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Unique Sighting Report - Ability Of Bf To Hide In Plain Sight

Guest BFSleuth

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Sorry Mr S, that doesn't ring any bells to me.

If i do come across it i'll be sure to let you know.. ;)

That one was in Maine. They were trying to net smelt. Seems like it was in the Aroostook area.

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From a recent KentuckyBigfoot report (can't link to it because it's a frame site), from Owensboro, KY:

On Friday April 13, 2012 “J.C.†was traveling North on the Hwy 60 by-pass toward his home after dropping his future mother-in-law off at her workplace which is 3/4 miles from their home. The time was 11:30 PM.

J.C.admits that he was traveling above the speed limit and was coming to the exit ramp at the end of the by-pass which merges onto old Hwy 60. The actual speed limit sign there says (35 mph) “James†was in a hurry and was traveling around 55 mph.

The witness noticed something running from the woods from the right side of the by-pass (East) from an area known as the “Joe Ford Nature Park†and was entering his lane of the highway. This creature was moving very fast and James knew instantly that an impact was not to be avoided. He braced for impact and slammed on his brakes. “J.C.†says that his windshield was filled with the view of this creature and it was fully illuminated by his headlights, and fog-lights which he was using at this moment.

Much to his surprise, the creature turned in mid-stride and headed back in the direction it had come from and apparently missing his vehicle front fender by mere inches. The witness was and still is astounded at how he somehow missed this creature as it was entirely in the front of his car as he slammed on his brakes.

When the car came to a full stop the witness looked immediately out his passenger window, but there was nothing to be seen, the creature was somehow gone from view in an unbelievable short amount of time. He was scared and in shock.

His mind raced to make sense out of what he had just seen. He did not believe in Bigfoot and scoffed at others who had ever mentioned the possibility of such a creature. Yet what he saw fit the very description of exactly that…..a Bigfoot.

The witness told me that he finished the rest of the short trip home driving very slowly and well below the speed limit of 35 mph. He entered the house where others were waiting for him. Those witnesses told me that he was white as a ghost, sweating, and could barely speak.

They thought he had been in a wreck. It took him several minutes to be able to relate to them what had just happened. All he could say was…….. (I should have hit it, I should have hit it).

He still today cannot believe he somehow missed it, it seems impossible because of how close it was.

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I forgot about this, but one of my first finds on the internet, bf wise, was a video I cannot find again (awghghg!) despite having looked many times for it.....I was watching a pacific northwest amateur video of somebody's vacation, a hike on a forest path in a park, and as they got to the parking lot, there was a bf walking along. As they came in sight, it froze and ducked its head down, tucking its chin against it's chest, so you couldn't see it's face. I saw that, but they didn't see it at all and continued blithely to their car.

and another

I read recently but cannot find it on bfro, so maybe it was somewhere else....where people were hearing bf type noises or something, and one went to check out the area. Saw only three fallen logs. Went back later and saw one fallen log.

Edited by Kings Canyon
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Salubrius said: We have the sixth sense 'sensing presence' as Tom Brown Jr calls it, and he teaches it in his classes, with lots and lots of excercises. Its our city living that causes us to dull this sense as much as we can. BF does not have that problem.

You might like the book "The Gift of Fear".

BobbyO said - These Animals MUST have something about them that enables them to stay undetected so much by Human Beings, something that involves deceiving Human way of thinking, that deceives Human eyesight, that deceives the Human Template and how many of us view and see things.

Read something the other day that related to this. Since our two species have lived side by side for a very, very long time, they have parallel abilities in some ways. They have learned to avoid us nearly perfectly. As we grow more left brained (logical, analytical and objective, they developed their right brain abilities (intuitive, thoughtful and subjective). I thought that was an interesting hypothesis.

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Honestly, I think there is something about their hair that causes some of this. Pics that I've seen are so weird and nutz it makes my head hurt as I look at them. There are daytme and night pics that absolutely makes no sense even when you know that one or more of them is standing right there looking at the person taking the pic. But not all pics have this characteristic. Soooo strange.

