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ha ! ha !  With the strict gun laws here in Canada, I was goin' ta suggest somethin' similar !  I customized my Spyderco, never leave home without it.    :)




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You wussies.

Leatherman 154cm e33Tx to the kidneys = one angry, but dying squatch.


ETA ~ Much like courting a woman, it's all about the chase, right?

I'll stand back and watch!

(Don't take this the wrong way......but I'd hate to meet your girlfriend!)

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I have thought of buying one but I think if I buy a new 12 guage it will have ghost ring sights and a rifled barrel 

I am fine with my Mossy 500 for now I think 

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ETA ~ Much like courting a woman, it's all about the chase, right?


IDK Cog, i'm kind of  partial to the capture myself ;)       

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Guest COGrizzly

I'll stand back and watch!(Don't take this the wrong way......but I'd hate to meet your girlfriend!)

That'd be plural in my own (make believe) mind!

slick holiday - correct and agreed!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Spent a couple of days in the Absaroka Beartooth Mtn area this weekend.


The first day I was up on Lulu pass just north of Cooke city Mt.




Didn't see anything suspicious, but did run into this:




The white collector at the bottom was full of water, otherwise if a feeder of some sort it was empty.............dunno, any ideas?


The second day, I went around to the other side and checked out BFRO report 36008. The full AAR is on Project Grendel for anyone interested............bottom line? The "X" on the map was bogus. Most of the valley is burned and E. Rosebud creek is very large right from the outflow of the lake........much bigger than the picture.




Approx location of X:




Outside the mouth of the canyon which Black Butte resides over to the north, the country is basically hay fields and private houses with Cottonwood and Aspen down in the creek bottom. I did not encounter evergreens in the creek until I was on National Forest well inside the canyon. 


Anyhow stay frosty my friends................




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Hello All,

Let's try this on for size. Not saying it's easy but i believe it's doable. If Sasquatch is as smart as folks say it is then only a good distraction program is warranted based on reports and SSQ's known activity:

Ok, the team is inside, camp is set up. I've read and no doubt so have many of you that the camp gets a visitor after it's vacated even though the Humans are still in the area. Bauman comes to mind and other stories. So, SSQ may be watching but who needs to care? I don't even think scent plays a role. Choctaw says they can hang around dumpsters. They have been sighted by, no doubt, smelly perspiring hikers. What I'm getting at is that your jobs could perhaps not be so tedius and laborious as you might think. Or costly for that matter either. Set the trap at camp. Lots of activity, noise, milling around, confusion, and two of you slip into the tents.

My guess is that Bigfoot cannot count. So out of a team of eight, two or three might not even leave the tents when everyone else gets up. Then everyone leaves camp and starts doing "normal things" like hiking, talking , laughing- just a group of guys being guys. The anti-scented, camo-ed, loaded for bear with their gun grease smells abated remain at the "empty" camp. Bigfoot might come to you in that scenario wary but not with a 100% guard-up attitude. My guess is that other SSQ will be around to alert the intruder if the Humans make a move back to camp.

The ones at camp can be dug into a low blind, like under a platform used as a tent base with slits in it. They would enter the blind from inside the tent''s trapdoor or some such inside access. A tent with NO floor perhaps pitched over a foxhole. Then if BF enters the camp be patient and then take out it's legs. Afterward, once it's down go for the head shot. When the shooting stops the "campers" get on the radios and call in the "hikers" to 1) scout the premises on the way back and 2) secure a perimeter for the taking of the head and any other tissue/bone necessary.

IMO the only hunters that need to be invisible are the ones left at camp. Switch off personell in 4-6 hour watches round the clock by returning to camp. One man goes into each tent and, without talking, switches clothes and remains. The one that was on watch exits the tent in the clothes the other was wearing. Or identical clean clothing. This could be a practiced regimen with the idea that it would be a program utilized for a week or more. Bigfoot will only see or remember 5 or 6 out of the eight if there enough commotion and crisscrossing of people through the camp when the first watch is embedded so that BF cannot keep track of who's who and how many.

The "hikers" could be armed with sidearms like .50's so that the presence of rifles would not spook any quarry.

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We have discussed this before. And I would be willing to give it a try at the right location.


I'm very much opposed to using humans as bait, or doing this in a area in fairly close proximity to other campers.

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Hello Norseman,

As am I to be sure! But since SSQ's have been reported to frequent campsites after they're vacated Then maybe leaving a "vacated" at least in their eyes might work. It's not like the "campers" would be unarmed in in sight. The opposite would be true as I think you would be sure they had all the firepower one could muster. And you are totally right! location is just as important as the safety of the team which is foremost. A plan such as this would require more than a few dry runs off-site for it to be smooth enough to be deceptive.

But it would eliminate the stealthiness and scent-covering aspects required by just going in as stalkers. That maneuver itself sends up red flags.

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  • 4 weeks later...

As of yet project Grendel does not have an area x per say we're we can bank on repeated visits by the target species.

Nor have I ever heard of anyone having such success in the PAC NW

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I'd go with a few more people, just in case, there has been demonstrations, notably one of Houdinis illusions where it's shown that homo sapiens can't visually count past 10 or so. If you know counting is important, you tally...lets hope BF doesn't do something like pike a pebble up for every human coming in, and drop one for each leaving, and see he still has some.

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