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Bigfoot Makes House Calls?


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Sassfooty wrote:

Sometimes you don't realize how much has happened during that leap from first incident to realizing it's bigfoot, and how many other reasonable possibilities have been explored.

You may be right but I'm sure you'd agree that without the reporter sharing that level of detail, one is not likely to know what was explored.

I've read most of your threads regarding your experienced activity but it has occured to me that I don't recall reading a posting in which you describe what you have seen from head to toe.

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Well, the ones that I have actually seen from head to toe were far enough away that there wasn't much detail to see. Just the big, dark, classic bigfoot outline. One stepped out from behind a tree once about 200 feet away, & I had the feeling that I was looking at a giant gingerbread man. I saw another "whole one" standing in the yard close to the house one night during a storm. I was looking out the window & saw him when the lightening flashed. He was gone the next time it flashed, & it happened so fast that I didn't see anything except the shape.

Mostly, when I see one, it's just a head & shoulders looking over bushes, or half of one ducking behind a tree. Once I saw one running on all fours with a horse chasing it. It was outrunning the horse. I got the idea that they were just playing. It was the color of an Irish Setter. Usually, as I said, it's just a huge arm or leg, or a flash of a whole one. They don't stand around waiting to be photographed.

How much of this, plus nightly "commonly accepted Bigfoot vocalizations" & regularly having rocks bouncing off your roof, would you have to experience before you started to think, "Hey, there might be Bigfoots here!"?

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I understand. So basically, you cannot describe details of what you have seen beyond large shadows and/or outlines. I'm not sure what a commonly accepted BF vocalization is, can you provide some reference? Is it like the Sierra sounds?

Edited by masterbarber
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I saw one pretty close that I can provide details about. He was behind some tall bushes, & I didn't see him from head to toe, but I saw his face in minute detail.

This is a what I wrote to someone that asked about him recently. He wanted to know how long the sighting lasted, & what I was thinking.

"Maybe 10 seconds. There was brush between us, & I only saw his face. I was thinking "Who the h*** is THAT???" (And I'm not one to cuss much.) I saw his nose first, & thought I had never seen anybody with a nose like that before. Then I noticed he had kind of a low forehead, (but not as much as I would have thought). Somewhere in all that thinking, I realized it was a BF. Then I looked into his eyes (no white there), & they were studying me, like he was in deep thought. After that, I didn't notice anymore about how he looked. We just stared at each other. Finally, I looked down, & when I looked back up, he was gone. I never heard him walk away. Maybe he just squatted down, but I wasn't really into going behind the bushes to see. If it hadn't been so burned into my mind, I would have thought it didn't really happen."

Yes, I've heard things like the Sierra sounds, & huge roars with howls answering them. When they are close enough, they can leave you feeling like your muscles are made of jelly. It can take an hour or so to get over some of them. You can feel it vibrating your bones.

Edited by Sasfooty
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Can you be a little more descriptive such as:

Eye color?

Shape of nose?

Shape of mouth?

Did you see ears?

How did the ears look?

Was there facial hair?

How much?

Can describe anthing else that made you feel it was a real face versus a mask?

also, I'm interested in this statement:

"If it hadn't been so burned into my mind, I would have thought it didn't really happen."

Can you explain what you meant by this?


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Can you be a little more descriptive such as:

Eye color?Dark brown

Shape of nose? Like ours, maybe a little wider, turned up on the end

Shape of mouth? That's part of the face that I didn't look at, but I think he had a long upper lip.

Did you see ears? No.

How did the ears look?

Was there facial hair? Yes.

How much? Not a lot. It was short, straight, growing straight back from his face. No more brow ridge than is common for us. Hair started about 2 1/2 inches above his eyebrows, grew straight up.

Can describe anyhing else that made you feel it was a real face versus a mask? He had to have been at least 7 feet tall, in a place that nobody would have been, especially somebody wearing a mask. The eyes weren't looking through holes.

also, I'm interested in this statement:

"If it hadn't been so burned into my mind, I would have thought it didn't really happen."

Can you explain what you meant by this?

I meant that it was hard to believe what I was seeing, but after all this time, I can still think about it & see it in my mind like it happened 5 minutes ago.


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Can you be a little more descriptive such as:

Eye color?

Shape of nose?

Shape of mouth?

Did you see ears?

How did the ears look?

Was there facial hair?

How much?

Can describe anthing else that made you feel it was a real face versus a mask?

also, I'm interested in this statement:

"If it hadn't been so burned into my mind, I would have thought it didn't really happen."

Can you explain what you meant by this?



Spoken like a true peace officer! No offense MB, I just see the investigator shining through like a beacon here...:D

And that's NOT a criticism.:)

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Including yourself and your husband, how many others would you estimate, in your immediate area, are having these visual encounters?

@Spaz- No offense taken...

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Sassfooty , how does your sighting compare to this photo? This is a composite made by the TBRC and Pete Travers from the description of a sighting in Marion, Co. Texas, and from facial landmarks derived from a set of photo's taken in Oklahoma.

