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Sasquatch: Is It Out There? (Erickson Project Article)


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Guest Strick

Like I have said before I will wait to see the whole footage before making up my mind despite the red flags and rumors I have heard about this video. As for John Green He has said to myself and Bill miller personally that the video in his opinion does not live up to some of the pre release hype. I can say this when the video is released if what is seen is open to interpretation than the Hype was very premature. As evidence it will be useless.

Thomas Steenburg

I just don't believe that Adrian Erikson would go round to John Green's house and show him second rate footage, holding back the 'good stuff'. I think that Erikson showed him the best that he had and Green was disappointed. With Green's reputation in the field, frail health and old age, it would have been tantamount to a slap in the face if he had not screened the best video he'd obtained.

I find the whole thing disheartening as John Green expresses a deep regret that this mystery was not put to bed years ago in every interview he does. He badly wants closure and he has not always been the staunchest critic of Bigfoot evidence that others have questioned deeply. I give you: the Albert Ostman story, some of the Wallace prints and even the Skookum Cast. In short, I don't think Green is the world's toughest audience these days.

This, combined with Erikson's procrastination, his association with known hoaxers and the release of this blobsquatch, make me think we are all riding for a big fall when (if) the results of his project are ever released..... :(

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Guest slimwitless

Somewhere I read Erickson wanted to bring John Green to the Kentucky site but he couldn't make it for health reasons.

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Guest HairyGreek

The raw negativity and scorn in the threads surrounding the Erickson Project and Ketchum Report is simply astounding. If someone is going for their Master in Psychology or Philosophy, this board would provide an excellent study of the dualism of human nature.

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The raw negativity and scorn in the threads surrounding the Erickson Project and Ketchum Report is simply astounding. If someone is going for their Master in Psychology or Philosophy, this board would provide an excellent study of the dualism of human nature.

It really is fascinating in a disturbing kind of way. And it's not just the EP and KR. The whole BF phenomenon is filled with a very special kind of rage and ownership amongst believers and skeptics alike. People take it as personally as their politics and religion. I mean no disrespect to the die-hard skeptics, but I've always wondered what drives their passion for arguing something doesn't exist.

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Yeah, the vid was fantastic and your artistic renderings are the best so far.

It doesn't look at all human, does it?

I will say, taking into account that it really is limited detail, the thumb does appear to be shorter than I would expect if it were a person. That's just an observation from staring at little bits and pieces here and there, but it looks... a tad smallish.

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The raw negativity and scorn in the threads surrounding the Erickson Project and Ketchum Report is simply astounding. If someone is going for their Master in Psychology or Philosophy, this board would provide an excellent study of the dualism of human nature.

My wife has a Master's in psychology, and believe me, she becomes quite entertained by some of this stuff I show her.

Edited for spelling.

Edited by Rod
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Guest HairyGreek

It really is fascinating in a disturbing kind of way. And it's not just the EP and KR. The whole BF phenomenon is filled with a very special kind of rage and ownership amongst believers and skeptics alike. People take it as personally as their politics and religion. I mean no disrespect to the die-hard skeptics, but I've always wondered what drives their passion for arguing something doesn't exist.

Now we know why the board rules don't allow for religion and politics. Bigfoot comes with both of enough of those things already.

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Guest Strick

The raw negativity and scorn in the threads surrounding the Erickson Project and Ketchum Report is simply astounding. If someone is going for their Master in Psychology or Philosophy, this board would provide an excellent study of the dualism of human nature.

It's very easy to get caught up in a wave of speculation and hope. It feels good and the symptoms are contagious. I would love Sasquatch to be proven to exist as a known species. I'm not one of those who wants them to remain hidden, I'm all ready for phase 2 - I even have a shiny new pair of binoculars to prove it..... :rolleyes:

But - the history of Sasquatch research is the history of disappointment. I wish Adrian Erikson all the luck in the world with his video project, but the early signs are not great. I only learned about his association with the Golden Ears Park, B.C. hoaxers this week - but I clearly remember Tomas Steenburg's (who I consider to be an excellent researcher)expose of these guys several months ago.

I'm sure you're not saying we should all sit around here giving each other false hope and generally ignoring the facts. The very essence of this forum should be to discuss and dissect, chip away at the layers of BS and hopefully reveal a kernel of truth. Isn't that's what it's all about??

I don't beleive Erikson is a hoaxer, but his past or current associations with the likes of: Janet Carter, Todd Standing, the Golden Ears boys does, at the very least, make his judgement questionable.

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Somewhere I read Erickson wanted to bring John Green to the Kentucky site but he couldn't make it for health reasons.

Does anyone know if Meldrum was approached, or what his opinion of the current situation is? I would think he would be my first port of call...

