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Catch and Release?


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5 minutes ago, Chim Chim said:

I'd be somewhat dubious about the nitrous oxide thing too, it's heavier than air.  Flood a pit with it and it would displace the oxygen and whatever is in the pit would suffocate

unless you either got it out quick or had some means (big fans attached to a generator standing by?) to flush the nitrous out quick.  And if you're flushing the nitrous out quick

wouldn't that lessen it's effects some?  I'd have to pass on climbing down into the pit to rig up a net.  

A tranq gun makes way more sense. A gun and a dart is way more portable than big welding bottles. And it’s administered exactly when you want it assuming you have a clear shot.


Right? Smart man! I would hate to be beaten to death with my own arms.

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7 minutes ago, Chim Chim said:

I'd have to pass on climbing down into the pit to rig up a net.  

The net would be staged in the empty pit / hole.

Page one suggests 'study'. Study can be on a body or tranquillized animal.  N2O works fast and is dangerous and can be fatal. No need to fill the pit to the top. A tranquillizer dart can also be fatal. N2O  and trang meds both have risk in the way of unknown dosages.

Nitrous oxide effects on a small scale can be sampled at home by snarfing up the propellant in aerosol whipped  cream cans. The dairy section should have several choices for well under $10.

Maybe not as good as a Grateful Dead concert, but you are home when you do it.

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On 8/26/2023 at 11:36 AM, norseman said:

With that out of the way. They seem too smart to walk into a cage unlike a Bear. So what is left in thick forests of the PAC NW is a tranquilizer gun. Co2 powered dart gun. With a big projectile and limited range. A helicopter on stand by would be nice. Just cut back some trees, send in a penetrator line and a basket and roll the big bugger in, strap him down and gone! 

The trick is how much tranquilizer to load into the dart. Too much and we would kill it. Not enough and you’re gonna get your arms ripped off and beaten to death with them…..not good. And of course shooting a dart that can be deflected by brush and limbs at 50 feet may get dicey as well. You’re gonna have to get close, much closer than a rifle, and then thread that dart through the under story to probably a very agitated target. Much like archery hunting. You best have some rifles as back up. If you hit this thing and the dart doesn’t have the desired effect? 50 feet is like nothing in a charge.

 The discussion on sedatives / tranquillizers has been on this forum for more than 10 years.

The Dan-inject gun product range has been suggested. Cost is high. Rifle packages, pistols, blow pipes and jab sticks. Add darts. The sedatives are controlled substances. How would the sedatives be acquired? Asking a veterinarian for a prescription for horse tranq would be illegal. Buying black market sedatives is risky. No one knows anything about dosages. Sasquatch have hands and would be able to pull the dart out and you would have to activate PLAN R ( RUN ).


A TASER will not work. Only on ungrounded humans ( wearing shoes ). TASERS don't work on grounded targets.


The discussion continues. 

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34 minutes ago, Catmandoo said:

 The discussion on sedatives / tranquillizers has been on this forum for more than 10 years.

The Dan-inject gun product range has been suggested. Cost is high. Rifle packages, pistols, blow pipes and jab sticks. Add darts. The sedatives are controlled substances. How would the sedatives be acquired? Asking a veterinarian for a prescription for horse tranq would be illegal. Buying black market sedatives is risky. No one knows anything about dosages. Sasquatch have hands and would be able to pull the dart out and you would have to activate PLAN R ( RUN ).


A TASER will not work. Only on ungrounded humans ( wearing shoes ). TASERS don't work on grounded targets.


The discussion continues. 

Have a wildlife biologist on staff? Or a vet? They would know roughly the dosage based on weight estimations.


You wouldn’t have to run. You’re standing above the open pit and darting it. The dart administers the shot upon impact. The creature pulls the dart, snarls and claws at the walls. And you look at your watch and wait…..😴 


Tasers do not work on Bears well either…..







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A dart gets my vote, less moving pieces and messing with gases in a confined space could go south quick.  For a dose just base it off what would be used for a gorilla and size up as appropriate, we're all primates so that's what makes the most sense to me.

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“Hypothetically posting: about $25 of N2O at 5 lbs of gas would give just under 43 cubic feet of happiness.”  Your ability to calculate the cost per cubic foot of Nitrous Oxide happiness is admirable, Catmando:rolleyes:  And, point well taken about the kooks, there seems to be an endless supply of those lately.  So, tightest, most trusted crew possible I think.

“Hair samples or one really good photo is all that is needed to prove its existence.”  - NorCalWitness   riiight!  :biggrin:  And, there have been many hair samples collected, fame 352 of the PGF is a really good photo (to anyone who understands what they are seeing) and Hiflier even has definitive DNA!  So, why no Scientific classification!?  I think Norse is right in that, at least so far, a body will be required.  All I'm saying is that a live body, later released alive and relatively unharmed is the best option.  The people I talk to don't leave thinking it's all a joke.  Generally, I am able to at least give even skofftics a pause so, sorry if your experience is negative.  We really don't need the ridicule here. 


A tranq definitely seems like a better option to me than Nitrous.  If there’s a Bigfoot trapped then it’s mass can be estimated and a suitable dose applied.

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Sry, I think now you meant 'cooks', like too many cooks in the kitchen, Catmando.  I immediately thought 'kooks' (lol, not the best speller here.) :rofl: 

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54 minutes ago, xspider1 said:

.....and Hiflier even has definitive DNA!


