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Bigfoot, Fire, Weapons, Tools And Other Oddities

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Posted (edited)

HRP - Even if I said I know what you're going through I can't ... each experiences things differently but I can pat your shoulder and say its gets better. It always does! It started early in my life. My very first friend peddling his bicycle to my house as a first grader with toys in his arms was run over in front of my house. My own dad passed from injuries as result of a crime and my younger brother a year later ....that was just a few years before my friends did .... I know what I went through. That's just outside of the job!


I was working when another friend called one night. His wife in the last stages of hospice at home was ready. He called and asked me stop by and talk with his kids as his wife passed. 


When my Dad passed, my friend the attorney handled the legal probate issues, and while I was off on medical and on crutches, (duty related injury) I chose to  eulogize for my Dad. I seen it as my duty and honor.... My favorite little niece, a cute little quick witted girl, standing there next to me .... a few years later she herself was killed in a car crash ... brother I seen my fair share but it gets easier with each passing day believe that.  


For me, I know what I went through and had nobody to tell me what to prepare for and all. So I made it my business to pass along what I learned to others in order to make their journey down that rough path a little easier ....   


One of the best things I could have ever done to prepare me for life was taking a class called: Death, Dying and Bereavement. I donated all of my school and professional books to the Salvation Army this past summer and I will donate my paperbacks that I read to the VA hospital. The book I mentioned may be acquired on Amazon for cheap as a used book.  


Some people and some in academia believe they see a light blue whitish wisps of light the moment of passing. I never seen it, suicide's, homicides, natural, accidents - not once. Maybe I don't know how to see it?


I could go on but we're off topic ....

Edited by Gumshoeye

Yeah it is off topic but I find myself humbled at your personal experiences and the manner in which you handled them.


To get it back on topic, if BF uses fire, weapons, tools, and other oddities, one would think that discovery is just around the corner as surely there would be viable evidence that could be garnered if this were true.


It is much easier for my mind to cope with an as yet undocumented animal, since new species are found quite often, than it is to attribute extraordinary attributes to BF.


HPR - You are very perceptive! Yes, we have wavered a bit, led astray by life and all of its colorful bumps and nuances .... Before going any further though, how long was BFF down for? Just curious ....


I think most of the day yesterday. I'm an early riser and tried to log on around 4:30 yesterday morning and couldn't. I tried throughout the day and finally e-mailed See-Te-Cah NC about it last night. He responded quickly and said he had made the proper notifications regarding the outage.


I woke up this morning and it is back up and running.


Those things are going to happen and most people have lives, jobs, and are not around here 24/7.


gigantor, the best tech guy there is IMHO, fixed the issue as soon as he became aware it appears.


The forum is really fortunate to have him. He mainly works behind the scenes but is a VERY vital cog to the forum.

Guest lightheart
Posted (edited)

HRP It is hard to wrap your mind around them being some sort of hominid. It would just be more mentally comfortable if they were some type of animal. When I first started hiking and mountain biking in the area where I go that is what I thought too. I was ok with the idea that they were some animal yet undiscovered in the PNW but in Florida? ( Florida actually ranks ahead of Oregon in the number of reported sightings) (Also had an experience in WVa with my dad)

In the last year I have spent a lot of time hiking and observing the area. In terms of tools I think that since they are stick tools that they are using they are hidden in plain sight (just lying around where they used them.) These tools are super primitive. The spears are just cedar with the tip broken in half to form a rudimentary point. I have seen nothing which would indicate any advanced working of the points etc.

As far as intelligence I do not believe that they are dumb apes and yet I do not think it is wise to romanticize them and think them superior either. They may have a type of intelligence that is difficult to measure . Their stealth capabilities are uncanny and at the same time they seem to do things that are almost childlike. They may lack the frontal lobe development of humans and are therefore unpredictable when they are afraid. I think it is wise to use abundant caution since at whatever level they are functioning at mentally they are wild...

Edited by lightheart

That's a really thoughtful post lightheart and I appreciate your sharing your experiences with me and the forum. Takes some measure of courage and knowledge to do that.


I'm all about mental comfort given what is going on in my life at the moment.


The Grooming Video changed my life and perspective on the subject.


It seemed to confirm my previous belief that if BF truly exists that it had to be an animal/undocumented species.


In KB Hunter's interview of Cliff from Finding BF on The BFF Blog he said he believed it was an as yet undocumented species I think.


Dude gets to research some of the most prime areas due to the show.


But I find myself constantly learning and intrigued from folks like yourself.


HRP - Thank you my friend, I understand just wondering and good to see you wide-eyed!


Hello Lightheart, I read your post and found out to be most agreeable with my understanding on a few points. Stealthy and intelligent but infallible to some degree .... The frontal lobe concept is a very interesting point, but until science is able to examine the brain of one isn't that simply conjecture though? Its far too early in the morning for me to challenge a good post like this. When I read reports of these things entering a house sleeping on bed, turning and unlatching a door or even reaching through a roof ventilation to grab a chicken because the door is locked, demonstrates some sort routine requiring some use of the frontal lobe.

