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Government Involvement  

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25 minutes ago, Backdoc said:

Question:    When is NO an acceptable answer (and when can we believe it)?


If the government said they had no interest in Bigfoot that might be true. It might be their official position.   But it seems we would get the same exact answer if they DID have something to hide.  If they had something to hide, they are not going to admit. "Yea we are interested but we have a secret need to keep it secret."    


If they have NO interest legitimately the answer is NO

If they HAVE A HUGE INTEREST, they will still tell you the answer is NO.


How can we know if NO means NO?  



How about we insist on complete transparency in our government. Let’s try that for awhile….. And balance the budget. It’s kind of hard to lie to the American people and create black budgets when the people put their foot down.



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On 12/15/2023 at 3:46 PM, norseman said:

How about we insist on complete transparency in our government. Let’s try that for awhile…..


Assume for a minute the government creates complete transparency at least on the subject of Bigfoot.  Just exactly what would anyone expect it to show?  What we would expect it to show tells us where we are coming from:     


My bet- and I realize this is not everyone's-is this would turn out to be a nothing burger.  There would be some mostly old files of some minor study or focus on the subject of Bigfoot where the conclusion would be undetermined.  The official position would be more or less what it is today.  They aren't sure and until science verifies a body, it just something that people report from time to time.  I doubt it would be much different than an interview on one of those Bigfoot shows by Dr. Eric Began and other establishment scientists.    Beyond that, they don't care.   My bet is they had minor interest in the 1960's but the more time has gone on they don't care.  This is especially true in light of the lack of the next Patterson-level film in over 50 years. 


Unless something really changed why would they care beyond what they had in the past?  What would be so big to make them curious about it again if they ever were?


I know Missing persons was a proposed reason.  Yet people go missing all the time.  This happens in areas thought to be Bigfoot country and areas not thought to be.  Because people go missing as a normal, rare event, there are probably multiple normal reasons why this happens having nothing to do with Bigfoot.  


 We don't' need it to be bigfoot as the cause.    


I am not for 100% government transparency as the public doesn't need to know everything about everything.  I am 100% for 100% transparency regarding bigfoot.  If there ever was there will be no surprises.   The only ones who will be shocked are those who need to government to be the boogie man in this area of bigfoot.  I am not saying parts of our government from time to time have done some really bad things.   They do and we always need reasonable government oversight.   


As far as Government and bigfoot, i don't see it   (<-----  Ah HA  maybe I am a government agent hired by the government to throw out other opinions about bigfoot on social media and the like.   The hired me to give them cover)   




On 12/15/2023 at 3:46 PM, norseman said:

And balance the budget.



It would be great if they did but modern federal government operates with debt.   Balanced or not, Bigfoot is not an issue on this.  To the extent it is, it would be someone cutting the budget and saying, "Homeless vets before Bigfoot" and cut the crumbs of bigfoot research in the act of balancing the budget.


On 12/15/2023 at 3:46 PM, norseman said:


It’s kind of hard to lie to the American people and create black budgets when the people put their foot down.





Black budgets which are designed to fund things to keep us safe are just fine with the American people for the most part.   I don't know how much is able to be off the books but if it is, it's more likely to be some new weapons system than a budget of a bigfoot wing of the army delta force.   



Those who are government conspiracy types seem to see it in everything.   "JFK jr and Elvis faked their own deaths"  , "we really have a cure for cancer", and so on.  Even if any of this is true, bigfoot doesn't make the list of their concerns.   

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On 12/16/2023 at 11:39 AM, VikingMike said:

........The attached photo made me laugh in a way; the U.S. Forestry Service tends to downplay (if not straight-out DENY) the existence of Bigfoot/Sasquatch, yet here they are in 1930 casting a footprint..........


.........What are your thoughts...?


Incredible find. 1930's in northern California. It certainly helps solidify the contention that they were in the game early.

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48 minutes ago, Backdoc said:


Assume for a minute the government creates complete transparency at least on the subject of Bigfoot.  Just exactly what would anyone expect it to show?  What we would expect it to show tells us where we are coming from:     


My bet- and I realize this is not everyone's-is this would turn out to be a nothing burger.  There would be some mostly old files of some minor study or focus on the subject of Bigfoot where the conclusion would be undetermined.  The official position would be more or less what it is today.  They aren't sure and until science verifies a body, it just something that people report from time to time.  I doubt it would be much different than an interview on one of those Bigfoot shows by Dr. Eric Began and other establishment scientists.    Beyond that, they don't care.   My bet is they had minor interest in the 1960's but the more time has gone on they don't care.  This is especially true in light of the lack of the next Patterson-level film in over 50 years. 


Unless something really changed why would they care beyond what they had in the past?  What would be so big to make them curious about it again if they ever were?