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Sunflower, I agree. Gotta be the hair. But how does it render them transparent???? I guess it really makes them invisible? wow. I figure it scatters light in a way we don't know about yet, not having a bf or its pelt (ew, sorry) to examine. Physics, light, and ...?

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I have referenced this BFRO report before, here on the forum. Will do it again.. because it is another example of how the creatures hide in plain sight, and resembled what I saw in the field. Plenty of other good examples / reports, in this thread.


A fellow investigator, also witnessed an odd looking, massive "stump" that drew his attention, while investigating movement at night. That "stump" was gone, after he shined the light back on the area.. moments later. How else can these things make noise, throw rocks.. and not ever hardly be seen ? The only sightings.. seem to be when they either want (or don't care) to be seen, or caught out in the open, by accident or luck. Masters of their environment, and staying mainly unseen.. within it. Just my opinion, as always.

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SSR Team

You might like the book "The Gift of Fear".

Read something the other day that related to this. Since our two species have lived side by side for a very, very long time, they have parallel abilities in some ways. They have learned to avoid us nearly perfectly. As we grow more left brained (logical, analytical and objective, they developed their right brain abilities (intuitive, thoughtful and subjective). I thought that was an interesting hypothesis.

Is that left sided/right sided stuff in that " Gift of Fear " book Madison or did you read that somewhere else ?

Sounds really interesting to me and wasn't aware of that sort of thing at all.

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Staten Island Bigfoot Revisited.

Way back in 2003 the NY Press (a free weekly) published an article called "Trashsquatch", "The Hunt for the Staten Island Bigfoot."


It is a pretty good read if you have never seen it before.

In any case, the GCBRO just posted an encounter summary from the mid-70's that occurred in Staten Island (aka Richmond County, NY.)

It's nice to see another report from the same time and place in an area not normally associated with Bigfoot Sightings.

GCBRO Report.

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Guest Transformer

Is that left sided/right sided stuff in that " Gift of Fear " book Madison or did you read that somewhere else ?

Sounds really interesting to me and wasn't aware of that sort of thing at all.

This new-age pseudo-science nonsense has been debunked numerous times and this is just one of the many links if you google it. http://www.kurzweila...n-myth-debunked

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Not trying to highjack but I just wanted to thank Wtaylor for the links to the two reports in post #129. I had not seen either of those and enjoyed them both.

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BFF Patron

Actually, I'm sure a Sasquatch brain has as many secrets to reveal to us as those of the original split-brain study cohorts, who are slowly aging out and soon it will be a closed chapter to science it seems. Yet science is still learning remarkable things about primate brains: http://www.nature.com/news/the-split-brain-a-tale-of-two-halves-1.10213

Michael Gazzaniga has long carried the torch from Roger Sperry--a co-Nobel Prize winner (and was one of his graduate students at Cal Tech) and has added greatly to cognitive neuroscience as have others. Brain lateralization is a complex subject and one worthy of study for sure.

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Sorry BobbyO, didnt' see your question.

On right-brain/left-brain, I referenced such resources as:

Discover Magazine




Psychology Today


It's not black & white, just a generalization to think about.

And the Gift of Fear:


By Gavin deBecker, an expert on violent behavior, including stalking, anonymous threats & phone calls and other acts of aggression - and he says a lot about intuition.

Edited by madison5716
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  • 4 months later...
SSR Team

The old " if I turn around you can't see me " trick strikes again.


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BobbyO - thanks for re-surfacing this thread. It's been an interesting read.

As an avid outdoorsman, I've had a lot of fun seeing how easily I could hide from other hikers and even hunters in the woods. (Probably not the safest activity.) People have walked right past me, easily within 10 yards, with no idea I'm there. The wife and I also did a "where's waldo" experiment where I dressed in camo and "hid" in plain sight. Then she would take a picture. It was kind of a fun experiment that we turned into a sort of coffee table book for friends to try to find me.

Most people have become so domesticated that we have really lost tune to the natural world.

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