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Oh Dear, Another Body...

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What I find interesting is people who claim they have no interest in this topic, and think this topic is silly (or any other derogatory adjective), but still feel compelled to comment negatively towards those who are not claiming legitimacy. We don't know if this is true or not, but it could be true, just as easily as it could be false. And if we just ignore it, and it turns out true, then we, as Bigfoot Enthusiast would be remiss... And if it turns out false, well then this was fun and good practice for next time.

And the red quote below is another expression of that.


This is too silly beyond words, unless you owe Ed some kind of favor I think I would decline the meeting and further involvement, Melissa. Whether it is fair or not, you are judged by your peers. I see nothing to gain from this and only jeopardy to your credibility, but that's just me. I hate looking stupid, although I'm not always successful in avoiding it, but this seems like an obvious pitfall to avoid IMO.

No offense but why are you so concerned about this? This was brought up earlier in this thread and Melissa already addressed it. It's very clear that Melissa has been chosen as one of several people in the Bigfoot community, to ask questions and possibly receive more information. There's nothing in this that would implicate she was responsible for any kind of hoaxing or dishonesty.

Let's just relax and see what comes out. Melissa's reputation will be just fine.


Thank you for the lesson redbone and clearing up the confusion. :)


I just read the Ed Smith, about the rope and rescue Africa story on the Sasquatch Jungle blog. Where did this come from as the blog appears to be brand new?


OMG.......people please read the entire thread before posting your thoughts. You just might miss something. For the last time, Melissa is simply asking questions, in hopes to get some answers. I don't see how that would make her connected the "Daisy in the Box" scenario playing out before us.

Guest Sasquatchum

Thank you for the lesson redbone and clearing up the confusion. :)

Yes, thank you Redbone, I didn't realize you could access cached sites. I just wish people that have time to brew up falsehoods would put their energy into something productive. (I guess it doesn't help that folks like me are quick to judge either.) Sorry.

Guest roblester
Posted (edited)

Yes, thank you Redbone, I didn't realize you could access cached sites. I just wish people that have time to brew up falsehoods would put their energy into something productive. (I guess it doesn't help that folks like me are quick to judge either.) Sorry.

That was my bad. I read it laughing. And at the same time I was not sure. You never know with this topic.After the fact, and after redbones and others information, I thought everyone here was familiar with that guy. He made the video acting like he was on the phone with O-6, and stating Daisy had been released because of the Geneva Convention......People thought that was real also. I should have known better, and I should have not even posted it.....It was to late by the time I realized the fall out.

I also should have known not everyone reads entire topics, or follows them. It has been explained now 5 times......arghhhh

I did put a link up that is rather productive, but I guess it either got buried, or I am the only one that found it productive :)

Edited by roblester

Being so specific with the weights and the price to build a trap is very suspicious in my opinion. Too specific.

"2983 lbs stripped down "

"4206 lbs with N2 Tanks, Batteries, etc and no camouflage"

"Generally speaking $ 31,817.09 each"

Generally speaking?

Ed stated that the trap could be lifted by air. In the world of aviation, before every flight, the weight and moment (Center of gravity) of the aircraft and all cargo must be know so as not to exceed the aircrafts limits. Therefore, knowing the exact weight of the trap, in all its possible configurations (including weight of any occupant) would be absolutely known before a helo attempted to lift it.

Posted (edited)

Thank you for the lesson redbone and clearing up the confusion. :)

Yes, thank you Redbone, I didn't realize you could access cached sites. I just wish people that have time to brew up falsehoods would put their energy into something productive. (I guess it doesn't help that folks like me are quick to judge either.) Sorry.

I was happy to point that out. I knew something was up because I had already DONE a search for Ed Smith and Team Quantra.

There's no way that site and story would not have come up had it been there before.

I'm just glad the December version was still available. I saved a copy just in case.

I just read the Ed Smith, about the rope and rescue Africa story on the Sasquatch Jungle blog. Where did this come from as the blog appears to be brand new?

It was debunked a page or two ago. Somebody modified an old story to add Ed Smith and Team Quantra. I guess to be funny?

Edited by Redbone
Guest roblester
Posted (edited)

I was happy to point that out. I knew something was up because I had already DONE a search for Ed Smith and Team Quantra.

There's no way that site and story would not have come up had it been there before.

I'm just glad the December version was still available. I saved a copy just in case.

I should have said it also.....

Thank You redbone :)

Edited by roblester
Posted (edited)
I am interested in what people can fill me in on with this :http://intriguingphe...e-of-daisy.html
This is the easiest to debunk ever, Just scroll down to the bottom and read this,
Posted by Timothy Fasano at 3:45 PM
You cant trust a letter this guy types, never mind a word. he is driven by jealousy and resent. there is still many questions to be answered about the capture, but tim knows absolutely nothing at all.that stupid post he made at the beginning of all shows his true colors, he could say he was joking or what ever buthe is always out to inflict as much harm to anyone that has a chance of proving BF.

Look at the blog below, he is probably the culprit who changed the story about team Quantra.

