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Remember, clearly identify your target before you open fire.


^^ Nah, there's plenty of "noise" on here everyday Jerry...don't need any more, thank you very much.

I just got a chuckle because of the seeming "i told you so" kind of vibe, that suddenly fizzled in the wake of the above revelation from Dr. Ketchum.

Maybe it still turns out to be that those guessing human/near human are right, but for now all we can do is line everyone back up, and wait for the crack from the starting pistol...



She still did not comment on the 2011 titles.

New Contemporary Feral Species of Hominin.

New Species of Contemporary Feral Homo sapiens.

She only made reference to the 2010 copyright


Ray Davies has another that seems appropriate...

She still did not comment on the 2011 titles.

New Contemporary Feral Species of Hominin.

New Species of Contemporary Feral Homo sapiens.

She only made reference to the 2010 copyright

There's enough difference between the two remaining titles that I'm content to think she's just hedging her bets. A classic case of, "Fire! Aim! Ready!".


Go ahead Jerry, I'll quote ya later, but it won't feel like a pat on the back.:)

We shall see what we shall see, won't we.

Do you think the report will be definitive? Will we have conclusive scientific confirmation? I wish TBers would be less insulting and commit.

Please commit, amigo. Tell us what we will find.

You are a square shooter. Give it to us straight. What will the DNA report demonstrate? Put it on the line, please.

(Sorry to sound so sour. Just tired of the skeptic bashing. Especially when I read a local Bigfoot research group that actually gave credence to a child's Bigfoot sighting, sighted in her backyard, in a nearby town. I live in the Dallas-Ft. Worth metroplex, where millions of non-feral humans live -- well, mostly non-feral.:) Sound familiar? So, apply that pat on the back. It will roll off, if you get my drift :) ).


PattyWagon and Bonehead, Thank you for the Kinky postings. Great stuff! The Davies brothers were so insightful. I am "So Tired", indeed.

Posted (edited)

Strait from the horse ranchers keyboard, It doesn't get any better than that.

@art X2 awful quite in here, must be from icing of the shoulders strained from the back patting smile.gif

Edited by zigoapex

... and a voice cried out from the wilderness.

+1 to you, Bill.

Posted (edited)

+2, Bill. :thumbsup:

Edited by Bonehead74

I usually just read this thread, since DNA studies are far outside my expertise and I wisely don't pretend otherwise.

But what I wish to comment on is human nature and the complexities of science or research trying to function in a media driven world.

I do not have any "inside information" at to how powerful, sweeping or earth-shattering this final report will be. But everything I do know about the event, both public discussion and private discussions, suggests to me this event is a sincere effort to do something unpresidented (used in the manner that the event is not common and thus common procedures do not suffice or apply) and that the principles, especially Dr. Ketchum, are making a good faith effort to navigate uncharted waters. The talk about her lawyers, the often described NDA from hell, this recent spate of DVD media comments and the various gossiping about people hooking up or breaking away, all of it appears to me as people here just trying to reinforce their own biased agendas.

She and the people connected with her effort are likely having to improvise some of the steps in their process, simply because of the potential for this endeavor to rock so many boats (depending on the form it finally takes) and people walking a new path make occasional mis-steps in the process. Add to that the fact that real life is messy and imperfect, and these can easily account for the conflicting reports and announcements, the delays, and the somewhat erratic way partial bits of information get released.

Maybe we should just dial down the speculation and the rush to declare ourselves winners of the betting pool, and simply let Ms. Ketchum and her team do their work, and when something is released, we take a hard look at that reality instead of rampant fantasies and apparitions we see in the factual bits and pieces that occasionally surface. If it's for real, it'll surface in proper form at the appropriate time. if it's a big con, the people involved will themselves try to hype it up to make it fly.

So if I may offer my personal advice, let the principles do their thing, and let us simply observe and be patient, with no expectation. I think it's our fabricating our own expectations and talking them up which is churning the water to a muddy mess where nobody is seeing clearly.

My two cents. I'll go back to observing and being patient, with no expectation.


As is always the case, I find your comments valuable. However, your comments always carry a patina of skeptic bashing. Can we get over that and let folks say what they want to say?

To be clear, I do think that generally your posts are a good example of reasonable discourse. So please drop the crudges. You are above that, I believe.


As is always the case, I find your comments valuable. However, your comments always carry a patina of skeptic bashing. Can we get over that and let folks say what they want to say?

Everyone but Bill, you mean?

Guest krakatoa

... all of it appears to me as people here just trying to reinforce their own biased agendas.

Maybe we should just dial down the speculation and ... when something is released, we take a hard look at that reality instead of rampant fantasies and apparitions we see in the factual bits and pieces that occasionally surface...

...let the principles do their thing, and let us simply observe and be patient, with no expectation. I think it's our fabricating our own expectations and talking them up which is churning the water to a muddy mess where nobody is seeing clearly.


Hi Bill! You must be new here. Welcome to the BFF!

(all joking aside, I agree whole-heartedly. It is why I haven't even read this thread.)


Jerry.. Skeptic bashing ? Really? are you serious?

The skeptics on this forum get a pass far too regularly.

Most of the believers I see on this forum are big enough to admit that some videos are hoax's, and often times they go out of their way to accomodate or compromise when it comes to arguing points.

There's far too many non-believer/skeptic types on here who wont budge AN INCH in their position, even when the guidelines of the forum specifically say that A ) they are welcome, but B ) "You must accept the proponents point of view if you expect yours to be considered"...

Yeah right... how often does that happen exactly...??

So PLEASE.. give me a break about how skeptics are "bashed" on here.. it couldnt be further from the truth.



Everyone but Bill, you mean?

No. I admire Bill. But he does seem to be responding, in his skeptic bashing asides, to the shabby treatment he has recieved on other websites. He is human; I realize the temptation. I just feel he has the temperament to rise above the pettiness.

As I am want to point out, we skeptics are not the enemy. Some of us may be rude and crude, but so are TBers who want to stick things in skeptic's dark places. We are all in this together, folks. Let's ascertain the truth, according to our lights. And speak to it.

If the DNA report came out tomorrow and proved definitive, can you imagine the nastiness and gloating floating around on this thread aimed at skeptics? Yet Parn and my single posts were attacked with barely concealed venom. Good golly. Go figger.

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