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We never found any clear evidence of Sasquatch in Colorado, only in the states/providences mentioned. If you saw one or two in Colorado, it was either a bear, a hoaxster or your imagination


I will dig through my files and maybe post some pics


Someone asked of the difference between the Pacific NW and the TX/OK/AR species.


The NW creatures were taller, shorter hair, beefy but not rotund


The ARK creatures were wider built, shorter, long stringy hair. While the Pac NW species ate most anything (omnivorous), think of what a bear or **** would eat, the ARK creature were more bloodthirsty and preferred killing and devouring fresh meat. Livestock was a favorite, especially shoats and pullets. We had a favorite nickname for these ones - the "Hellbillies"   They would do a lot of teeth gnashing, whooping, false charging, stick throwing as well as not afraid to throw some #2 at you.  The Pac NW creatures were much more shy


When I encountered the creatures in Colorado, they were far too big to be a person hoaxing. They were also not a bear or my imagination! I got a good look at them, close up from the comfort of the driver's seat of my truck.


A more likely explanation is that none of what you are saying is true. Of course, this is matters BF so there is no proof either way. I have my experience and certainly can't prove it. There is a thread on this in the Sightings section of the website. Look for the one about two BF sitting in the road.



Hmm, why is it that skeptics are always ready to at least have the conversation yet the "believers" can get very hateful?


Could it be that the skeptics believe and the believers don't?


Wow, for a site dedicated to Sasquatch, the reasonable ones who want to learn more are the skeptics in the bunch. The so called "believers" don't want proof. FOr some reason, believers have been sending me threat PM's, the skeptics want to have a discussion


IMO the reason you are getting such reaction is that your comments are not perceived as credible to skeptics and proponents alike, and this has nothing to do with this particular site. Agreement between these parties is rare but in all cases where I have seen such agreement, it has been over some sort of hoax.


@ The Redwoods:


I'm going to be the first to go out on a limb and say you're trolling.


@ The Redwoods:


How much wood did a wood ape chuck when you documented wood apes chucking wood?


For the Federales,of course.


BTW I will NOT run out of questions to ask you, my friend. Let's keep this dialogue running...


Moderator Statement


Folks, as tempting as may be, if you examine our forum rules there is supposed to be no Dyer content on this site.




Actually this means no threads on Dyer but we really would like to keep Dyer comments to a minimum.


As tempting as they might be right now.


Thanks, back to your regular programming, already in progress.




Why do people in the bigfoot community insist on always being secretive....like this guy, or the academic who is writing a "paper they will submit for peer review" that never developments.   I honestly don't even have a problem with the claims...it just the secretive nature..."maybe i will release some pics or evidence. "


Next time 'round I ask about belly boobs circa 1987, the group of Seven in bluff creek, and how you managed to save the outlying areas of OK and FL from your supposed scorn.


So far everything you've said fits into neat little boxes like pentatonic scales.

Guest zenmonkey

I demand a trial by combat!


He be gone, outed. Dang, no fiver.... :aikido:


Why is this thread now on 5 pages? The whole premise of this thread is bogus.

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Guest keninsc

Why is this thread now on 5 pages? The whole premise of this thread is bogus.


Posted (edited)

I've only just read the OP's first installment. Why do I have the feeling this is going to quickly tip into a very bad 20 Questions, or worse? Where's my popcorn?


Edit: That was just as fun as expected! I appreciated Coonbo's shall I say, more trusted perspective.


I vote troll.

Edited by Gotta Know
Guest keninsc

Yeah, I mean a guy pops in, signs himself up and opens with some pretty strong stuff. Nothing to back it up, other than his word......which if I or we knew him might be enough, however we don't have a clue who he is or what his real back ground is and in short order we have over five pages of "stuff" for lack of a better word.

He says he with the government and implies at a very high level, but how high we don't know. And again offers no proof. However, if he is then he's risking the loss of a government pension and facing jail time, serious jail time.

Now stop and ask yourself a pointed question. If you were going to do this then wouldn't you do it where it will make the greatest impact? Not on some internet bulliten board? Of course not, you call the New York Times or 60 Minutes.

Sorry but it just don't add up in my book.

Guest Divergent1

It made for an interesting 5 pages. He left before I could ask about Type I, II, III in Alabama. That must have been after his time too.


He heard the three billy goats gruff approaching and went back under his bridge...

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