think Nyla likes the Pugs very much because as many Pugs are, they are very friendly, almost overly so to her, not a lot of sense of space,lol.

One thing that has very much impressed me about these primitive mastiff breeds is how strong the guarding instinct is even at a young age. Achilles was that way and I am seeing it in Nyla too. She isn't scared when she barks at anyone, her stance is very authorative. (sp?) Achilles has that same stance. Plus both of them are very lukewarm towards people other than me. In the beginning I wondered if this aloofness and not much interest in other people unless they were "up to something" was unusual, but come to find out, it is not. There isn't going to be anybody walking up and simply grabbing one of these dogs,lol.

Leaftalker, if anything happens, I will be sure to let you know! I might has mesabe has suggested, tape the baby crying.

salubrious, that is very interesting! I have never heard of Tom Brown or the Tracker School? I think it's worth checking out his writings! I think he is right about being in the country because in highly populated areas I can see "sense" of a presence is muddied by so many. I wouldn't say the hairs ALWAYS rise on the back of my neck, though certainly often enough. I also get a "dropping" feeling in my stomach.

With my kids, I can always tell whose "energy" is whose, but again, since I had them, I suspect most mothers would be able to do this.

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It's really interesting, hearing about the personalities of your dogs, Maggie. Nyla's personality, and Achilles' (what a great name!), make them sound like great companions. This info is going into the hopper, fer shur.... 


About playing tape-recorded sounds for the BF: I would be a little concerned that it might backfire. They know the difference between real sounds and taped ones, and it might erode some trust. It's 99% likely that they'd forgive you (they know you really well, and they know that you're a straight shooter), and they might end up not caring at all, but the idea makes me a little uneasy for you. 


Tom Brown sounds like a cool dude. 

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Leaftalker, yeah,  I am kind of nutty about my dogs, lol.  Especially these primitive breed mastiffs..besides Cane Corsos and Neos. I also like and have had Presa Canarios, Fila Brasileiros and Boerboels. As I have gotten older I have very definite preferences and these breeds are it. I LIKE other dogs but not near as much.

The only thing that happened when I was at the family place was something knocking a couple times on one of the outside walls. Of course my son and I debated it as things like that have happened before after my sister died, so it  could be paranormal as well. I DID look out and saw nothing but it being pitch dark on that area of the yard, I wasn't really surprised.

I didn't tape the baby crying....I DO know that will draw something in because one of my most memorable experiences (which I have posted before) was when my oldest daughter was a baby and I lived in an apartment on the edge of Red Wing, MN. She was crying and whatever it was, was also crying and almost seemed to be tracking HER cries. I shut the window and went into an interior room with no windows and was grateful to be on the second floor. I know at that time I felt uneasy, so maybe there is something innate in your cautioning me. I am curious what they would think of it but if it puts anybody in the bulls eye of something negative, even the least little bit, I don't really want to do it.


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You are not nutty about your dogs. You are a fount of information, and I'm living vicariously through you! (I watched a video about Boerboels recently. Very impressive dogs! But I think they have more energy than I would want. I'm still thinking the Cane Corsos and Neos will be more my speed, when I'm finally ready to take the plunge. :) )


I can see why the knocking sounds might not have seemed very conclusive, with your sister gone. (And I'm sorry about your sister. :() But I'm glad there was something to talk about!


I feel the same way, about possibly inviting something negative into my orbit. I don't want to do that, either. And one of the best ways to guard against doing that is to always "play fair", to the best of your ability. (You did good. :))


(And you coped really well with that situation with the being who was mimicking the cries of your daughter. Ugh. Does not sound like fun.)


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Well here is an excellent 15 minute video on Neos. It tells exactly what they are like and why I chose the breed. I have my CC but I think from here on in, after he passes, I am just sticking with Neos. Very pleased. Actually two videos, one is what I was talking about, the other ir pure entertainment and I have never seen so many Neos in my life,lol.



This week my daughter and husband will be out at the family house along with a few other people so it might draw some interest. I will keep my eyes and ears open.

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Great videos, Maggie, thanks! That first video was really informative, and it was fun to watch the 'herd' (pride?) of Neos in the second. They look like lions when they're running through the grass...


Hope you get some interesting action this week. :)

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Yeah, well I thought since I was sharing info about my Neo, I might has well give some good information about the breed,lol. I like what they said about them being "close quarter" guardians and able to be in apartments to mansions because of their low energy.  But make no mistake, they can move fast when they want to,lol.

I will keep you updated over the next few days. I am going to recruit my middle daughter again, though I think she and her husband are sleeping in a different room this time, one of the rooms facing a side yard and not the back. I have noticed that the house is generally approached from the back yard. In fact I am trying to think of a time it wasn't and for now drawing a blank. Even when it moved around to other areas of the house, it always started in the back yard.

I remember when I was first married (I know I have shared those stories off and on), my ex husband and I lived with my parents for a short time. He was kind of a night owl and smoked and since my parents don't allow smoking in the house, he would sit out on the steps. He insisted he had "heard" things and even saw something over by the county garage once.  I was in denial on what he relayed for a long time because well, it was HIM and we were just a hop, skip and jump away from divorce. I now realize how unfair that was and how disturbed he was by the experiences.

I shared this before too, but he was the one I was married to when I heard the growling, gravely sounding voice in the back yard saying "He's in there". It's been so long ago and the years can interfere with memories certainly but those parts stand out.  I, for some reason, believed "they" were talking about my baby but I suppose they could just as easily been talking about my husband. Or father. Or brothers. I have no idea WHY my thoughts automatically shot to my then almost one year old son. But I am rambling,lol.

