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Rick Dyer Again

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I just read what R Lindsay said about it... he, like me, think that this is no hoax. Ha, I am aligning myself with Lindsay-terrific! ; ]

..just read it too. Yes I agree with what he has to say completely on this story. Aw come on Minnow Films - get your act together and put us out of our misery!
Guest Scout1959

Personally I think Lindsay is as bonkers as Dyer is and both of them are full of beans.


Assaulting a pregnant woman? Wow...

This guy is sounding more and more like a total waste of skin.

I hope, if he actually did shoot one, that the rest of the BF's clan extracts a little retribution. Soon.

I'd be tempted to pay the price of admission to see that.


I just realized this was supposed to have happened in San Antonio. In fact, it was in the exact area in which a Bigfoot was reported to have stolen a deer carcass a few years ago. I actually went out to that site and went over it for a few hours. I got some photos and one that could have been a foot print.

Regardless, I find it very hard to believe that somebody could have shot anything out there, without alerting the police department. This whole thing smells really bad to me now as there only a tiny bit of property there. I just don't see it happening.


Hi there,

I am absolutely astonished that anyone would give Rick Dyer the benefit of the doubt. He is motivated to hoax and hoodwink, that's it.

The build up alone to finding out that the tent video was from Rick Dyer should be enough to raise the red flags. But of course, he didn't want people to know it was him, because he wants Redemption after the Georgia hoax.

To me, the Tent video doesn't show the face of a living creature - it looks like a lifeless mask. I don't see moving tendons or a scapula as jokers experts FBFB contest. I think that's why video evidence just won't do - it's very subjective.

One thing we know for sure is that Minnow Films are making a documentary - Of Monsters and Men - which is being billed as "A Fascinating and touching portrait of men who are obsessed with monsters and their adventures to find them". This doesn't sound like a film that will show the cold-blooded killing of the most important scientific discovery ever, and the subsequent fist-fight with Dyer and the production team in the aftermath of the shooting. I urge you to look at Minnow's website. Some of the films they have made are slightly left-field, but they are not about sensasionalism. They look at the human side to each story, what makes people tick, why they do what they do.

Rick Dyer will not get rich from being involved with a smallish but successful UK production company. If he really shot a Bigfoot, he wouldn't make his fortune from the UK. There is hardly any interest in Bigfoot at all. Wouldn't he be better going to one of the major US news channels? Or do people seriously think that, lo and behold, he managed not only to film the world's most elusive animal one day, then shoot it the next, in the company of a UK production crew? Please.

If I was a betting man, and I am, I would wager that this story looks at those people who look for monsters to the point of obsession, and that includes those who are hoaxers and why they do it. Somehow Rick Dyer has got involved with Minnow, and I'm sure he didn't need much persuading to be part of the film given his obvious need to be in the spot-light.

The race is one to prove the existence of Bigfoot, with the DNA studies etc'. But Rick Dyer is asking everyone to wait months for his proof? No way. It's a hoax, and he's managed to sucker in people again.

Whilst it's everyone's right to believe what they want, I would just urge people to be extra careful and consider everything relating to this latest Dyer episode. I don't think the Bigfoot community needs to be humiliated again.




  • Upvote 1

Excellent post Lee. Pretty much sums up my own take on the documentary. Dyer will be portrayed as sad, confused individual, chasing something that 'obviously' doesn't exist. Whilst the rest of us would find that portrayal difficult to stomach, RD will roll with it, simply because any attention is better than none at all.

The Camper vid and associated story is one last poke in the eye to the BF community from a guy who never found acceptance. Whilst most of us called BS a long time ago, some like FB/FB have found themselves truly punked and may never ever recover.

  • Upvote 2

MarkGlasgow, you are spot on, I couldn't agree more.




Could be, but based on that i would not repost that info on a forum without substancial evidence that it is true.

Is that suppose to be an arrest record? lol fake

Sorry hawko i meant to quote jackie


If you accept the premise that these animals are real, then any story about an a-hole like Rick Dyer executing one one film could turn out to be true, whether the production company expected to find anything or not.

