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Oh Dear, Another Body...

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Guest SquatchinNY


This is what would happen if we found a body. Thanks to Person of Interest for the pic/quote.



Publicity? It has been said that any publicity is good. But publicity that comes about from attempting to hoax is another matter and just makes the whole field look foolish. To say that I personally am upset that somebody else can get such publicity by attempting hoaxing is foolish to say the least. If that what it takes now for publicity in the Sasquatch field then they can have it.

Thomas Steenburg


I doubt these people care about the rest of us who read about this stuff

Guest OntarioSquatch

I wouldn't get excited over this. An extraordinary claim requires equally extraordinary evidence if it is to be taken seriously by people who know how to use their head and so far there hasn't been any evidence presented here other than the claim itself.

Posted (edited)

"Bigfoot" news from certain organizations (and people) should be promptly ridiculed, chuckled at, and then ignored. I know the forum rules frown on calling out organizations and individuals, but some names belong in the infamous bin. Why should we keep pretending that one of these people or groups might produce something valid, when all we ever get are verified hoaxes? It probably belongs in another part of the forum, but we should have a list. Not defamatory, but simply a list of known and highly suspected hoaxes, their claims and how they were debunked, and their perpetrators. Then people can draw their own conclusions.


My point is this, You hung out with an admitted hoaxer, pushed a photo of his as being a bigfoot when he himself admitted it was a trespasser caught on his property, and even the second gentleman involved in your trio has posted that the other guy is a hoaxer.

You allowed yourself to be a rented mule to push the photo of a KNOWN hoaxer.

yeah...I think putting a list of known hoaxers out there would shine a good light on who supports them.

and you can't get a better subject on the list , than someone who admits it.

Edited by AaronD
to liminate personal grievances


(for you Molder)

Mid-America Bigfoot Research Center says there is a Bigfoot in a box. Captured alive and will be studied privately. Get all the juicy details at the site above.

Side note- does anyone actually believe this? My response upon reading that was "Riiiigggghhhhhttt" a la Dr Evil style. Why is every claim about Bigfoot secret and trumped up? Are bigfooters that desperate for attention? It's a repeat every time. Wild claim, we will release findings and proof, a year or 2 passes, conspiracy about govt or rival sabotage, then it fades away to nothing. And bigfooters fall for it every single time.

Posted (edited)

There has been an interesting update on the MABRC forum a short while ago....

Edited by benboy23

Never a dull day in footerland. Before we get too excited (is that possible anymore?) we must take into account the recent track record of the main exponents here...


Is it true that one of the original 6 team members was Biscardi? I'm late to catching up to this project.


Who are those people? I know it isnt allowed to call people names and so on, but some people seem to know the bigfoot carer of some involved here. Would be nice to know more about the background.



(for you Molder)

Mid-America Bigfoot Research Center says there is a Bigfoot in a box. Captured alive and will be studied privately. Get all the juicy details at the site above.

Side note- does anyone actually believe this? My response upon reading that was "Riiiigggghhhhhttt" a la Dr Evil style. Why is every claim about Bigfoot secret and trumped up? Are bigfooters that desperate for attention? It's a repeat every time. Wild claim, we will release findings and proof, a year or 2 passes, conspiracy about govt or rival sabotage, then it fades away to nothing. And bigfooters fall for it every single time.

meh... I don't think Bigfooters "fall" for stuff like this. Everywhere I'm reading today, most think its a hoax. I haven't seen anyone put much hope in this. But it is "news" and news in the Bigfoot world is what we wait for.

Posted (edited)

Bigfoot chicks interview with Darren Lee http://bigfootchicks.blogspot.com/2012/12/breaking-original-6-have-bigfoot-in-box.html

Exclusive Interview with Darren Lee

BFC/SU: Who is Ed Smith?

D. Lee: He is a Bigfoot field researcher.

BFC/SU: What is "Original 6"?

D. Lee: the Original 6 was a group that formed about 12 years ago, of which, Ed Smith was a part. They had a 10 year mission to collect as much evidence as possible to prove the existence of Bigfoot. After the 10 years, Mr. Smith became burnt out and decided to leave the group. The group then renamed itself "Quantra".

BFC/SU: How is "Quantra" funded?

D. Lee: Quantra is funded by it's members. It is a group made up of doctors, lawyers, engineers, tech heads, etc. They are men of substantial means and able to fund a serious operation out of pocket.

BFC/SU: What kind of equipment does Quantra use?

D. Lee: Every kind of high tech camera and gadget available. It's all top of the line equipment and they have everything from ground sensors and wireless access points set up in trailers to IR cameras like what the border patrol uses, that have the ability to see 3 to 6 miles out.

BFC/SU: Is Quantra a ProKill organization?

D. Lee: While they have never made an official statement, all the evidence point to "NO".

BFC/SU: Are they working with any sort of law enforcement or government agency on this?

D. Lee: No

BFC/SU: How was the creature captured?

D. Lee: A special trap, a box, with a pressure plate in the center. The plate was set to go off at 350 pounds. It closed up around the creature when it stepped on the plate.

BFC/SU: What happens now? Who will study the creature?

D. Lee: Quantra has privately contracted scientist to come and study the creature.

BFC/SU: Is Dr. Ketchum one of the scientists?

D. Lee: Highly doubtful as Quantra is not a fan of Dr. Ketchum.

BFC/SU: Where was the creature captured?

D. Lee: That information has not been released.

BFC/SU: Where is Quantra's main base of operation?

D. Lee: They have these elaborate set ups in several places throughout the country.

BFC/SU: Where can we learn more about this exciting event?

this was posted by ed smith "If release is chosen then a press release should be forth coming after the examination is competed, if the specimen is sent to the repository then a press and information release would happen with in 30 to 90 days thats by the operations plan."

30 to 90 days, that is a lot of hits on a blog , and lots of time to drum up a story what happened to it why it never was shown.

Edited by zigoapex

Its one thing to say you got a bigfoot body but its another to say you captured a speciman that is alive!

You got to be kidding me?! A special trap?!

You would think if they were going to make stuff up at least make up something more believable...

BFF Patron

Personally, I put more trust in Dyer (says alot).

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