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Oh Dear, Another Body...

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Well this truely is a joke and everyone is falling for it,Come on you all expect to believe that these creatures are going to fall into a traplike this where we can not even get a picture of one.This is truely laughable and i cannot believe that people actually think that they can be captured,yea right! keep dreaming.Cannot wait to see when the 48 hours is up and nothing shows up,what a dissappointment it will be for all.


Hey julio, maybe you should do another head count because I see very few if any buying this.


Well this truely is a joke and everyone is falling for it,Come on you all expect to believe that these creatures are going to fall into a traplike this where we can not even get a picture of one.This is truely laughable and i cannot believe that people actually think that they can be captured,yea right! keep dreaming.Cannot wait to see when the 48 hours is up and nothing shows up,what a dissappointment it will be for all.

Hey julio, maybe you should do another head count because I see very few if any buying this.

Ahem! Can we please not be so snarky with our thoughts/responses? Thankyou!

  • Upvote 1
Guest Harry Man

Wait, I thought they were more human than ape/monkey? :gaming:


Why would I need to? Myself and DW sat down with Ed and I saw enough to convince me., and even more.

So you are saying that you have seen actual proof of the group's work, not just one person's report of the work? I've looked through his section at your forum and haven't seen anything but undocumented stories written as if it's a TV show narrative. I"m still stuck on whether ORIG-6 ever existed or if Quatra exists. Until it can be confirmed, it's hard to even consider this research.

Tim B.

  • Upvote 1
Posted (edited)


If you check in on this thread I would like to ask a few questions if you wouldn't mind?

Has anyone contacted you in any seriousness in regards to a conference call, meeting or summit associated with this situation? If so, have they offered you any reassuring information, data, photo’s/ video that would make you believe that there really is or was a “Daisy in the Box� Or if there really was an ORIG-6 or currently a Quantra group?

Can you say if Dr. Meldrum has been contacted and if so, is he taking this situation (story) seriously?

I do put some trust in DO on this situation and do believe that he is a stand up guy however even those with the best of intentions and moral fiber could sometimes be led astray. You chiming in on this situation would definitely help to shed some light on this situation. I have always found you to be a no bullsh%t type of person who does not toss snowballs for questions when looking into a situation.

I believe the time has come for Ed Smith to be held accountable for his posts. He should be willing to answer hardball questions regarding his years of information to the BF community. If he does not owe anyone anything then why go public with any information at all? The MABRC Forums is indeed a very public place in the BF community. I know as I check in often and am a member who joined specifically to learn more about Mr. Smith.

Perhaps it’s time to bring back your BlogTalk show and put Mr. Smith in the hot seat?

I would like nothing more than for this person to be the real deal. There’s just to many red flags to take it a face value at this time.

Thank you for your time,


Edited by Polypodium

I've sat back and observed this subjects for at least 10 years now. I've watched, listened and soaked up all sides of the argument, which I feel is only right as I live in the uk and the only thing to get excited about here are the type of tea bag we use :-)

Yorkshire Tea; no argument possible.

As always with these things, I retain a distant hope but it's on the other side of a ravine full of Biscardi-isms :/


I am certain that I am no different than anyone here. I want to see the end of this so badly. I am optimistic and Hopeful. I am that way with most claims until they prove false. Even after every let down, I continue to be on the edge of my seat optimistic for the next big event promised.

I know these things are real, If i were more brave that night, I could have reached out and touched one. If I am hopeful each time, one day it will be the last time, and we will be at the end of this quest.

Guest Sasquatchum

@ DriverOperator, thanks so much for your recent input. I commend your ability to not get flustered when bombarded with questions.

I also continue to ride the edge of my seat, so much so I am beginning to wonder if I'm OCD. Hopefully one day I will have the opportunity to have an experience. (Not so sure I wouuld reach out to touch one though! Lol)

Still hoping for a pic of daisy!



