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For Those Who Walk Among Them

Doc Holliday

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original video. Deer in the wild, no feeders no baits. (note: at 2:50 in the vid two bucks play fight some, not a serious fight but more to establish dominance)


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It's a photograph of a creature habituated to a feeder. It might not look quite right to you, but it's something to study, to discuss. It's something.

What have you got?

Well, among the things I have posted are my avatar, which I might add, has been well discussed.

I've been thinking that the "deer" could be a coyote in a deer suit....

Are you willing to swear that it isn't?

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Your avatar that is upside down and 17' off the ground?

Look, it's an interesting picture, but it's hardly anything discussion worthy.

The deer photo just might depict a coyote wearing a deerskin suit. But it's a photo. It's something.

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Your avatar that is upside down and 17' off the ground?

Look, it's an interesting picture, but it's hardly anything discussion worthy.

The deer photo just might depict a coyote wearing a deerskin suit. But it's a photo. It's something.

Why would we spend 3 days & 3 pages discussing something that isn't discussion worthy?

I think you're trying to take the focus off your fake deer. I have it on good authority that it can crack your credibility when you do that.

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Dad gummit!!!!

Why do people keep getting their panties in a wad & running off right in the middle of important discussions???

You can't get a single thing discussed properly these days.

Incorrigible1, I hope your credibility didn't get cracked. Nobody will help you if it did.

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Why would we spend 3 days & 3 pages discussing something that isn't discussion worthy?

I think you're trying to take the focus off your fake deer. I have it on good authority that it can crack your credibility when you do that.

We've not been discussing your avatar. That was a week or two ago. Ya gotta keep up! :lol:

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We've not been discussing your avatar. That was a week or two ago. Ya gotta keep up! :lol:

Oh, wow, I'm glad you're back. I was worried.

Yes, we're discussing your fake deer.

Try to keep focused!

So far you have provided nothing but speculation & no proof whatsoever.

Now cough it up, or nobody will take you seriously anymore.

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Ok. Fun's over, I hope.

Sorry for all the BS, but it had a purpose other than me just trying to be cute.

The purpose was to show the rabid askers of ridiculous questions, how disgusted the askee can get when they are endlessly hounded, & no answer is ever good enough. It seems that no matter how civil, detailed, sensible, & concise the answers are, there is always somebody that has some kind of demeaning, BS comment that is only meant to stifle any further discussion & hopefully run the askee off or at least shut them up.

If you don't believe what someone says, that's fine, but endlessly being asked the same questions over & over, can get tiresome. Why don't you just say "I don't believe you" & move on to the next question or statement of some "known fact" you want to grace us with?

Seems that the slightest fragment of information that doesn't "conform" is immediately pounced on like a pack of wolves after a rabbit. Somebody regularly makes a comment about people that come here with "unsubstantiated claims", & how they are promptly debunked & sent on their way. Well, let me assure you, nobody can debunk the truth, & I ain't going anywhere until I get good & ready to, or get banned, whichever comes first. So all you debunkers just have at me, cause this old girl can give as good as she gets.

Incorrigible1, can we call a truce now? I promise to leave you alone if you promise to leave me alone.

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The purpose was to show the rabid askers of ridiculous questions, how disgusted the askee can get when they are endlessly hounded, & no answer is ever good enough. It seems that no matter how civil, detailed, sensible, & concise the answers are, there is always somebody that has some kind of demeaning, BS comment that is only meant to stifle any further discussion & hopefully run the askee off or at least shut them up.

Asking for a photograph or some semblance of evidence of your astounding stories is ridiculous and hounding you? That's running you off?

Mmmmkay. Sorry if I offended your evident fragile ego. Really.

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Apparently you aren't ready to call the truce.

I have repeatedly said I have no pictures that would be of any value that will be fourth coming.

What part of that do you not understand?

The few frames from the video that might be potentially valuable are not going to be posted here. Period.

I will not destroy their value by putting them here.

If you don't like it that's tuff.

Don't fret over my ego too much. I think it will survive along with my cracked credibility.

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Apparently you aren't ready to call the truce.

A truce would imply there was some previous hostility. I assure you I've not posted nor implied nor insinuated any hostility.

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I was using the word truce as it applies in this definition:

truce (truËs)


1. an agreement to stop fighting, esp temporarily

2. temporary cessation of something unpleasant

Although I'll admit that I was rather enjoying it.

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The few frames from the video that might be potentially valuable are not going to be posted here. Period.

I will not destroy their value by putting them here.

What type of value do you mean? Monetary? Scientific?

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