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Has The Mabrc Captured A Bigfoot? Robert Lindsay's Latest Blog


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I think this thread should be locked before I post up a rebuttle to the very disrepectful posts prior cause I will just be adding to it.

Have a great Friday-Eve

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All I said was that there should just be a "yes" or "no" answer,and I get jumped on as being too demanding,childish and naive.When I grew up,there was no" everyone get's a trophy mentality".I just can't understand why everything in the BF community is always shrouded in mystery.We all want the same thing-definitive proof.If my posts seem cross,it's just the frustration of letdowns after every supposed real deal anoouncement that never comes to fruition...

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That's not actually true. The whole thing about outing the Elbe Hoaxer is PMP only, we can't discuss him by name in this forum.

Also Bill Munn's latest research is PMP only, and will not be discussed in detail here.

Shows how much I pay attention. I recant my absolutist statement. My overall point is that the PMP area really only contains more in-depth discussion/analysis of known events. It's not as independent researchers/BF groups are posting all kinds of content (pictures, video, audio) in the PMP that isn't discussed on the public board or Ketchum's dropping by with her personal updates or anything. But thank you for correcting me. =)

@wude: I hear you. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

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The whole bigfoot subject is just over the top, as of late, something is going to give one way or another.

If one of these groups do not come up with some strong evidence instead of dangling "we have the proof,

we just can't show it." or "we are confirming our findings"

If there is no hard evidence in the way of a body or DNA results by the end of the year,

Their will be a dramatic change with many of the on the fence people or with people who never had an encounter themselves,

and you will see a dramatic change in the amount of traffic to bigfoot forums, blogs, websites, Etc...

People are getting fed up with all the BS and are starting to put it on the back burner already, and it's getting worse everyday.

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First, I'd like to welcome all of those from the MABRC to our forum. You are welcome here, but I need to point out a few things to you.

You guys need to read our forum rules. In them you'll note that we expect a certain degree of respect for our forum members. Telling them that "they don't deserve crap" after a member of your organization posts some cryptic response to something our members knew little about, if anything at all, is the height of absurdity. To me, this appears to be a shameless attempt to promote the MABRC.

Everyone has had their say to this point. There have even been threats of verbal lashings in response to some of those ungrateful BFF members that were lured into wanting answers by the original statement by the MABRC's representative. This is unacceptable on the BFF's General Forum. If you want to discuss things like this in the manner which it seems to be conducted in up to this point, I suggest that you reach 75 posts, pony up $20 and purchase a PMP. It's basically no holes barred there and you can say what you wish without fear of being penalized by the BFF staff. http://bigfootforums...-now-available/

With that said, I'm going to watch this thread very closely. If I continue to see the unacceptable behavior(s) displayed, I'll personally take punitive actions against those involved and close the thread afterward. It doesn't matter to me who you are or who you think you are. This is the BFF and we do things our way here. If you don't want to pony up the $20 to purchase a PMP, you can take your rhetoric back to your own forum. You know, the one that the BFF doesn't want you to know about.


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Ok.. feeling kinda stupid.. Not always having enough time to read a thread from beginning to now, I too am just now understanding that a member of the MABRC actually started this thread.. WTH?... What in the world is going on here.. Playing games is not what this place needs.. Either pony up with respectful answers, or retract, apologize and go quietly. It makes me think no wonder the majority of those within the science community choose not to get involved with this subject or moreover this community.

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Guest OntarioSquatch

So from what I gather, they bait people into asking questions and speculating just so they can satisfy their own little game and then tell the same people they are fooling that they don't deserve anything?

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