I don't have it. This FORUM has it. It's never been about me though there are some here that continually insist on trying to make it so. I didn't bring the data here, Dr. Haskell Hart did. Maybe for once in the last four years someone could maybe try and remember that little piece of truth? All I've done is to keep scattering reminders so members of this Forum don't get their wish of hoping it gets buried and stays buried. And I KNOW it is the wish of some members because not once has any of them brought it up to revived the discussion in any way, shape, or form. Why is that?


Nope, eleven pages discussing Catch and Release? Tranquilizers, pits in the ground, gassing procedures?.....and all before anyone has even proved existence? It's a poor picture the public gets to look at IMHO.


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1 hour ago, Chim Chim said:

For a dose just base it off what would be used for a gorilla and size up as appropriate

Ready?  Ketamine at 7.1 mg/kg.  However, the difference in metabolisms is huge. Sasquatch are stronger, bigger and faster. Going in with a Goldilocks dosage scale---too little, too much, just right is very risky. Keep PLAN R on the back burner.

1 hour ago, Chim Chim said:

we're all primates so that's what makes the most sense to me.

We are all mostly carbon units. People, even in the same family, have diverse reactions to anesthesia.

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Ok, hiflier, so you're saying that a captured Bigfoot could never hold a candle to the alleged and definitive Bigfoot DNA sample that this forum is, what, hiding??  Please don't answer.  Derail every thread in a quest to be the Bigfoot whisperer much?

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7 minutes ago, hiflier said:

Nope, eleven pages discussing Catch and Release? Tranquilizers, pits in the ground, gassing procedures?

Hypothetical discussion. I thought that was clear. There will be more than 11 pages. The dart thing has been on this forum for more than 10 years.

I will have to post in the eDNA thread about sampling and contamination.

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17 minutes ago, xspider1 said:

Ok, hiflier, so you're saying that a captured Bigfoot could never hold a candle to the alleged and definitive Bigfoot DNA sample that this forum is, what, hiding??  Please don't answer.  Derail every thread in a quest to be the Bigfoot whisperer much?


Hey, hold on there. What about all the talk about catch and release? I mean, why catch and release? Hasn't it already been mentioned that the catch and release method, i.e., the pit digging etc., was so that DNA samples could be taken while the Hairy Guy was knocked out? Or did I just imagine that? I thought sure someone had mentioned that ;)


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10 hours ago, norseman said:

What a ridiculous statement! If Jane Goodall had habituated a troupe of Bigfeet? 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Why would one need to be shot? Go scoop up two dead ones that died of natural causes and there is your type specimens. And yes….we have Chimpanzee skeletons in the zoo. No bathing in blood needed.


The problem lies in the fact that Bigfoot has NOT been habituated. A dead Bigfoot has NOT been collected. A positive DNA sample has NOT been produced. 


Ah, there it is. It was a false statement that needed correcting. I corrected it, took my usual lumps for doing so, of course. But it needed doing and someone had to do the dirty deed, right? Bottom line, I was wrong, I imagined it. I mean DNA did get mentioned, but not for the purpose one have though would be at all useful. Too bad


As far as catch and release goes, ancient Humans, and some not so ancient would stampede a herd of bison toward a ravine and the lead animals in the herd would stop at the edge. But the rest of the herd behind could see the ravine and kept charging ahead forcing the lead animals into the ravine and onto the rocks and their deaths. Result? plenty of meat and hides just for the taking. So all one needs to do is stampede a group of Sasquatches toward the pit and the ones in the back of the group, not seeing the pit, would keep going shoving the lead Sasquatch(s) into the pit. Gas 'em, and do whatever one thinks needs doing. But to study them for a few days? The study won't be the least bit valid because a pit isn't the creature's natural habitat.


So catch and release? Meh. Proving them real would be infinitely easier, and even THAT has proven to be all but nearly impossible. There, thread is back on track. Trap 'em, gas 'em. watch 'em for a few days, and move on. A bit barberic but hey, we're Human so what does anyone expect. Maybe if we're really lucky one might even break it's leg in the fall and would have to be put down. Perfect outcome for science.


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52 minutes ago, hiflier said:


I don't have it. This FORUM has it. It's never been about me though there are some here that continually insist on trying to make it so. I didn't bring the data here, Dr. Haskell Hart did. Maybe for once in the last four years someone could maybe try and remember that little piece of truth? All I've done is to keep scattering reminders so members of this Forum don't get their wish of hoping it gets buried and stays buried. And I KNOW it is the wish of some members because not once has any of them brought it up to revived the discussion in any way, shape, or form. Why is that?


Nope, eleven pages discussing Catch and Release? Tranquilizers, pits in the ground, gassing procedures?.....and all before anyone has even proved existence? It's a poor picture the public gets to look at IMHO.


Why would we dig a pit AFTER Bigfoot has been proven to exist…..🧐


I think what is poor is when we worry about silly things like public perception WHEN the debate is about catching pixies and gnomes. We are already ALL CRAZY is the public’s eye!!! Get over it!


I wanna shoot one.

You wanna find that one lucky soil sample.

And Xspider wants to dig a humane pit fall and capture one.


Great! They all lead to the same place! Species classification and two type specimens in a drawer in the basement of a University.🤷‍♂️


The rest is just drama and egos and fertilizer! 

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1 minute ago, norseman said:

Why would we dig a pit AFTER Bigfoot has been proven to exist…..🧐



WHOA, BABY! That's exactly my point and the kind of logical thinking I really like to see :)


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