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Rick Dyer Again

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Posted (edited)

I wish I could, say more, but it was just something I heard it from a good friend with inside info. Nothing concrete, but enough to keep me thinking it may be true.

Isn't that exactly what this whole thing has been? Just enough to make you think it MAY be true? That is how it is spun, just like news.

Look at previews to newscasts, tv shows! They all make you think there is more to the story.

Finding Bigfoot? Such drama each week in the previews. Then nothing.

It is called a sale.

Just like selling used cars, oh did I say that?

Edited by lhlyda

I wish I could, say more, but it was just something I heard it from a good friend with inside info. Nothing concrete, but enough to keep me thinking it may be true.

Thanks Sasfooty!

Horses are wonderful. Want to find peace, find yourself, see yourself? Want to learn patience, trust, loyalty, responsibility, humility?

Hang out with horses. They are magnificent therapy. And good for Squatching I hear, lol.

And now I'll don a leotard, of sorts, of my own. My riding tights, and go for a nice ride on my endurance gelding. It's a gorgeous day outside.

Keep calm and carry on!! And don't allow RD to reveal that body until I return, lol.

Hey happy riding! :)

Horses are wonderful. Want to find peace, find yourself, see yourself? Want to learn patience, trust, loyalty, responsibility, humility?

Hang out with horses. They are magnificent therapy. And good for Squatching I hear, lol.

And now I'll don a leotard, of sorts, of my own. My riding tights, and go for a nice ride on my endurance gelding. It's a gorgeous day outside.

Keep calm and carry on!! And don't allow RD to reveal that body until I return, lol.

That sounds like heaven! Have a fabulous ride!

Isn't that exactly what this whole thing has been? Just enough to make you think it MAY be true? That is how it is spun, just like news.

Look at previews to newscasts, tv shows! They all make you think there is more to the story.

Finding Bigfoot? Such drama each week in the previews. Then nothing.

It is called a sale.

Just like selling used cars, oh did I say that?

I know it's hard, but try to have patience. Sometimes you hit paydirt. Sometimes people aren't scammers. Trust that someone will look out for you, even if this situation isn't the one that "does it" for you. We'll look out for you! We'll help you have faith, even if you don't have any -- because some of us DO have faith (for good reasons, I might add). I do this all the time. I look to my friends who have faith, when I've lost my own. Theirs helps me be calmer. It will all be okay, seriously.


So LeafTalker - what is your take on this story? Do you think Rick Dyer found and shot a bigfoot that fateful day in San Antonio?

Sometimes you hit paydirt. Sometimes people aren't scammers. . It will all be okay, seriously.


And sometimes you don't. Sometimes they are scammers

I know it will be ok.

I haven't gotten this far in life depending that much on other people and their promises. I have trusted and have been rewarded. I have trusted and been disappointed.

In the case of BF, if this is real, I will be the same as I was before it was known. I will eat the southern fried crow, like a lot of other folks will.

But, if it is not real, then I will still be the same. I won't say I told you so.

But, RD has already put his name in BF history books, and he continues to keep selling the same story. This is the 3rd time.

Like I said, 3rd time is the charm I guess.


@lhlyda: Also, sometimes the best way to do an "end run" around your own impatience is to go out there and get the information yourself. I have felt (and very recently -- not in some dim past) the same frustration you have. Heaps and heaps of it. But you can use that frustration to fuel the motor in you that gets you to explore on your own. And please don't say there are no BF where you are. As many here have said, there ARE. So have fun. Take a friend, if you want to. Look around. Be loving and kind and RESPECTFUL -- i.e., NON-AGGRESSIVE (these are always the keys -- always, always, always, always), and you will someday (and maybe soon -- but you have to be patient in the woods, too!) be able to look at all this drama and marvel -- calmly -- at how silly we humans are.


I hardly think Rick Dyer is going to have to change his identity and enter his family into the witness protection program. Like 3 people believe him.

I think is also should be said that people who refuse to take Rick Dyer at his word and will expect that he produces just one shred of evidence before blindly following his ridiculously lame hoax attempt are not participating in "groupthink". Making excuses, dreaming up wild scenarios, and hanging on to the word of a scamming, con-artist is hardly anything that I would define as brave or courageous. Really? It costs nothing to say you believe him. And there are zero consequences to being completely wrong and mind-droppingly gullible. You're on an anonymous forum. It doesn't make you William Wallace to say you're sticking with Ricky no matter what. There needs to be a little perspective here.

Posted (edited)

I hardly think Rick Dyer is going to have to change his identity and enter his family into the witness protection program. Like 3 people believe him.