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Wow, Maggie. I'm sure I've read those stories before, but my memory is so bad, almost everything is all new to me all the time. :) So it's great to hear those stories "again". So many thoughts they give rise to....


The first is about your deep kindness and bravery, for revisiting your thoughts about your ex and what he might have been feeling at the time he reported hearing (and seeing) "things" outside at night. That capacity -- to be thoughtful, kind, loving, and forgiving -- are the things that the BF notice in us and respond to so enthusiastically. Again, no wonder they hang around your house and your parents' house. 


The other thought I had is that, if your thoughts automatically shot to your son when you heard "He's in there", I bet that's who they were talking about (especially if that's still your thought, after all these years). Your intuition is clearly very strong, and I think we're supposed to trust our intuition. 


In the very beginning of my connection to the BF, I was looking for them allllll the time, and I would ask my psychic best friend, "Was that noise them? Did they do X? Did they do Y?" About half the time, it was "they" who had performed whatever act it was I was asking about, but about half the time, it wasn't. As I settled down into a kind of rhythm with them, and got more comfortable with being in connection with them, I found that my "hit rate" started to rise dramatically. I think I'm at 100% now. :) (According to my psychic friend, anyway -- and I've had many occasions to "test" her accuracy, and she's good. Verrrry guuuuuud......) So anyway, if that's what you thought -- that they were referring to your son -- I would put lots of money on that being the case. I think you've been more comfortable with your intuition from the very beginning -- of life, I mean -- than I have, and I think your intuition is a lot stronger than what a lot of us have, so that's why I'm saying there's a really, really good chance you were 100% correct about who "they" were referring to that night.


And I'm also saying, we can ALL trust our intuition, and we need to learn how to do that. Second-guessing ourselves might seem necessary in the beginning, but part of the learning about all this is how NOT to do the second-guessing. Second-guessing is a kind of rejection, a kind of test. Once you get over the testing, you don't do it anymore (or not much, anyway). There's no point in it. That's a big part of the lesson. We're trying to learn not to split off from ourselves, but to accept the most basic parts of us. We're trying to dig deep, to see that the answers are all within. (Ha ha ha! This from a person who can't WAIT to get "confirmation" from other people, like Sasfooty and my other psychic friend..... But maybe that's why I can speak to this point: because I've been so bad at trusting, myself.)


Okay, now I'M rambling (which you were not). Have a GREAT holiday!!!!! 



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Well, yes, even after all these years, I still feel "they" were talking about my son. I remember how horrified I was by it and that my baby could be in danger. Same as when I heard that crying when my oldest daughter was a baby. It could be parental instinct, as I have always been very protective of my children. When I "heard" it, emphasis on "heard" because I believe I was between sleeping and waking, a time when so many barriers are down, so sometimes I have wondered if I was hearing it with my ears or somehow else?

Intuition. Rarely do I NOT follow it anymore. Of course I am not some sort of all knowing being and in no way perfect but dang. When I feel strongly about something, it generally turns out there has been a good reason for it.  For instance, when my adult kids have dated (two are married now to great people), I am not one to interfere. However, if I DON'T like the person and I feel they are a danger to my kids, even now that they are grown, I become almost rabid in my dislike of them. Hate is a strong word, but it's very close. I never like feeling like that but there are some people I just want to keep away from my loved ones. On THIS I have never been wrong. Again, parental intuition.

When you were talking about second guessing, that hit home because the few times I have been talked into giving some idiot the benefit of the doubt after such a strong reaction, I have severely regretted it!! So yeah, I DO second guess but much less than when I was younger. To me, it's sort of like swimming in life's stream and following the currents that pull at you the hardest.

It sounds to me as you have excellent intuition and follow it. I think you are the type that "you know what you know" and even if confirmation from other people confirms it, and helps,you already know before they tell you,lol.

I haven't had the pup out to the family place yet but I am excited to see what her reaction will be. Around here when I have had her outside, so far she doesn't seem to have noticed anything, but she's a baby and that will come with time. My adult dogs are always a very good indicator of something being up.

I have heard of Sasquatch killing dogs...I wonder if they do that because the dogs are an alarm system they don't want around or are they defending themselves against dogs coming after them or are they like US, some bad and some good, where some don't have a problem killing and others do? I have always been confused by this so in my research I wanted a dog that would stay close and not just take off after something, but will help defend if the family is in danger. I figure if we were in danger, all bets are off, and we might has well all die (or live) together.  Anyway, again, my thoughts have returned to this time and time again as you hear all sorts of stories that they hate dogs and somewhat less tales of them liking dogs. Maybe it varies from group to group? And there "I" go with my rambling thoughts again. I think I made a good choice in breeds, time will tell!!

You have a great holiday too!! :)




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Y'all have good Holiday times with your families.


Maggie I have given the BF vs dog issue a lot of thought over time. I think how it all goes depends on 3 things, your own attitude, the dog's, and the particular BF you encounter. I have heard or read the stories both good and bad. Unfortunately horribly bad about dogs with BF. In general, they say if you need the dog for peace of mind on the trail, keep it on a leash and in control, at all times. Otherwise it is better to leave them home. Especially irreplaceable dogs that might likely mix it up in an aggressive encounter. I think at the home is another story, they are your guardians, and alarm systems, and the BF will have to learn to live with them, and the bad stories are fewer in the home environment. Especially well controlled dogs like yours.


We used to take ours dogs on hikes in the woods (pyrenees and Rotts) and sometimes they would get ahead, exploring etc. but if we sensed something close, or had other evidence of something close by, they would heel real close to our legs, front and back, and never leave our side. They never did become whiny  We never knew if the change was due to bears being around, or what. Obviously something they smelled, and not on a regular basis.

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