"They may lack the frontal lobe development of humans and are therefore unpredictable when they are afraid. I think it is wise to use abundant caution since at whatever level they are functioning at mentally they are wild..."


If true, what does that mean for those practicing gifting and all? Sounds like a reasonable caveat to me.

Guest Divergent1
Posted (edited)

As for the clothes and fire, I don't know, like chimps and bonobos you might have the outlier bigfoot that would emulate what he might see human's doing.  Taking the occasional item of clothing or starting a fire with a found lighter for example.....how would you know if the evidence was bigfoot related if you found a shirt in the woods or evidence of a fire? I would assume a human did it.


It's the same thing with rock tools, I'm not sure I would recognize the remnants of flint knapping if I saw it, or the discarded stone tool. If I did, once again, I would attribute that evidence to some human doing it.

Edited by Divergent1
Posted (edited)

It is always wise I think to consider more *plausible* reasons for a strange occurrence before jumping to an immediate conclusion of BF.


Lends the subject more credibility if we impose a first measure of scrutiny rather than jump to an immediate conclusion.


I've had a couple of strange things happen to me while in the woods. I've shared them here and some said that it was a BF and could not believe I did not immediately accept it as such.


I always sought to first find a more plausible reasoning such as humans.

Edited by HRPuffnstuff
Posted (edited)

My reckoning comes from several reported findings from people in the field or woods who first make an unsolicited contact. That chance encounter led to the thing fleeing back to the cover of thickets or wooded tree lines. The pursued turned pursuers follow the path and discover freshly gnawed bones of a variety of animal carcasses, a strange bedding nest and the general area appears as though it served as some sort of primitive campsite. In some cases, not all, the witness (es) report finding freshly burning embers and sometimes a bloodied piece of lumber they describe as "club," or in street vernacular "the ugly stick."


When I read one of these things I rolled my eyes and yawned, noting the date and location. When I read another totally separated by time and distance featuring similar claims it raised an eye brow and when I read three or four, maybe more I knew it was something that needed to be brought to the table. Are there hundreds of these instances, no at all. But even one event would be suffice to raise reasonable questioning. That is one reason why I found an earlier post proposing the lack of frontal lobe issue particularly interesting. The frontal lobe as I know controls memory, ability to do and learn routine things that seem menial in nature but necessary in our everyday lives to function. In that previous post he did not mention the left or right hemisphere portions of the brain which have entirely different functions on the human being.   

Edited by Gumshoeye
Guest lightheart

I completely respect Cliff's observations and those of others who have put in countless hours in the field.

Since I have heard them mimic words and in Central Florida actually speak what sounded like sentences in a language pattern with accented syllables and intonation, to me that indicates that at least the ones in this area have some sort of proto language. I know this is hard to take in but all I can do is draw rough conclusions based on experience. I find myself constantly re-evaluating everything as I accumulate more experience in the field.

I do not gift. My goal is to learn and at the same time do no harm. I know others have had good luck with this but in my situation with other hikers passing through my area I feel that it could be irresponsible....No way to be sure so better not take that chance.

Regarding frontal lobe development I am not suggesting no frontal lobe development at all ....just maybe that they primarily use different areas of the brain than modern humans and therefore might not have that area as developed as we do. Their skulls seem to have a different shape than ours which con be a contributing factor.


The *chatter* often described and even recorded has always intrigued me.


Wish I could hear something like that.

Guest lightheart

I am a language teacher/ professor but not a linguist so this is pure conjecture on my part. I will say that it sounded like words. It was different than the Sierra Sounds, but there was rhythm and phrasing....statement and response. Honestly it blew me away. It went on for about 3 hours with some random pounding on objects and some distant woman screaming that I recognized from my experience with my dad. I sometimes struggle to make sense of these experiences as any grounded normal human would. Every answer just leads to more questions. I just enjoy my tromps through the woods and try to hold all this loosely. There is time to continue to ponder and explore this mystery...(:

Posted (edited)

Yeah, I've never considered myself an expert of any sort having not had a firsthand experience I could directly associate with BF.


I have my parameters of which I'm willing to believe, but they often shift with the relating of others experiences. Some just know more than I do through personal experiences. I reckon I am cool with that.


I no longer reside on the fence after viewing The Grooming Video and have no doubt that BF exists.


I'm trying to zero in on exactly what it is.


Easiest thing for me is to say an undocumented animal.


We all have differing levels of belief.


I think we just have to read others experiences, respect their courage for coming forward, and decide on a personal level if that fits what we are willing to accept.


We all have to have a certain level of acceptance or we would not be here on this forum.


Unless one is a scoftic and just here to demean.


I have no respect for them.

Edited by HRPuffnstuff
Guest Divergent1

Are you allowed to describe in detail what you saw in the video HRP? If you have, can you link me to it?

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