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You can talk paranormal so long as it is distinguished from anything that could be considered religious, or political.

Thanks, Aaron...Just wasn't sure about linking to it.


Well again, make sure the material being linked doesn't contain anything religious or political as it becomes part of your post. However, if there is something you think would be interesting that is either political or religious, you may post it in the Tar Pit. You have the 75 posts neccessary to be considered for membership.



I have a theory that is being tossed around in my head about these creatures and i want to pass it on to see the reaction.What if these creatures look at us as though we are Native Americans when we wonder off into their domain. That we some how click something with in there memories of thier past of them watching actual Native Americans. So when we find these tree formations they somehow resemble teepees and in some strange way is their way of invatation of them asking us to stay with them. It is just a thought, but i cannot think that these creatures some how behave just like our Native American s did way back then. That in some strange way they wish to be like us but nature has selected them to be the way they are. Is this conspiracy enough or do you need more. If they are here they must have been here for some purpose just like all of us , we all have been selected for a purpose that we all have no idea until our number runs out.

Guest Cowlitz2
Posted (edited)

Yes - Conspiracy Theory is a fact of Life, some of my experiences are founded in my work:

Military - I have first hand knowledge that our governments manages (tell lies) about info/material while was in the Navy during the cold war era. Sailors that figured out a likely scenario that was too close to the truth were hauled in and told to cease and desist or else, rumors that somehow got started were squashed, ships/subs coming in damaged got covered and the story was rough weather; and heaven help the one that got caught passing along info about our nuc - weapons. Then there are the Special Ops people - it just never happened.

AEC/DOE - go read some declassified material about our weapons production program and the impact on the environment. There are tons of reports sitting in govt libraries, but the catch is you have to have the background to understand what the detail is saying, and yes the magnitude of what was done to people and the environment is staggering.

If - Then:

For me, if the above is true, then what other programs drivers might validate the Conspiracy Theory? As has been said above, look for the motive (money, political pressure) for a coverup then assume it is a better than even chance that our agencies paid to protect us, will suppress and even lie about the evidence in question. For example here in WA we have the endangered species (e.g., spotted owl and native fish) situations:

Spotted Owl - just about bankrupted our timber industry here in WA/OR, based on the "fact" that the little owls would disappear if the old-growth timber went away. I had 600 trees on my land in Vancouver, WA and had a family of spotted owls happily nesting in my 22 foot trees. One can read forever about the fish on our Columbia River, and how the native salmon are endangered. Billions and billions are spent every year on this subject, and the theories about Cause and Effect are endless.

More and more I see these and many-many other issues get managed every year to the benefit of the few. So do government coverups occur - you bet by design, just in time and post-discovery. That is my reality....I wish I could still had the innocent, less complicated view of my youth.

Edited by Cowlitz2
  • Upvote 1

Interesting post, Cowlitz2. Thanks for sharing....no doubt there are a lot of things brushed under the proverbial carpet for our safety....


It dates back to my own sighting in Alaska which I reported to the Fish and Game there. The agent I talked too didn't sound surprised or to be laughing. In fact he took me seriously and informed me that they are called "Wildman". This was back in '95 or '96.

Ever since I've been doing minor reading on the subject and recently I've noticed the name Wildman used more and more.

Listened to several reports from David Paulides and he is also familiar with the term. An agent informed him that they have Wildmen who live in the mountains, having to do with several of the cases he used for his book.

David also comments on how difficult it is dealing with the NPS and obtaining information. How they seem to be taking orders from the FBI.

I'm sorry folks but it's staring us RIGHT in the face.

A certain agency in our government are very familiar with the bigfoot situation and they can't do anything about it. So their answer is to ignore it.

This brings me to the question of WHY can they not do anything about it? If BF was simply a "animal" and they caused even the minor incidents we hear about, the government would take measures. However, the government is ignoring the BF phenom (at least as far as we can see).

Is it because BF/Wildmen have knowledge of and access to extensive underground networks of which we aren't familiar with and thus can't pursue them? I believe in flat areas close to sea elevation such as in Florida, they can enter these caverns by swimming under swamps and lakes!

I'm not too confident Melba's research will come out, and if it does, it will be so buried in the media and ridicule that it will be useless! It will take a tremendous effort by the community, bringing things to light and making people think before we see any progress with wildman. Just my opinion...


I'm glad someone's catching on.


I'm glad someone's catching on.

Well, it sure as blazes took some of them long enough!

Guest vasquatch1984

Well, think about it like this....if people were to learn there was a super inteligent humanoid living in the woods, within NPS jurisdiction, don't you think that would put some people off from coming to visit and pay entrence fees? I know that the PA dept of fish and game does the samething about mountain lions. They don't want to lose the license fees they charge for hunting and fishing licenses. Frankly, id be more freaked about Mountain Lions, then BF

Guest VioletX

Yes, I agree about mountain lions.

What we need to do is to get Dan Brown to write all about it, part fiction, part expose ; )

Guest crabshack

be more freaked about Mountain Lions, then BF

We had a camp member several years ago shaken up deer hunting one day because one tried hard to stalk and pounce on him, shooting at the thing did not seem deter it.

But I wish I would have paid closer attention to a stack of deer found behind the camp one fall.

Guest vasquatch1984

Another part of it maybe that they don't want parkland flooded with gun toting nuts looking to get a peice of the pie as it were. Its probably column a and column b.

We had a camp member several years ago shaken up deer hunting one day because one tried hard to stalk and pounce on him, shooting at the thing did not seem deter it.

But I wish I would have paid closer attention to a stack of deer found behind the camp one fall.

A mountain lion or a bigfoot?
Guest crabshack
Posted (edited)

A mountain lion or a bigfoot?

mountain lion

Edited by crabshack

Has anyone submitted a FOIA request to actually see what the government says about it?


Guest vasquatch1984

mountain lion

Yeah....those things freak me out hardcore. I mean, yeah, BF is probably capible of messing you up, but a Mountain Lion is probably more likely to do so the a BF.

Has anyone submitted a FOIA request to actually see what the government says about it?


Yeah, the guy who wrote Missing 411 asked for statistics and according to the NPS, they don't really keep records on missing people statistic within boundries. Not to bring up that book in another thread, but what kind of department doesn't keep records that are THAT important? If they don't keep records of that, then they probably don't keep track of weird occurences in park boundry. Its basicly a huge PR thing.

Okay, let's use an analogy here. Say you ran a resturant. And that resturant was responsible for making a bunch of people very ill, what would you do? Admit to making to people sick and sink like a rock? Or would you spend some extra money to try to sweep it under the rug? Same thing here. The NPS makes millions of dollars a year in various fees. If something big were roaming around on NPS land, it could have multiple consequences, one could be loss of revenue, another could be loss of jobs and employee income due to it being zoned off limits and the other side could very well be a serge in visitations that could have a negative impact on the enviroment. So, if I were in the same boat, I would try to ignore it. I don't know if they're covering it up exactly, or playing dumb.

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