Thanks for sharing your experience with Ed Smith. If anything, it's reassuring to know that Ed Smith actually exists. I'm certain, from what you shared, that you have a high level of confidence in Ed Smith and I hope that this story ends up being real.

There is no doubt in my mind that a Bigfoot could be captured if enough money were invested. There have been several threads, over the years, on this same topic. I remember putting some numbers down on paper and, according to my calculations, it would cost between 5-7 million dollars and require a team of, at least, 10 people over a time period of 36 months. So, I do believe a capture is possible if somebody had the money, the right people and, more importantly, the right geographical area.

So, if I'm agreeing this is a viable scenario; why do I doubt Ed Smith's story?

I don't doubt the story itself. However, I doubt the source of the story. If I were going to pull this off myself, I would NEVER have mentioned it to anybody until I had my own Daisy in the bag. Furthermore, once I had Daisy captured, I would NOT have "leaked" it on a Bigfoot forum. I would have immediately had a press conference and presented video and photographic evidence. From there, if I were profit motivated, I would start allowing scientists from universities around the world to visit Daisy. Of course, not free of charge. If money didn't matter, then scientists could observe at no cost.

In short, why has Ed Smith felt compelled to share partial info about his group, and their capture, with the Bigfoot community and no one else? Why is he not releasing one photo or video?

This does not make any sense to me. If you couple this with the fact that he's made these types of announcements in the past, without presenting any tangible evidence, then we have no choice but to doubt these extraordinary claims. If Ed comes forward with some evidence, I would be the first to congratulate him. However, without evidence, it's just one more story among thousands of other ones. No more and no less.


I think we're missing the point of this discussion- we can't get to the existence of "bigfoot" until we verify the existence of the researchers who claim to have captured one. If we can't confirm their existence, then the evidence fails by default.

DriverOperator- can you detail what you saw in meeting with Mr. Smith that convinced you of the existence of this research team? Any help would be appreciated.

Tim B.

Posted (edited)

We have been waiting for years on the other big claims so how about giving this a full day or two to see if it comes to light?

Is there any light yet??? It's looking dim in here to me.

Sure bear and maybe some hogs.

But it's a fantasy world scenario....

So I'm sure they have remote cameras on the traps and some sort of automatic release and reset system.

No sense in dispatching the helo and bigfoot team 6 needlessly.

I'm waiting on the claim for flying monkeys and all that implies :comando:

Once again, yes ONE person has made claims and thats all we have but also they dont answer to anybody here nor there so there ya go. If true , they have priorities higher than posting on the forums.

So why bother then? I take it that you and DO are functioning as the spokespeople of the Original 6 or Quantra 4, or whatever it is? They couldn't hire a PR representative with some of their trust fund money, or at least a lawyer? And I mean a real one, not a volunteer.

Darn that Fasano! The spoiler......that was funny

I think you are being kind, it's more along the lines of being pathetic.

Edited by CTfoot

Is there any light yet??? It's looking dim in here to me.

I'm waiting on the claim for flying monkeys and all that implies :comando:

So why bother then? I take it that you and DO are functioning as the spokespeople of the Original 6 or Quantra 4, or whatever it is? They couldn't hire a PR representative with some of their trust fund money, or at least a lawyer? And I mean a real one, not a volunteer.

I think you are being kind, it's more along the lines of being pathetic.

We are not spokespersons for either of those two groups only sharing what we can. Updates will be shared at our site when there are some for the public.


@penski it's gotta be yorkshire tea every time :) I'm in South Yorkshire so need to remain loyal after all

@julio123 why is it so hard to believe that one of these things could be captured? Is that because you don't believe they exist? If so then I guess I just answered my own question lol but if they do exist then I can see it being perfectly plausible that one could be captured!

Someone mentioned earlier (sorry i cant be bothered to look back who it was) that you couldn't catch something using a pressure pad, if it was 8ft tall and 700lbs... Maybe that wouldn't be possible but I'm sure I haven't seen any mention of 'daisy' being that big. Forgive me if I am wrong.

I'm still on the fence enjoying the read

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