Posted (edited)

I have little doubt he wouldn't shoot one, NiceGuyJohn.


Edited by dopelyrics
BFF Patron

If you accept the premise that past behavior is the most excellent predictor of future behavior well then you don't give these kinds of threads the time of


If you accept the premise that past behavior is the most excellent predictor of future behavior well then you don't give these kinds of threads the time of


If so, I agree entirely :)



Guest Thepattywagon

The situation is becoming more Dyer by the minute!

Guest Scout1959

I don't think the Bigfoot community needs to be humiliated again.

Not like it isn't a daily occurrence anymore.... :blind:

The situation is becoming more Dyer by the minute!

Groan........... LOL



Hi there,

I am absolutely astonished that anyone would give Rick Dyer the benefit of the doubt. He is motivated to hoax and hoodwink, that's it.

The build up alone to finding out that the tent video was from Rick Dyer should be enough to raise the red flags. But of course, he didn't want people to know it was him, because he wants Redemption after the Georgia hoax.

To me, the Tent video doesn't show the face of a living creature - it looks like a lifeless mask. I don't see moving tendons or a scapula as jokers experts FBFB contest. I think that's why video evidence just won't do - it's very subjective.

One thing we know for sure is that Minnow Films are making a documentary - Of Monsters and Men - which is being billed as "A Fascinating and touching portrait of men who are obsessed with monsters and their adventures to find them". This doesn't sound like a film that will show the cold-blooded killing of the most important scientific discovery ever, and the subsequent fist-fight with Dyer and the production team in the aftermath of the shooting. I urge you to look at Minnow's website. Some of the films they have made are slightly left-field, but they are not about sensasionalism. They look at the human side to each story, what makes people tick, why they do what they do.

Rick Dyer will not get rich from being involved with a smallish but successful UK production company. If he really shot a Bigfoot, he wouldn't make his fortune from the UK. There is hardly any interest in Bigfoot at all. Wouldn't he be better going to one of the major US news channels? Or do people seriously think that, lo and behold, he managed not only to film the world's most elusive animal one day, then shoot it the next, in the company of a UK production crew? Please.

If I was a betting man, and I am, I would wager that this story looks at those people who look for monsters to the point of obsession, and that includes those who are hoaxers and why they do it. Somehow Rick Dyer has got involved with Minnow, and I'm sure he didn't need much persuading to be part of the film given his obvious need to be in the spot-light.

The race is one to prove the existence of Bigfoot, with the DNA studies etc'. But Rick Dyer is asking everyone to wait months for his proof? No way. It's a hoax, and he's managed to sucker in people again.

Whilst it's everyone's right to believe what they want, I would just urge people to be extra careful and consider everything relating to this latest Dyer episode. I don't think the Bigfoot community needs to be humiliated again.



The title and description of the documentary film that Minnow decided to create was obviously created before they started filming. And as the film is a documentary, the film makers could therefore not predict what they are going to come up against - there are no scripts in documentaries, no lines to learn, no computer animation models to develop etc etc...Its right there 'boom' in your face reality and that is the nature of Minnows films. If this BF shooting scenario really did happen with RD, then my guess is that Minnow are reeling with 'wtf do we do now with this film' as it would be an outcome that they really hadnt considered on happening. I am British and I know some of their films and I would be amazed if Minnow had 'geared' the whole Bigfoot sighting/shooting part to this film cos then it wouldnt be a documentary would it and instead would be more in keeping with a block-buster created by HBO? If this event has really happened, then it really does make sense that nothing substantial has yet surfaced other than a short cell phone footage released by RD who is meant to be keeping his mouth shut after signing an agreement, afterall, if Minnow do have footage of a Bigfoot, then its their own footage and RD could be sued to the hilt for blagging about it?

There is bound to be a billion political / legal / philosophical / cultural / scientific / psychological (to name a few) red tape 'stuff' to be handled prior to a film like this being shown (that is if its real) as it would blow so many brains of so many people! LOL

Sorry, but I have still bought this story, hook, line and sinker and you probably all think I am just a silly British 'twit'!


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