Then, look at the post about Sharon Lee.that one goes to show how twisted he is, he says melissa is defending him, where she starts out by saying " While I disagree with everything this man says" LOL !! he doesn't even know when he is being insulted ! He takes the cake, he is one of reasons why it is so hard to get skeptics to give the subject a fair shake.http://www.bigfootbuster.blogspot.com/

Edited by zigoapex
Posted (edited)

Play by Play, Updated:

  • Dec. 27, 2012: First reported on MABRC forum & Facebook, followed by Bigfoot Evidence.
  • Report was of a text message leaked by Ed Smith.
  • The text was sent by a member of the Mid-America Bigfoot Research Center, Quantra Team (The Original 6).
  • The text stated "Daisy is in the Box", which is a code phrase for a Bigfoot (possibly Female) has been captured.
  • The Rumour Mill fires up.
  • Dec. 27, 2012: D.W. Lee does not deny the capture, and states that it did not happen in Oklahoma.
  • Dec. 28, 2012: Bigfoot Evidence reports that the Bigfoot Chicks interviewed D.W. Lee, who stated a trap was specially designed with a trigger set to close if a 350+ pound weight steps on a plate, and that a team of privately contracted scientist will examine the evidence.
  • Dec. 28, 2012: Ed Smith reports that the Bigfoot was moved from the capture site to the examination site during the early morning hours (12 miles between the two sites).
  • MABRC website crashes due to too many hits.
  • Tim Fasano says something false and not worth mentioning.
  • MABRC get their website back up and running.
  • D.W. Lee states that Ed Smith will be posting a 90 page document regarding the capture.
  • Dec. 29, 2012: More Rumours. Matt Moneymaker claims that no bigfoot has been captured. (I guess he's protecting his tv show, after all, Matt's out of work if Bigfoot is actually found; step aside Amateurs, step in Scientists)
  • Ed Smith states that he will not provide any further updates, and that any updates will come directly from Team Quantra.
  • D.W. Lee, MABRC Executive Director, has referenced us as people on the blogs, and we've been told to be patient.
  • Dec. 30, 2012: Midnight, BFF member and member of MABRC, Driveroperator, explains what he knows about "Team Quantra" & Ed Smith: A group of wealthy and technologically gifted college friends who have, for the past decade, been researching an area in Oklahoma with success, however Ed Smith was too eager to go public and therefore left the group. Ed says he left because between work, family & Bigfoot something had to go. MABRC was the organization of choice for "Team Quantra" due to Geographic convenience.
  • Jan. 01, 2013: Ed Smith states that he will hold a meeting in Houston on Jan. 02, 2013, between Himself and Quantra. This meeting will be to discuss setting up another meeting between Quantra, MABRC and select individuals.
  • JRid posts on BFF an Archived Radio Broadcast from 2009, in which Ed Smith elaborates on the capabilities of Quantra/Original-6. This broadcast is consistent with Driveroperator's post on Dec. 30. Bigfoot Evidence reports same broadcast a few hours later.
  • Driveroperator alludes on BFF to the possible involvement of legal council regarding Quantra's rights to possession of a specimen. This may explain the time delay & the 90 page document said to be forthcoming.
  • Jan. 02, 2013: Ed Smith clears up background and explains the evolution of the ORIG-6 to Team Quantra: 1.) ORIG-6 founded in early 1990's, small scale and fun. 2.) Early 2000's ORIG-6 research & projects become larger scale in multiple states. 3.) ORIG-6 dabble in DNA, but decide capture of a live specimen is best. 4.) Ed Smith designs a trap - Trap or Traps are fabricated in Tulsa by business associate. 5.) ORIG-6 use Oil & Gas business as cover to hide their growing Capture Project needs. 6.) Capture Project grows to 42+ participants. 7.) ORIG-6 cease operations in late 2011. 8.) Team Quantra formed in Virginia by former ORIG-6 members and like-minded business associates, June 2012. 9.) Quantra owns rights to past research and documentaries.
  • Jan. 02, 2013: Ed Smith states a meeting between himself & Team Quantra to take place this evening.
  • Jan. 03, 2013: Well over 24 hours pass without any update/communication from anyone at all.
  • Jan. 04, 2013: Melissa Hovey states on BFF that she is in private communication with Ed Smith, and that her questions are being answered. Melissa states she will publish the answers when she is done getting the answers.
  • Jan. 05, 2013: Ed answers Melissa: 1.) Ed Smith states that a "Bridging Group" of select "Independent Researchers", including Melissa Hovey are to have a meeting with Quantra, and will be shown extensive "Hard Evidence", which Ed has not yet witnessed. 2.) Ed Smith names a Randy Harrington regarding the documentary DVDs. 3.) Ed Smith describes "The Trap".
  • The Trap: 1.) Not a Clam Shell Trap. 2.) A Crate made of Steel, Aluminum and Carbon Fiber. 3.) Dimensions (in feet): 11.5W x 17.8L x 8.2H, weight 4200 lbs. 4.) Triggered by 2 weight sensing modules that blow explosive cylinder trip latches, snapping a sliding door shut!. 5.) Oxygen is temporarily removed (replaced with Nitrogen) to make specimen unconscious, then tranquillized. 6.) Powered by 6 to 8 12volt batteries in a 24volt configuration. 7.) Baited, variable camouflage capabilities & easily transportable. 8.) 8 traps in total, 6 in the field, 1 stand-by, 1 reserve. 9.) Equipped with remote communication, video, and monitoring. 10.) Research Team response time to capture site is 6 minutes; research sites all on private land. 11.) Cost per Trap: $31,817.09
  • A False article regarding "Team Quantra & an African Sasquatch" is circulated. Article intended to be humorous. Only person laughing is Tim Fasano.

Edited by Mounty

CTfoot said:

I owe no one anything - not even Ed Smith - so lets not start that. If people don't understand the difference between the person making the "claim" and the person(s) reporting the facts - that is not my problem to deal with. You are also assuming I will be the only person in attendance at this meeting - I will not be - IF it even happens.

I am treating Ed like any other witness. It is up to him to prove his claims - not me.

Unforunately it will be your problem whether you like it or not. You know that old saying, "If you lie down with dogs you get up with fleas". I would try to keep the more exotic fleas off my reputation since it's a matter of trying to pick the dubious from the even more dubious in bigfoot world. If you do not owe Ed any favors then why bother with this nonsense?

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