I know Missing persons was a proposed reason.  Yet people go missing all the time.  This happens in areas thought to be Bigfoot country and areas not thought to be.  Because people go missing as a normal, rare event, there are probably multiple normal reasons why this happens having nothing to do with Bigfoot.  


 We don't' need it to be bigfoot as the cause.    


I am not for 100% government transparency as the public doesn't need to know everything about everything.  I am 100% for 100% transparency regarding bigfoot.  If there ever was there will be no surprises.   The only ones who will be shocked are those who need to government to be the boogie man in this area of bigfoot.  I am not saying parts of our government from time to time have done some really bad things.   They do and we always need reasonable government oversight.   


As far as Government and bigfoot, i don't see it   (<-----  Ah HA  maybe I am a government agent hired by the government to throw out other opinions about bigfoot on social media and the like.   The hired me to give them cover)   





It would be great if they did but modern federal government operates with debt.   Balanced or not, Bigfoot is not an issue on this.  To the extent it is, it would be someone cutting the budget and saying, "Homeless vets before Bigfoot" and cut the crumbs of bigfoot research in the act of balancing the budget.




Black budgets which are designed to fund things to keep us safe are just fine with the American people for the most part.   I don't know how much is able to be off the books but if it is, it's more likely to be some new weapons system than a budget of a bigfoot wing of the army delta force.   



Those who are government conspiracy types seem to see it in everything.   "JFK jr and Elvis faked their own deaths"  , "we really have a cure for cancer", and so on.  Even if any of this is true, bigfoot doesn't make the list of their concerns.   

You seem to be a general anti conspiracy theorist. You equate one conspiracy with another and defend the government at every turn. If that is the world you live in? So be it…..


I say as an American taxpayer there should be no secrecy and no black budgets. If I want to walk into the Smithsonian and look at bones from A dig, B dig or C dig? That should be my RIGHT!


We have created a bloated monstrosity of the likes the world has never seen. 34 trillion dollars and counting…. It’s disgusting.

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45 minutes ago, Backdoc said:

Assume for a minute the government creates complete transparency at least on the subject of Bigfoot.  Just exactly what would anyone expect it to show?.......

.........There would be some mostly old files of some minor study or focus on the subject of Bigfoot where the conclusion would be undetermined.  The official position would be more or less what it is today.........


That is exactly what I would expect, They have already taken this position, they have done so intentionally, and I do not expect it to change.



.........I am not for 100% government transparency as the public doesn't need to know everything about everything........


I strongly agree, and I highlighted your key words which government lives by.



..........I am 100% for 100% transparency regarding bigfoot..........


I am not. I approve of government discouraging discovery. I want humanity to believe that this is a myth. It is the most powerful measure possible in the protection of and peace for the species.



........Ah HA  maybe I am a government agent hired by the government to throw out other opinions about bigfoot on social media and the like.   The hired me to give them cover.........


I have been accused on this forum of being a government "plant". No, I'm not kidding, and neither was he. This is just one of @ eight billion reasons why I wrote the statement above approving government discouragement of discovery.

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On 12/16/2023 at 12:39 PM, VikingMike said:

Hello Friends,


The attached photo made me laugh in a way; the U.S. Forestry Service tends to downplay (if not straight-out DENY) the existence of Bigfoot/Sasquatch, yet here they are in 1930 casting a footprint. It's hard to have physical proof of something that doesn't really exist!  I guess we can never know the circumstances behind this photo, but it's definitely speculative, especially concerning the topic of U.S. government knowledge/involvement in the subject.


What are your thoughts...?



If the photo is authentic? It certainly blows the skeptics timeline out of the water by a good 20-30 years. (Jerry Crew beginnings)


Where is that cast? Can I see it? My grand parents tax dollars paid for it….. It’s probably at the basement of the Smithsonian and never sees the light of day.

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2 hours ago, norseman said:

…….Where is that cast?……




……..Can I see it?……..

No, you may not. “Need to know”……:lol:

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On 12/16/2023 at 3:39 PM, VikingMike said:

Hello Friends,


The attached photo made me laugh in a way; the U.S. Forestry Service tends to downplay (if not straight-out DENY) the existence of Bigfoot/Sasquatch, yet here they are in 1930 casting a footprint. It's hard to have physical proof of something that doesn't really exist!  I guess we can never know the circumstances behind this photo, but it's definitely speculative, especially concerning the topic of U.S. government knowledge/involvement in the subject.


What are your thoughts...?



Thanks for sharing. 

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3 hours ago, norseman said:

You seem to be a general anti conspiracy theorist. You equate one conspiracy with another and defend the government at every turn. If that is the world you live in? So be it…..


Most conspiracy theory are pretty weak, and the weaker ones become crazier as a way to compensate for the lack of facts.   That's my opinion.  Some are reasonable and some come out of left field.  We did land on the moon right?  yet, there are those who doubt we did or say we didn't.    Also, the lack of competence in certain groups and the lack of unified thought or direction make an efficient conspiracy something that happens on TV or movies but not as much in reality.   