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Including yourself and your husband, how many others would you estimate, in your immediate area, are having these visual encounters?

That's hard to say, because everybody doesn't talk about it. Our son & grandson have seen them & at least 3 close neighbors that I know of. A friend was here about a month ago & saw one at the exact spot where I took the pond picture. Other neighbors have said things that make me think they have seen or heard them, but I didn't ask. A friend who lives about 5 miles away started seeing them about the same time I did, & still sees them sometimes. I haven't seen one "for sure" in several months, but I can't see distances very good without glasses, & I don't wear them much.

There were a couple of reports from the late eighties & early nineties of sightings within 3 miles of here. There have been several others from this county, but farther away.

We heard of three or four sightings about 8 miles NE of here, in the next county, within the last couple of years.

So, I'm not the only one seeing them.

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Sassfooty , how does your sighting compare to this photo?

Earlier, I said I saw his face in minute detail, but it was only the part from the nose & up.

He looked a lot younger. I don't think his head was pointed, it seemed rounder, but he was looking down at me, so I can't be sure. The eyes were solid brown, no white showing. I can't think of a word to describe them, but they held my eyes & I couldn't look away for several seconds. The nose was much smaller, & turned up on the end. It reminded me of a kid with his nose mashed against a window pane.

The forehead is about right. The face wasn't wide, but wider in proportion than this one. The cheek bones weren't prominent. He was surprisingly human looking.

I think the shoulders came out lower & went more straight out, but that's just from the mental picture, I didn't really look at them.

When I first saw him, it was just the forehead that I was looking at, then the nose, just kind of skipping over the eyes. Then I looked into his eyes & couldn't look away. I don't think I ever actually looked below his nose, but there may have been a beard.

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I just finished reading this thread and hope Sassfooty will answer some questions. It was a long thread, lol.

Some of the issues you posted about are similar to what we have experienced on our property. You mentioned horses and something about the feed. Do you use sweet feed? Have any feed bags been torn open,if so, were they ripped from the top of the bag or the bottom? Do you feed hay? If yes, what type? (May sound trivial, but I have a reason for asking)

Do you notice that when you think you may have activity do the horse's "react to one specific area on the property"? Abnormal behavior, spooking, blowing? Ever have one run blind through or over a fence?

I think you mentioned something about chicken eggs, taken? If so, did you find any egg shells or the eggs just went missing? Dead chickens? Not eaten or mangled but left in odd places?

Rocks on roof, rock throwing: Another odd question but were the rocks all uniform in size or different?

Activity times: Certain seasons of the year have more activity?

I'm interested in "possible behavior patterns" in reference to how "other" animals may react when a b/f may be in the general area.

I'm glad you had the stamina to hang around in this thread. JMHO, whether people believe or not, sometimes the only way to learn something is through other people's experiences. What may be squat to one person, may be a clue in connecting the dots to someone else.

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I just finished reading this thread and hope Sassfooty will answer some questions. It was a long thread, lol.

Some of the issues you posted about are similar to what we have experienced on our property. You mentioned horses and something about the feed. Do you use sweet feed? Yes.Have any feed bags been torn open,if so, were they ripped from the top of the bag or the bottom? We feed bulk sweet feed. We take the barrels to the feed store & have them filled.Do you feed hay? If yes, what type? We aren't very consistent with the kind of hay we feed. Back when I first noticed them, we were feeding a lot of alfalfa in small bales. Now, we mostly feed round bales of Bahia and Coastal.(May sound trivial, but I have a reason for asking)

Do you notice that when you think you may have activity do the horse's "react to one specific area on the property"? Abnormal behavior, spooking, blowing? Ever have one run blind through or over a fence? The horses were really nervous about them at first, but they seem to have gotten to know them now. The two BFs that made the bull/bear noises scared them a lot, & they ran the cows through the fence a couple of times. I think I mentioned somewhere else about one of the cows having the end of her tail pulled off.

Hubby has a gelding that is protective of him. One evening when he went to feed, the gelding was watching a thicket that is close to the barn. He was pawing & blowing, & trotting around in circles. Occasionally, a whistle would come from the thicket that was exactly like Hubby's whistle when he calls the horses. Hubby started walking toward the thicket, & the horse would run around in front of him, trying to stop him. Finally, Hubby went back to the barn, & the horse followed him back, looking back toward the thicket & blowing occasionally.

He also had a filly that he kept in a pen, & she had her mane plaited a couple of times. One of the neighbors that has horses has a filly that came up with hers plaited sometimes, too. That hasn't happened lately. It wasn't actually a plait, but more of a twist/tie. Kind of like "dreadlocks".

They still stand & look at certain places out by the pond sometimes. I have seen arms, legs, etc. ducking behind brush & trees, by looking where the horses are looking several times.

I have a story about a guy that lives a few miles from here that told me he had a "pervert BF" that he caught trying to molest his mare. He even sent pictures of her, with hair kind of shaved off her sides. It looked exactly like big fingernails had scraped the hair off from just behind her front legs to just behind her flanks. He had a neighbor that had the same problem.

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