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The Ketchum Report


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Dispute over an artists rendition of Bigfoot

Sad to the point of pathetic. I also note my "evil twin" seems to be alive and well. I really wish the Mods over there would clean up the BS and sockpuppeting...but then they'd have no board left, would they?

Looks like she is taking a bit of a beating, rightfully so IMHO, she could have been a lot more transparent and cooperated in a professional scientific manner with everyone, after all, she is trying to show a new species on a world level, Melba acts like a kid trying to protect her first pack of crayons.

To the extent she HAS been transparent, it's caused her nothing but grief. She would have been better served to simply keep her mouth shut beyond "I can't discuss this while it is under journal consideration" and moved on.

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Sad to the point of pathetic. I also note my "evil twin" seems to be alive and well. I really wish the Mods over there would clean up the BS and sockpuppeting...but then they'd have no board left, would they?

To the extent she HAS been transparent, it's caused her nothing but grief. She would have been better served to simply keep her mouth shut beyond "I can't discuss this while it is under journal consideration" and moved on.

@ Mulder

It would seem that Ketchum may be promoting more than being anything near transparent. In what ways has this study been transparent?

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Guest RedRatSnake

It is nice to see ya posting on here again RRS...as I have have stated other places on here. As you can see, some of us "old timers" are happy to see ya back.

I gotta say, even with seeing what I saw, I am more "jaded" and reserved about the subject than I use to be.

Thanks CO, as you know I am not a believer in any way, I didn't come back to push my stand on anyone, I just want to interact in a subject I like and offer up some good ole alternatives and maybe a few tidbits of info I have learned over the years.

I can't for the life of me understand how it must be to have seen something and not be able to figure it out, this BF thing is just one of those mystery's that seems to get deeper with time.

To the extent she HAS been transparent, it's caused her nothing but grief. She would have been better served to simply keep her mouth shut beyond "I can't discuss this while it is under journal consideration" and moved on.

IMHO~ I think she brought that grief upon herself, science should not be practiced behind closed doors when it's trying to find something like a Bigfoot, no need for the secret squirrel type stuff, ain't like anyone is going to steal away her rights, she also could have released the pictures or video years ago while working on the DNA, by keeping the visual evidence away from the public, but still claiming to have it is a red flag from the get go, again, no need to hide anything when looking to discover a new animal species, cloak and dagger is not being transparent it's being sneaky.

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For what is worth. Lindsay posted on his web blog a few minutes ago that a major press conference would occur today and that the study would be published in a U.S. journal tommorow. Here is part of the post:

There will be a press conference today regarding the Ketchum study. Ketchum and possibly others will be holding the conference. Presumably, the conference will be regarding the DNA paper. I would assume that publication is coming soon, possibly tomorrow. Recall that Sally Ramey warned us previously that when publication comes, there will be a press conference on the afternoon before, probably on a Thursday. Publication will follow, possibly on a Friday.

My sources in the Ketchum camp revealed to me recently a new publication date, which they put at January 5-15, 2013. They told me that they were told that the publication date was to be on January 5, but they thought that would not happen due to the fact that so many delays were occurring, so they thought it was more likely to occur between the 5th and 15th. Anyway, the 5th was on a Saturday, so that date did not make a lot of sense.

I assume that this press conference is regarding the paper. I assume that it will come around 2-3 PM this afternoon, which time zone I have no idea. I also assume that the conference will announce the publication of the paper tomorrow, January 11. These assumptions are based on Sally Ramey’s comments about a Thursday conference followed by a Friday publication.

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I'm just saying ....

Forgot that Melba does honor her commitments....

This will probably be rescheduled for Tuesday January 15th

Pure speculation from the tea leaves ....

Yeah ..... I thought it would be the 15th ... Blasted tea leaves .... Oh we'll ... IT SHALL HAPPEN ......


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Guest gerrykleier

Great! If he's right. If he's wrong, MK will probably respond, but we could be left hashing out the tea leaves for a while until she does.

Here's hopin'!


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When someone uses these words when describing news, I always kinda wince a bit.

Presumably, Assume & Possibly

Either worried or married for umpteen years .. Still indicates a problem that I makes me or HER wince, lol,

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Guest gerrykleier

Now on Bigfoot Evidence also with this attributed to Eric Altman of Pennsylvania Bigfoot. Was supposedly on his face book page:

HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT TO BE MADE SOON!!! The members of the Super Secret Sasquatch Society have Earth shattering news that is gonna turn the Bigfoot world upside down! Details coming soon.... You won't believe it when you hear it, but I can assure everyone it's legit


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