I think is also should be said that people who refuse to take Rick Dyer at his word and will expect that he produces just one shred of evidence before blindly following his ridiculously lame hoax attempt are not participating in "groupthink". Making excuses, dreaming up wild scenarios, and hanging on to the word of a scamming, con-artist is hardly anything that I would define as brave or courageous. Really? It costs nothing to say you believe him. And there are zero consequences to being completely wrong and mind-droppingly gullible. You're on an anonymous forum. It doesn't make you William Wallace to say you're sticking with Ricky no matter what. There needs to be a little perspective here.

I'm not anonymous here - but I think you are?

btw...your statement could also be applied to believing that Bigfoot exists? Some people would confidently state that there is 'not enough evidence', that people 'dream up' sightings and theories, and spend their time 'hanging on to' evidence contained within a few blurry photos. There are also 'zero consequences' to being 'wrong and gullible'.

Do you not know about freedom of speech?

Edited by JackiLB

So LeafTalker - what is your take on this story? Do you think Rick Dyer found and shot a bigfoot that fateful day in San Antonio?

I don't know, but I think it's entirely possible. Like you guys -- and largely THANKS to you guys -- I just don't see anything that is conclusive, one way or the other. So that leaves open the possibility that one poor guy (RD) did shoot another poor guy (a BF).

Okay, I'm about to go on a rant. Jacki, you know everything I'm about to say, so what follows is not an answer to you anymore, but my thoughts in general. (I say this because I use capital letters up ahead, and I don't want you to think I thought you needed any capital letters, anywhere.) :)

All the hubbub about RD's "character" is, in my mind, irrelevant. Although that hubbub, in the end, does connect to what this whole story is REALLY about.

It's about how we judge, and how we're not supposed to.

If you look into the background of every "hoaxer", in almost every case, you will find someone who had an honest, real interest in BF in the beginning, and then got slammed so hard by all us "judgers" that they couldn't think straight anymore and went off the deep end (or appeared to do so).

Which is their right to do.

And which is almost INEVITABLE.

If you slam someone, he will respond accordingly.

To require that we be able to "slam" someone repeatedly so that they "prove" themselves impervious to slamming is just, well, weird to me. Inhumane. Crazy. That's the standard? I can almost guarantee that NOBODY who has slammed someone else like that can THEMSELVES stand up under the torture of it. Because if they HAD been THEMSELVES tested in such a horrible way -- and PASSED the "test"; that is, held onto their beliefs, without striking back and trying to harm anyone else -- they would never do that to anyone else.

I'm not interested in anyone's "past". I'm only interested in their present, and what they give me in this moment. (And what I can give them in this moment. This moment only.)

I understand everyone's fear that they will look stupid if they back a "known hoaxer". But why is everyone so afraid of looking stupid? Oh yeah. Because of all of us judgers out there.

Maybe if we stopped judging, we would be less afraid of other people judging us, and then we could just look at the facts.

The way Jacki does.

The way Violet does.

If I were to make a prediction about this story, it would be this: RD WILL turn out to have had a body. Why? So each and every one of us gets to examine our own souls, and see how wrong it is to make assumptions about anybody. We can never know what is in someone else's heart, or what they are truly capable of. Like I said a while back, people upset our expectations of them all the time. Instead of looking for a way to be "sure" of every outcome (and every person), we should look for ways of enjoying the mystery, enjoying the process, enjoying the not knowing. And then we will be free to enjoy each other.

End of rant.



hanging on to the word of a scamming, con-artist is hardly anything that I would define as brave or courageous.

You cracked me up Arizona, especially with the William Wallace bit. ( love braveheart! )


I think I just got judged!



Maybe if we stopped judging, we would be less afraid of other people judging us, and then we could just look at the facts.

OK, let's look at the facts here.

Rick Dyer is a serial hoaxer.

That is the only fact we know.


End of rant.


That is a brilliant rant LeafTalker! Very interesting. Particularly this statement: If you look into the background of every "hoaxer", in almost every case, you will find someone who had an honest, real interest in BF in the beginning, and then got slammed so hard by all us "judgers" that they couldn't think straight anymore and went off the deep end (or appeared to do so). I am very very new to the Bigfoot community and one of my impressions from my first week of exploring Bigfoot blogs, was the amount of angry people there were. Angry and very paranoid people too. Defensive, hostile, aggressive - all very strange. Of course there are other people in our bigfoot world too who arent like that at all but many unhappy souls too. Now I am not saying that I feel sorry for Rick Dyer but I too have ignored his past and instead I see someone who is desperate for acceptance and praise and when people are driven mad with a desire for something, they do often achieve it. I think therefore that Rick Dyer may well have tracked down a bigfoot and in his desperation to prove he had achieved this, he shot it. I think it could be killing him inside too if he did shoot one. Maybe he is hoaxing again as he wants people to throw even more hatred and scorn at him. That would be so sad. But I think he is not lying. I think he wants acceptance and praise.
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