I'm sure some say OJ is innocent. I judge the fact that OJ stopped and never started looking for the real killers and a likely additional reason the conspiracy theorist who say the Juice was framed are wrong.  Two things can be true.  OJ can be guilty as sin while all along Cops at times are dirty in rare cases and in rare cases, they have the wrong man.   Those truths don't change the fact OJ I think killed those people.  The jury didn't agree with me on that.   He was golfing.   He wasn't looking for the killers.  


3 hours ago, norseman said:

I say as an American taxpayer there should be no secrecy and no black budgets. If I want to walk into the Smithsonian and look at bones from A dig, B dig or C dig? That should be my RIGHT!


I mostly agree with you on this.  


3 hours ago, norseman said:

We have created a bloated monstrosity of the likes the world has never seen. 34 trillion dollars and counting…. It’s disgusting.



We didn't but our representatives we sent to Washington did.  It's going to get worse and probably will never get better sadly.


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22 minutes ago, Backdoc said:

........We did land on the moon right?  yet, there are those who doubt we did or say we didn't.   


Thanks for the example. First, this conspiracy theory charges that government lied about the successful moon landing to the point of creating the illusion on tv, not that they're simply hiding a natural fact not of their creation. That goes back to the difference between a cover up and discouraging discovery.


Secondly, yes, I believe we landed on the moon. But it didn't really matter beyond the boost to patriotism, which died anyway with the guy who made it all happen: JFK. The #1 reason of the Space Race was to catch up and surpass Soviet rocket technology after Sputnik, which caught U.S. intelligence by surprise, because we couldn't afford them having an advantage in the delivery of ICBMs. We didn't need to walk on the moon to do that. 


Moreover, that silly controversy is a joke within government. It highlights, yet again, how the public is clueless, why they should remain that way, and how easy it is to keep them that way. Had government demanded to spend billions on ICBMs technological development in order to vaporize the Soviets and Chinese, it would have had a more difficult time passing Congress. Slick talk it as a benefit to mankind, and it passes with ease. 


A modern version of that is allowing the public (from their own imaginations) to believe that those "tic tacs" are coming from extraterrestrials instead of our own defense industries.

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2 hours ago, Backdoc said:


Most conspiracy theory are pretty weak, and the weaker ones become crazier as a way to compensate for the lack of facts.   That's my opinion.  Some are reasonable and some come out of left field.  We did land on the moon right?  yet, there are those who doubt we did or say we didn't.    Also, the lack of competence in certain groups and the lack of unified thought or direction make an efficient conspiracy something that happens on TV or movies but not as much in reality.   


I'm sure some say OJ is innocent. I judge the fact that OJ stopped and never started looking for the real killers and a likely additional reason the conspiracy theorist who say the Juice was framed are wrong.  Two things can be true.  OJ can be guilty as sin while all along Cops at times are dirty in rare cases and in rare cases, they have the wrong man.   Those truths don't change the fact OJ I think killed those people.  The jury didn't agree with me on that.   He was golfing.   He wasn't looking for the killers.  



I mostly agree with you on this.  




We didn't but our representatives we sent to Washington did.  It's going to get worse and probably will never get better sadly.


I too think the moon landing conspiracy is ridiculous. But by the same token I feel the obvious UFO coverup was ridiculous.


I don’t have knee jerk reactions. I view the facts based on the best evidence or my own observations and formulate theories. In fact I have witnesses UFO’s on numerous occasions.


Thus? Looking at the observational capabilities of my own government and the time frame for such operations? If there is such an animal as Bigfoot that exists within the North American continent? There is no way our government doesn’t know about it. I am not posting anything political. I am simply showing US FLIR and SAT abilities. The US coasts, the US borders are under constant surveillance and probably more…..



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BFF Patron
On 12/16/2023 at 3:39 PM, VikingMike said:

Hello Friends,


The attached photo made me laugh in a way; the U.S. Forestry Service tends to downplay (if not straight-out DENY) the existence of Bigfoot/Sasquatch, yet here they are in 1930 casting a footprint. It's hard to have physical proof of something that doesn't really exist!  I guess we can never know the circumstances behind this photo, but it's definitely speculative, especially concerning the topic of U.S. government knowledge/involvement in the subject.


What are your thoughts...?





Besides N.E.A (NOT National Education Association) what does the blue stamped date and other data on the back of the photograph say?  

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^ I was wondering the same thing, bipedalist.  I think the note says "cast of footprint"??  Whoever wrote that should have been an MD.  lol


If any Government had proof of Bigfoot; I'm pretty sure they would present that proof to the World, if for no other reason than to brag about it.

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