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Finding Bigfoot


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You can't catch a Bigfoot by sneaking up on it, this has been tried by great hunters over the years.

If you believe the PGF, then Patterson and Gimlin did...

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From last nights show: I remember that photo of the Bigfoot standing behind the guy picking up trash, but what was the consensus on that one here?

do you mean the guy picking up what appears to be a JACK LINKS bag???

Too funny.

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BFF Patron

Next to the original I inserted a barn owl illuminated by a night video camera. Although the feathers aren't distorted by motion blur notice the white patches the feathers produce under close IR lighting. I agree with the Vermont wildlife official who told the owner of the property that the subject in picture is an owl.


Taking a break from the trollfest for a second, wow a Ty sighting, great recall Ty thanks for the fact-based feathery hypothesis that's got wings.

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If you believe the PGF, then Patterson and Gimlin did...

Ding Ding Ding.........we have a WINNER!

And the Chopaka lake video and the Freeman video, so on and so forth. If your holding a camera filming the creature? You could be holding a rifle instead. It's simply a choice.

There are hunters and there are wildlife photographers. The problem of course with filming or camera shooting Bigfoot is that it is a myth and photos and film are subjective..........a body is not subjective. It brings a final closure to the debate once and for all.

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Guest Guest of Sasquach

Perhaps I am daft, but whay would anyone in their right of left mind be searching for Bigfoot ???

Clearly Sasquach is a form of human, more closely related to the american indian...

It has been my experiance that these bush people, tend to be very social, in that they walk with impunity from the arctic circle to the tip of south america, and from the beaches of California to the Forests of Main... :keeporder:

It could just be me, but if the TV Show BIGFOOT SEARCH ever dose find and tape a sasquach, it will be Game Over for them, so they are only really into bait and switch, what if's, and or cliff hangers...

It is a well proven fact, that chasing or harassing Bigfoot at night or any other time is a great way to get yourself dead... :o

As I have stated, Bigfoot or Sasquach is a social sort, and if they have a mind to, They will come to you...

This has been my experiance eversince I moved into their back yard... :buba:

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whay would anyone in their right of left mind be searching for Bigfoot ???

I do it as a hobby. In my opinion, searching for Bigfoot is safer and less expensive than skydiving or mountain climbing.

As for the rest of your post, I look forward to reading your experiences with BF.

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Actually, a hunter in Manitoba shot a sasquatch dead, one shot, from behind, at relatively close range in 1941, thinking it was the wounded moose he was tracking.

That's what he says; and there's no reason to doubt him. (His reported examination of the body revealed a number of subtle ape characteristics most laymen - and many scientists - don't know, which are reported from many other sasquatch encounters as well.)

It sounds like another one of those old far-fetched stories we conveniently can't verify because, well there's nothing left. Nothing is what we have with a tale like that there.

Here... it took me a while to find where this was hiding on the internet. I know this woman who interviewed the man, personally. Oddly, a lot of what he told her matches our experiences at a long term research area in Michigan. There are likely things he privately told her too, that never made it to this public report.



Edited by GuyInIndiana
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Here... it took me a while to find where this was hiding on the internet. I know this woman who interviewed the man, personally. Oddly, a lot of what he told her matches our experiences at a long term research area in Michigan. There are likely things he privately told her too, that never made it to this public report.



Hey, thanks. I had indeed found this, a long time ago; but hadn't seen it in a long time. Appreciated. A moving account. One can't consider any single report - or any body of eyewitness testimony, no matter how large or consistent - to be proof. But if anyone I've read had an authentic encounter, this man did.

Edited by DWA
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Guest Guest of Sasquach

I do it as a hobby. In my opinion, searching for Bigfoot is safer and less expensive than skydiving or mountain climbing.

As for the rest of your post, I look forward to reading your experiences with BF.

As you might have guessed, I do not search for Bigfoot...

Hay is expensive this year so it is best to take advantage of good prices when you can, last week I backed a 100 bails into an old pole barn that sasquach has been using for winter shelter for many years...

Last night is was 21 degrees, and sasquach was bitching about that for most of the night, it's nothing personal for me, but I need to keep my hay dry...

I guess I'm just lucky that the Big ones, have not resorted to throughing logs and rocks at my house or my trucks... :pardon:

It's kinda nice to be able to sleep at night, but unlike most of you, I do not need to search for these people, I only have to figure out how to get along with them... :o

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Welcome to the forum, Guest of Sasquatch!

I hope you figure out how to get along with your guys, because they can be fun to have around when they like you. :)

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Hey, thanks. I had indeed found this, a long time ago; but hadn't seen it in a long time. Appreciated. A moving account. One can't consider any single report - or any body of eyewitness testimony, no matter how large or consistent - to be proof. But if anyone I've read had an authentic encounter, this man did.

It's not even being told by the person that told it. That's some pretty unreliable evidence in comparison to the spectacular eye witness encounters we see on the show. They are first hand in front of a group of people at a meeting, there's no room to screw up your story there.

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It's not even being told by the person that told it. That's some pretty unreliable evidence in comparison to the spectacular eye witness encounters we see on the show. They are first hand in front of a group of people at a meeting, there's no room to screw up your story there.

Um, OK.

If spectacular is what you need, Tom Biscardi is SPECTACULAR. Check him out.

Every report gets checked out. Got an idea for you. Why don't you ask the FB people why they maintain that database of meaningless reports? Know what they will tell you? Those reports are as compelling as anythiing you see on FB. You should have been there when we interviewed that guy. Go 'head, try it.

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Now see, I thought some of those places they went to were places they had reports from which kind of makes you both right, right? Everyone gets a gold star! :sungum:

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Um, OK.

If spectacular is what you need, Tom Biscardi is SPECTACULAR. Check him out.

Every report gets checked out. Got an idea for you. Why don't you ask the FB people why they maintain that database of meaningless reports? Know what they will tell you? Those reports are as compelling as anythiing you see on FB. You should have been there when we interviewed that guy. Go 'head, try it.

Live interviews at a live meeting! There's a big difference when we know it's real.

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