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Site has been working fine for me all afternoon and evening :keeporder:

Guest VioletX

Site has been working fine for me all afternoon and evening :keeporder:

But the Quantra thread is closed now at least to non-members right?


I have to admit when I read what an anonymous user posted about this video I couldnt help but laugh. Quote" Too bad Tim Fasano does exist." Am I allowed to post that? Hope so.

You're ok IMO, but try to stick to the thread topic ;)


But the Quantra thread is closed now at least to non-members right?

The official public thread is available in the Locals Discussions area and has all the official updates and will have posts added by Admins as available
Guest Sasquatchum

I see on the MABRC that two individuals have stepped forward to say "Ed Smith" does exist. There are files linked to this post on the MABRC forum but as a non-member (forum) I cannot see them... those of you who are members any chance on passing that info on to us???


I did some research and Ed Smith has been working on a documentary, for years, that would show clear video and other proof of Bigfoot. However, this project has been very hush hush and no info has ever come to light.

Who knows? Maybe this is all on the up & up and this elite team of rich guys have really managed to capture a BF?

That being said, I spoke to a couple of engineering buddies and asked them how they would design a trap, that could capture an 8 ft tall, 700 lb, bipedal animal that incorporated a pressure plate. They both think it would be impossible unless they employed a massive high voltage, low amperage electrical current that would stun the animal. Otherwise, the trap would not be fast enough to enclose the creature on, at least 5 sides. In short, it could not have a hinged bottom and top. It could have a top and no bottom or a bottom and no top....not both. I don't know but it's a pretty far reach to believe a trap could capture an animal of this magnitude and intelligence.

Posted (edited)

I have refrained from saying too much, Because I did not want to muddy the waters. The fact that I am an MABRC member means you will give me little to no credit for saying this, But I will say it anyway,

Ed Smith is a real person. I have visited with Ed Smith, Had dinner with him. Got an in depth look into their operations down in Oklahoma. I did see some evidence that secured for me the fact that Ed into something big. The limiting factor for most researchers to not be successful, is funding. Even the big money researchers like BFRO are woefully underfunded. Ed Smith and his group does not have that problem.

The scale of their operation would boggle your mind. It involves leasing lands and long term 'hands off approach' with their set-ups. Engineered triangulated sound towers to locate precise locations of tree knocks and vocals. 24 to 36 ft angle iron towers topped with the type of thermal camera's you see on the bottom of helicopters, with the ability to zoom in for a mile or more. Ground sensors placed in area's of observations of travel, along fences etc. all fed into computers to give real time feed back as to whether or not something walking is bipedal or quadruped. fed back at the same time a thermal video is taken. Then after a video was taken, while the image was still on screen, not moving the thermal camera's they can overlay a man standing in the same spot for size comparisons. Some of the video shots also resulted in hair, tissue and even blood from briars found from the travel path of the bigfoot.

Ed was the first to show us how to collect samples and document. First, you video the whole process, use packaged tweezers, packaged q-tips, and rubber gloves to take samples and bag them and seal the bag. All video taped.

In the beginning, some of the labs would not have taken on the job of DNA study without the video showing how the samples were retrieved and not contaminated.

The details go on and on...It all started years ago when these 6 guy's who were all friends, were in college together. All working on higher degree's. One night they were discussing things as young men do, and the topic of bigfoot came up. To make a long story short, 3 of the 6 men had encounters with a creature we know as bigfoot. Ed's encounter is quite amazing, as he was hiking alone along the Illinois river in North Oklahoma, I believe he encountered 3, and got hit in the back by a rock from a squatch standing knee deep in the river while he faced the other two....he vacated quickly back to where his vehicle was parked and was escorted as some people are when they have a wooded encounter. Because of the sighting by 3 of them, they started playing around with the idea of why there has been no evidence....much like we all have pondered.After college at some point they put their plan in motion, Lots of money ( i believe a trust fund was some of the money used)

They initially had a 10 year plan, Ed Smith got ansy, and wanted to replicate their findings from their research with other researchers in different locations...they needed this as part of the scientific process. Ed started posting to the MABRC and revealed to us what they needed. So we tried to help. This was 4 years ago.

So people ask WHY? is the MABRC who Ed chose to contact. Well, because it was located somewhat close to where Ed lived, had 200 researchers they could have help to replicate their experiments. You can't really belong to a group and not develop friendships, so that is where we have progressed to now. Ed was always the one pushing to share their info to get to where they wanted to get to, after 10 years he was getting tired of the 2 week stretches in the command trailers on location ,manning the thermals and computer equipment. The other 5 guy's were not as eager to share as Ed was. So they clashed sometimes about releasing content. So then this past year there was a change of business plans, Ed was tired....and then all of a sudden, here we are with what has transpired.

I am sure some will not be happy with me sharing this. I hope it gives you a better understanding. believe me when I tell you, this is only a speck of the depth of all they have done and documented, I just can't put it all down in an appropriate timeline. You will just have to be satisfied...surely some here have read some of the Ed Smith threads of research over at the MABRC.

Sorry on that last post, I could not get it to post so i clicked on the full editor, then when it posted, it was all running together...oh well.

Edited by driveroperator

D.O. - Have you met any of the other ORIG-6 or do you have any evidence of their existence?

Tim B.

Posted (edited)

I know names, but have only forged a friendship with Ed. I don't even know who has remained with the new organization from the old group.

Edited by driveroperator

@ driveroperator

thanks for the information

don't know if you can answer this, is the pressure plate used to close a door or is it used in a different manner ?


I don't mean to nitpick, but these people that you know the names of- have you ever verified that they are actual people? I.E. their address, phone number, pictures, anything? What professions are they in? Any info at all?

Tim B.


Thanks Mounty. I noticed the MABRC forum has closed the original thread to only members and created a new one that directs people to bigfoot evidence for further updates.

A cynical person might think this was just a ploy to get sign ups....


A cynical person might think this was just a ploy to get sign ups....

Yes, every few months or so they come up with a new scheme to use the BFF to scare up a few more memberships. I was an unwitting participant 2 or 3 schemes ago when they casually mentioned a potential "foot" in a chat I was in, only to chastise me for making a thread about it the next day (I was new) and then throwing their hands up and saying "well the cat's out of the bag now- sign up if you want to see pictures!"

Unfortunately, they seem to be a-okay with building a reputation for this type of thing as of late.



Have you spoken with ed since the story of daisy broke? Are there any photos or videos online you could share that have at least a glimpse of ed?

You stated MABRC chose to contact Ed because he lived in close proximity. ( one of the reasons ) Are you stating he lived in close proximity to where daisy was captured, if not.....close to what exactly?

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