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Finding Bigfoot


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BUT, you can't believe him right? I mean, you can't see his face or hear the tonal inflections to figure out if he's lying or not, so... it's just a story. <?>

I'm not going to pressure him, it's just good to have him around for questioning.

The parts you circled earlier are feathers sticking out from the sides of the tail -


It's the backside of an owl, and what people think is the 'head' is the left wing. The splotchy white appearance matches.

Even the direction of the 'hair' and the layered appearance shows we're looking at plumage on the backside of a bird.

When I see enough matches to a known animal that's more than enough for me to come to a conclusion. Overanalyzing tends to turn into paraedolia, especially when people really want to believe something is a Bigfoot.

I never noticed that before.

Just a thought, It could be carrying birds.

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Guest Guest of Sasquach

Rent or buy a thermal camera and capture some photos. If you need help with interpretation of the thermal photos, I can help. I'll sign a legal NDA, which will let you retain all the rights. PM me if you want more info......... :)


You people need to ( Re-Think ) exactly how you are aproaching this subject, I just use Law Enforcement quality DVR's and bullet cameras, that are running 24/7...

If you try to rig the forest, the Bigfoot, will only trash your equipment, but if you install Digital video to protect your home, that is a whole other matter...

Sasquach can read your thoughts, they know your motives before you do... :o

So you best, not even try to be Sly...

If you wish to know ( The Forest People ) then go in Friendly, Do Not Try To Trick Them !!!

Be loud, talk to your friends, play frisby, have fun, they will watch you, untill they TRUST YOU, then and only then will they show them selves to you...

You are dealing with Humans, NOT animals...

GOOD LUCK... :blind:

Do you, or do you not, think Sasquatch has the ability to communicate telepathicly. That's all I am asking.

If you will, We All have a Telepathic incling, it' just that part of our capacity has been bread out of us, however if you live devoid of Humanity, TV,Wyfi, and the distraction of this world, and if you have not had injections since birth, and if you eat 87% organic wild food...

Then your Telepathinc ability is most likely working just fine... :o

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There is nothing in that photo that can be identified as feathers. Stop.

Why, because they look furry?

The Barred Owl is native to Vermont, and coincidentally also has feathers underneath that are furry.


It seems every time I look into the idea that it was an owl in the Vermont pic, more pieces fall into place. But I don't expect many people around here to change what they already believe.

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Guest thermalman

I was sure I had noticed you reference that before. I'm originally from Winterpeg. I wish I could remember where I read it, but the interlake region , especially northern portion, is s'posed to be prime habitat. If I was living back there ( or if I do end up back there) I would focus some time around there. Curious if you've ever considered there or do you have any place you like to search in the keystone province?


Thx. I have considered looking around the province, but right now, northern MN seems to be the closest hot spot. Been planning and working out details of a trip down there soon. Hopefully, this winter or spring 2013. Gonna take quads and my thermal cameras. Sounds like there will be 4-5 of us camping out over a few days. I'll keep everyone posted. :)

The parts you circled earlier are feathers sticking out from the sides of the tail -

It's the backside of an owl, and what people think is the 'head' is the left wing. The splotchy white appearance matches.

Even the direction of the 'hair' and the layered appearance shows we're looking at plumage on the backside of a bird.

When I see enough matches to a known animal that's more than enough for me to come to a conclusion. Overanalyzing tends to turn into paraedolia, especially when people really want to believe something is a Bigfoot.

Dead on. :thumbsup:

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Guest BFSleuth

Perhaps this thread would be a good place to comment on the current melt down of MM on twitter in regards to Ketchum's press release...

So far today we have:

  • Bobo is a "hypocrite sometimes"
  • Dr. Ketchum is a fraud
  • She's using "foreign scientists"
  • MM is the one that called out previous big frauds

I wonder how Bobo and Matt are going to get along now? Is that a bridge I smell burning?

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Guest thermalman

You people need to ( Re-Think ) exactly how you are aproaching this subject, I just use Law Enforcement quality DVR's and bullet cameras, that are running 24/7...

If you try to rig the forest, the Bigfoot, will only trash your equipment, but if you install Digital video to protect your home, that is a whole other matter...

Sasquach can read your thoughts, they know your motives before you do... :o

So you best, not even try to be Sly...

If you wish to know ( The Forest People ) then go in Friendly, Do Not Try To Trick Them !!!

Be loud, talk to your friends, play frisby, have fun, they will watch you, untill they TRUST YOU, then and only then will they show them selves to you...

You are dealing with Humans, NOT animals...

GOOD LUCK... :blind:

If you will, We All have a Telepathic incling, it' just that part of our capacity has been bread out of us, however if you live devoid of Humanity, TV,Wyfi, and the distraction of this world, and if you have not had injections since birth, and if you eat 87% organic wild food...

Then your Telepathinc ability is most likely working just fine... :o

You won't get any stealthier camera than a hand-held thermal. You can be up to 200 yds. away, and with good focus, still get a good, identifiable heat signature.

I'm assuming, that with all the equipment you have in place now, you must have some quality photos or vids that would be able to support your claim in some way?

Perhaps this thread would be a good place to comment on the current melt down of MM on twitter in regards to Ketchum's press release...

So far today we have:

  • Bobo is a "hypocrite sometimes"
  • Dr. Ketchum is a fraud
  • She's using "foreign scientists"
  • MM is the one that called out previous big frauds

I wonder how Bobo and Matt are going to get along now? Is that a bridge I smell burning?

The beginning of the end! Now, maybe, his true colors are finally showing thru because he was not "THE ONE" with the breakout evidence?

Edited by thermalman
to remove derrogatory allegations
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Guest BFSleuth

^ ... or there might be a clause in the Finding Bigfoot contract that the show can be cancelled if BF is found... by someone else....

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Guest thermalman

You never know. But it sure sounds like a man threatened in some way, and fighting for something he feels he should've got the credit for?

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Oh.... This is getting good. If course we won't see any friction this season... Assuming all shows have already been taped. & edited. So maybe next season, If there is one.

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Guest slimwitless

He's still going hard... does he not know that the BF community is his main demographic, and he is alienating them?? This is unbelievable! LOL!

A charlatan footer convinced BF is a fiction could safely (in his own mind) call out other researchers without fear of ever being proved wrong.

Not saying that's the case here.

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