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SSR Team

I don't beleive Erikson is a hoaxer, but his past or current associations with the likes of: Janet Carter, Todd Standing, the Golden Ears boys does, at the very least, make his judgement questionable.

You have about as much concrete information to base your opinion that he is not a Hoaxer, on your opinion that his previous " associations " make his judgement questionable, not a lot.

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Just a thought...

How likely is it that the DNA samples from a habituation site would be cross-contaminated with the persons they habituate near/with?

Good point. But then the samples would be discounted, or should be.

I'll speak for myself: I'm confused because the pieces don't seem to fit. For instance, Paulides has stated the DNA evidence will discount the ape thesis as an explanation for Bigfoot. Apparently, the evidence will show Bigfoot is a human/whatisit hybrid. In his book, the HOOPA PROJECT, he suggests that human genes may have entered the Bigfoot gene pool through (alleged) recent historical events --- a seven foot tall human young man who left a CCC camp in Humboldt County during the Depression to live in the wilderness bred with whatisit, and the idea that Indians would flee into the woods to avoid conflicts and battles, and during this "would it have been possible that an adult died from injury and Bigfoot came to a child's aid, raised the kids and eventually bred with them?" (HP, page 316) O.K.? But then he is talking about a human/Bigfoot hybrid, not Bigfoot. He then suggests this is a local phenomena, this human/Bigfoot gene pool localized in the Hoopa Reserve area. O.K. But now, apparently, the DNA will show that Bigfoot IS this human/whatisit hybrid, and it is a continent wide phenomena. .... I think.

Good gravy. I'm getting tired head.

Edited by jerrywayne
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SSR Team

I just don't believe that Adrian Erikson would go round to John Green's house and show him second rate footage, holding back the 'good stuff'. I think that Erikson showed him the best that he had and Green was disappointed. With Green's reputation in the field, frail health and old age, it would have been tantamount to a slap in the face if he had not screened the best video he'd obtained.

I find the whole thing disheartening as John Green expresses a deep regret that this mystery was not put to bed years ago in every interview he does. He badly wants closure and he has not always been the staunchest critic of Bigfoot evidence that others have questioned deeply. I give you: the Albert Ostman story, some of the Wallace prints and even the Skookum Cast. In short, I don't think Green is the world's toughest audience these days.

This, combined with Erikson's procrastination, his association with known hoaxers and the release of this blobsquatch, make me think we are all riding for a big fall when (if) the results of his project are ever released..... :(

No disrespect to JG of course, but why are you willing to find John Green's opinion that the Video is not as good as he had hoped, more set in stone than many others who have seen the Video & are in agreement that it's better then the PGF & also John Bindernagel who did go to the Site & managed to see a Sasquatch with his own eyes there ??

Does anyone know if JG saw ALL of the Footage that Erickson has anyway ??

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Guest HairyGreek

I'm sure you're not saying we should all sit around here giving each other false hope and generally ignoring the facts. The very essence of this forum should be to discuss and dissect, chip away at the layers of BS and hopefully reveal a kernel of truth. Isn't that's what it's all about??

And you would surely be correct. What I am saying, is there are people on this board doing exactly what you speak of and they are not doing it with raw speculation and negative hearsay. They do it by research presented in a professional and polite way which leaves the door open to learn more. The negatives ones...well, when they uncover anything but there own vitriol publicly, let me know. All I see is them causing more confusion and bitterness in a crowd that doesn't need much more of either.

As for the rest of your post, I would kindly direct you to mine a few pages back. You can't miss it. It is a nice long rant. I will say though, that just because Erickson was taken in by a hoaxer or two in his quest doesn't make him much different then anyone else on here. I wasn't expecting the second coming from this video in the first place.

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Guest Strick

No disrespect to JG of course, but why are you willing to find John Green's opinion that the Video is not as good as he had hoped, more set in stone than many others who have seen the Video & are in agreement that it's better then the PGF & also John Bindernagel who did go to the Site & managed to see a Sasquatch with his own eyes there ??

There is no consensus that Erikson has A1, HD, drop-dead wonderful footage. The trailer that he has produced suggests that he does and some people, Robert Lindsay for example, have certainly built up the footage to be something spectacular.

I have been struck by Meldrum's and Bindernagel's lack of enthusisam for the footage. Don't ask me for refs because they come from Blogtalk shows and I'm certainly not about to plough through those again. Yes, they might be limited on what they can say in public by the dreaded NDA's, but even so I hoped for more. Bindernagel has been extremely reluctant to discuss his Kentucky sighting and Meldrum has said something along the lines of "if it's not hoaxed, it's good".

The pattern I have seen emerging is not favourable, that's all I'm saying.

And Bobby, you said yourself that the screen grab resembled one of those 'mop dog' things :huh:

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